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Everything posted by bruno

  1. It was the reason none of us bothered we knew it wouldn't get to the end, never a doubt
  2. Just given the practice a watch after not bothering since the first round and quite enjoyed it surprisingly
  3. So if the BSPA try to introduce something ridiculous in theory the SCB can stop it?
  4. I know folk say use it or lose it but speedways no different to anything else, if it's rubbish your not going to keep paying. Maybe slightly different but used to have loads of pubs round by me but they were all rubbish with rubbish beer and atmosphere and some still in the 50s never mind 70s. Should I have kept using them to keep them open. No chance. On the other hand my local of 20 years is a 50 minute walk and although dated in appearance (speedway?) with no tv's , food or entertainment serves cracking beer so worth supporting. Point of my drivel? Speedway may be dated and can't do a lot to modernise itself but if the basics are rubbish ie the racing then it's doomed
  5. Tbh the sports going to be dead soon so why not try something different
  6. Hate to say it but more chance of Jesus Christ resurrecting, I fear for the Panthers future sadly
  7. Thought I was at the age now where I let everything go over my head especially in speedway but this decision has done my head in. Bonkers. Absolutely no point
  8. If we , sorry them had held on at Swindon i think the play offs were possible. Long shot now id have thought
  9. Track being criticized by a Poole and Stoke fan lol
  10. Maybe but compared to the last couple of visits by bt to Poole this is far superior, was it the last tv meeting the Poole track was a right shambles
  11. I'm fast giving up on this shambles of a sport well the idiots who run it anyway
  12. Bonkers having King and Bomber what a waste surely it's better to let some youngsters sample the atmosphere
  13. Y eh Wikipedia has Havvy on 9 after 4 riders but he must have been 3rd in his fourth ride so was on 8. Tbh I thought Sam had won it after 4 riders but I never rely on my memory these days. Looks like it's better than Wikipedia tho. Lol
  14. Must admit i couldn't remember but Havvy was on 9 with Sam on 12 and they met in heat 20. Sam came last but Havvy only managed 3rd
  15. Just checked it out and forgot that if Havvy had won heat 20 he could have had a run off with Sam to retain the title
  16. Makes me realise how lucky I am even to have the old enemy a coup!e of miles up the road and a few other tracks not too far away
  17. Well I reckon that's got to be the best meeting I've seen at The Abbey , the new tracks a massive improvement. Well done to Swindon but Wolves threw it away. No out and out number 1 is the problem. Decent crowd as well. Thought it was great seeing the Robins fans going bonkers in the last heat. A bit of passion from speedway fans. Who would have thought it
  18. Definitely on tv i remember Olsen being interviewed seem to remember Gary Newbon? I think interview him
  19. On a different point, for two heats tonight the sponsors ,i presume ,were allowed to watch from the center green. There was over 50 on the center green including officials etc. Is this an incident waiting to happen. Don't get me wrong I hate h&s namby pamby rubbish as much as the next person but I looked at the amount on the infield and thought a runaway bike could cause carnage here
  20. Bombers had a cracking career and very nearly got to the elite, there was a spell (short maybe) when he was arguably riding as well as anyone but those days have long gone
  21. From viewing that what was the Marshall doing in the middle of the track, no wonder Cookie lost it . No excuse for the headbutt but doesn't look as clear cut as first seemed
  22. Looking forward to Thursday Sidney the Wolves don't always do to well down there but could be a close one after only being there a few weeks ago, my first visit to the new track. Always enjoy my Swindon visits even tho the racings not been great the last few years. Hopefully better on Thursday
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