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British Speedway Forum

Dave Jones

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Everything posted by Dave Jones

  1. Shows the credibility of the club. Not common in today's speedway unfortunately.
  2. I think you will find that if a cricket game is called off without a ball being bowled then a full refund is given.. I can't think of any justifiable reason for keeping a supporters cash if the entertainment fails to go ahead.
  3. More importantly , do you have a plan for reimbursing the guy who posted earlier, who stated he wouldn't be able to make any re-arranged meeting?
  4. Desperation strikes, forums are for opinions if you hadn't noticed..
  5. You are beginning to sound like someone who has an interest in the Bees /Leicester situation, something I suspected as soon as you started posting on here. Just to let you know you are wasting your time with me , your approach has been used many times over the years and "cuts no ice".
  6. For such a new poster you certainly have an aggressive manner. Anyhow I think you've missed the point of my previous post . In case you're struggling with it take a look at the highlighted piece and have a think.
  7. I don't know about positive ,but they have started the season in someone else's manor. For many that is a huge drawback.
  8. Huge thanks to everyone at the group. That's a brilliant piece of work, and whatever the eventual outcome, the fans will appreciate you put up an excellent fight. Here's hoping for a positive outcome.
  9. It shouldn't be rained off , I'm here at home 160 miles away from Wimborne Rd and i can say there's no reason to call this off.
  10. For the benefit of the motormouth from Poole. http://www.speedwaygb.co/news.php?extend.34090
  11. http://www.goddenengineering.co.uk/ I think Don passed away 5 or so years ago
  12. http://www.savecoventryspeedway.com/news.php?extend.136.1&utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=twitter The latest update on the efforts to save Brandon.
  13. Don't get holding your breath on those three questions.
  14. It's very interesting that the guy who is fronting up the Save Coventry Group, who has probably put in hundreds & hundreds of hours of time and effort into trying to save the stadium for future use stated quite clearly on radio last night that he wouldn't be attending Leicester because he didn't believe that a team racing there & competing at the lowest level represented the Coventry Bees. i wonder if all the posters on this topic who keep telling those of us who have expressed the same opinions, that we are trying to " kill the club" would accuse Jeff of being of the same mind?
  15. Whenever i read this sort of stuff, it just confirms to me that a nerve has been touched somewhere, and it's usually from some speedway insider that can't cope Why don't you come clean and let us know who you really are, don't be shy there are others on here doing the same type of thing so you wouldn't be alone.
  16. I think the majority understand that , whatever the outcome it has been a massive effort by all concerned to get so much support for retaining the stadium.
  17. Because some Knucklehead decided to start another..
  18. Then of course it could be said that KK often "went missing " at meetings, something Bomber can't be accused of.
  19. try here. Filmed by JSD Videos http://classicspeedwayvideos.com/coventry.html
  20. http://www.savecoventryspeedway.com/news.php?extend.128.1&utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=twitter Question answered. The main issue here is that whilst BE have been messing about with this, more stadium damage has occurred , but I suppose it suits their "master plan"
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