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Everything posted by bruno

  1. I've just bought it for the first time for ages.hope your wrong
  2. She would have realised especially Harris cuz he looks like one of my brothers!I'm not a speedway moaner btw and I still attend regular at the wood and monmore and try to get to other tracks although not as much this year because I've found the guest situation a bit of a farce.read one of your posts and you said you only attend now and again,why's that?genuine question not a dig
  3. Just tried to explain this to my wife who hates speedway.I tried because she actually enjoyed the last gp and is looking forward to Saturday's gp in torun.however after trying to explain this farce I reckon her future support of speedway has just gone out the window
  4. Thought the camera shots were superb as well.even tho I couldn't understand a word everything seemed really professional.the passion of the fans was great as well and the riders looked like it meant something to them
  5. Yeh brilliant bike control.well I thought I was in for a boring Sunday evening but really enjoyed that.roll on next season!
  6. Thanks for that got it on.picture stops now and again but my computers ancient.wish I'd tried watching this months ago.oh well there's always next year!
  7. bit thick im afraid but if I click on this and registar my email is there any chance of this cocking my computer up
  8. Shouldn't the season end end of September rather than October.challenge matches or the like could be held in october
  9. Phil,if batch misses out on a top 8 what do you reckon his chances of a pick are
  10. I reckon batch deserves another crack next year but will proberly not get a pick.not a blue eyed boy I reckon
  11. Thanks for that,it's only a very small minority but in the 5years we have been back there have been quite a few incidents. I suppose eventually mud sticks or could do
  12. I'm not sure the racing was as good as being made out but the meeting just about had everything.a good night of tv.as for nickis reactions I thought it showed his determination and will to win.what's wrong with that I agree Greg wouldn't have reacted to a woman like that but it would be a boring world if we were all the same
  13. That poor decision could have cost nikki number 4
  14. Trouble with going for ex cradley riders is that most are pl reserves at best.a couple could be classed as second strings but I don't reckon there's many who could be genuine heat leaders and definitely no one is an out and out number 1.the difference between nl and pl is massive.must admit I'm a bit fed up of nl but it's not my decision or money to gamble.interesting times ahead
  15. Joker decides again.for god sake get rid of it.it only taints the result even if it makes it closer
  16. Maybe this year it was better to get to the final because in reality it's to early for the youngsters but I reckon next year we should go the USA way.drop Harris stead and maybe king and go with the kids
  17. There's no other country out there who are much better than us than maybe Sweden.the yanks without Hancock are no where near us.totally agree stead king and Harris are out of there depth but if nothing else getting to the final might inspire the youngsters to step up
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