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Dave Jones

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Everything posted by Dave Jones

  1. Just found the report, doesn't sound promising. http://pages.cdn.pagesuite.com/9/a/9a6d1c4b-7079-4260-b25f-fbcb51de7203/page.pdf
  2. http://www.savecoventryspeedway.com/news.php?extend.97 Already arranged with regard to the Bees situation
  3. Yes, I realise that, but TWK was responding to a post about another company who are also involved in building in Poole, who we understand also own the Brandon site.
  4. It's not the stadium . They are wanting to build flats on a site about 1 mile away near the Poole Hospital.
  5. I seem to remember he was" on another planet" at other stages of his life too. Allegedly
  6. Hopefully we won't see him running any clubs again.. A step in the right direction for British Speedway IMO.
  7. Also what about the properties he stated that he wanted to buy when he first arrived , to house the top stars that he was going to get to ride for the bees. That's more assets,............. Isn't it?
  8. Funniest part of all this is that Starman actually put a like onto your post.
  9. https://coventryobserver.co.uk/sport/its-a-scandal-that-bees-arent-racing-this-year-says-former-coventry-boss-peter-oakes/
  10. Let's hope that the council have their heads screwed on and make sure that there is some sort of contribution. I'm sure that the save coventry group will have done their sums and that they are confident that it would be viable, otherwise why would they bother.
  11. Brandon Estates painting the poorest picture possible in their attempt to change the view of the council.. Only to be expected really. This is just round 1.unfortunately.
  12. Except that it isn't a Brummie accent. It's " Black Country". It makes a huge difference to West Midland residents.
  13. Latest via the CET. http://www.coventrytelegraph.net/news/coventry-news/brandon-stadium-speedway-coventry-bees-13675775
  14. I see Shovlar is still here spouting his usual garbage. I think he must have been booked on one of those cancelled Ryanair flights to Rome.
  15. Has it ever occurred to you that if theses guys got their act together there might not be any debts to settle?
  16. Time for Buster to place his foot onto rung two of the ladder and deal with this blatant abuse of the "sick note".
  17. Oh the irony Speedibee complaining about supposed "offensive posting". Just have a look around the topics and see the quality of some of his stuff.
  18. http://www.savecoventryspeedway.com/news.php?extend.87 A more reliable/trustworthy source of info I would suggest.
  19. Just needs british speedway to show the likes of Holder, Batchelor,Schlein, etc the door. Don't select them for any teams = no permits, problem solved. We don't need the disruption they cause, and I,m sure if an example was made the problem wouldn't be so great in future.
  20. Considering that the stadium owners have allegedly been " done over previously" by Phillips and our " BSF friend Midland Robin" I would imagine they will be very cautious over who they allow to take the reigns at Perry Barr. I am pretty sure that If Tony Mole hadn't stepped in after the last episode the Brummies wouldn't be around now. Horton has a history of leaving clubs in a much poorer state than when he takes them on, so extreme care is required IMO.
  21. Never heard of him ? He ls a new name to the forum with 4000+posts, turns out he's Gater 1 in another disguise. you know him he's one of your many aliases. Clown!!!!
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