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Everything posted by villiers210

  1. All done, and I wish you all the very best for the return of the Wildcats.
  2. I cant find the start time for this one. Anybody know? Thanks in advance.
  3. You totally misunderstood me. I was agreeing with your point of there being 3 pointers who would ride for a tenner a point - at Buxton and elsewhere. I am not for one minute suggesting that any team should be made up in total of the likes. The point I made about earning just 50 or 60 quid a meeting is common sense - nobody can make that pay when they have to maintain their own equipment, unless they have income or help from another source. With regard to your point about the crowd sizes at Dudley if the opposition was poor somewhat baffles me. Dudley supporters WILL be there no matter what the opposition. I have supported this club since 1963, and even when we we ourselves had something to celebrate if we didnt finish bottom, the crowds were still there the same size. After Scunthorpe completely anhialated us this season, the crowds still turned up in their droves for our next home match, when there was nothing more certain than we were going to take a beating. I am not knocking any other club here. Why would I? I want the NL to be bigger next year with more clubs no matter what. I have nothing but respect for the riders at Buxton - after all they have always given us something to think about!!! But I'll tell you what else I have nothing but respect for. The thousands of pounds that the ordinary supporter (not sponsors) at Dudley raised for the riders, some of which greatly assisted 3 of them for the trip to Sweden to represent their country. I know this sort of thing all comes down to crowd size at the end of the day, but like I said in my original posting, we must be doing something right to pull such crowds. Here's to more great Dudley vs Buxton meetings in 2012
  4. and I would totally agree with that. I can think of 3 pointers who would give their hind teeth for a team place even at a tenner a point. And I fail to see for the life of me how any rider on a 5 or 6 point average earning a tenner a point cannot lose money riding speedway. Now if they have decent sponsors, thats another matter.
  5. and er excuse me - where did I say they were???? You need to learn to read! Jon Armstrong has a full time job apart from speedway. Kyle Newman rode EL & PL to increase his income. Adam Roynon rode PL to increase his earnings. If you have inside information as to how much our riders are earning - pray do tell!! What I said was that I do not know to 1 rider who makes money out of riding in the NL. Tell me 1 if you KNOW this not to be the case. On the other hand (as I strongly suspect) you see a sucessful club like Dudley and automatically jump to the conclusion that they are paying their riders fantastic amounts. Same old, same old.
  6. and at the risk of being insulting to you, perhaps someone should look at why our gates are 4 times the size!! If a club who has been defunct for as long as ours has to come back and get such crowds, we are obviously doing something right. As far as pay restraints in the NL are concerned, I would love to know why it is that you are assuming that Dudley would "outbid" anyone. Lets be totally fair here, you name me one rider who makes money from riding in the NL cause I dont know to any.
  7. Really dont understand what you actually mean here.
  8. Im loving all this. You know why? Not a Dudley supporter in sight. Ah well - at least it gives us a rest
  9. Brilliant night. 13 out of the 14 riders gave an excellent display on what was a tricky track. Fantastic to see Royno back to something like full fitness. But my man of the match? Without any shadow of a doubt it just HAS to be Robbo. 20 years since he rode competitive speedway and he score 7 paid 9 from 4 outings. It was a 110% heart and soul performance that was a privelage to watch. And if you want to tell me that he shouldnt have been riding because the NL has no place for older riders returning to the sport - don't bother 'cause I aint listening.
  10. Yeah - and at long last he also remembers where the green start light is now!!!!
  11. I understand your allegiance, I really do, and I sincerely wish you all the best in what you are trying to achieve. I have enjoyed many forms of motor sport over many years, but please forgive me, if I choose to give my allegiance to one particular team in a particular league. That is my prerogative, but I am at a total loss as to why you make the statement "you Cradley fans always think you are gods gift to speedway". On what are you basing this accusation? I would have thought that someone in your position would have chosen your words more carefully, and been a little more professional in your approach, rather than to alienate the very people you are attempting to take up your cause.
  12. Get off your high horse will you? Just so that you may be better informed, Mark is an ex Cradley rider who though never hit the big time, was a favourite with the fans as he was born and bred on the doorstep. Add to this the fact that since Dudley returned 2 years ago, he has helped out young riders in the Dudley camp. Add to this he has many, many friends who are Heathens supporters, then you tell me why he should not have a ride in a challenge match if he so desires? Dudley gave a chance to a young rider this year who had no experience of "racing", and as it proved, he was not ready for league racing. He did the club no good, and more importantly, he did himself no good either. It must have been totally demoralising for the lad. I wish him all the very best in the future - perhaps when he has had more training he will make the grade, and I for one, sincerely hope he does. I also want to ask you - before having a go, did you care to check the average age of the Dudley team this year? I am sick to the back teeth of people telling us that the NL is a training ground for British Speedway, and we should only be using raw young talent. Yes, I accept the point that being the lower league, it has a responsibility to find and nurture young talent, but it also has a responsibility to give the fans the chance to see racing, not a 4 lap procession. After all, like I've said time and time again, even NL has to be entertaining to the fans. Given boring racing with complete novices all the time and the fans will disappear. No fans = no NL. By the way, the heading of this post is "Dudley sign a 43 year old". How inaccurate can you get? He is having 1 meeting in a challenge match. What exactly has he "signed"? Now let me wind you up as I pose this thought to you. Perhaps your time would be better spent complaining to certain PL teams who turn up fielding no number 7 on a night when there is no NL meeting, and dozens of NL riders available who would give their back teeth for the ride!!!
  13. Having seen the facility in Eskilstuna for myself recently, I couldn't agree more Rob. Mind you, some of us are having enough difficulty finding a facility for the 1st team let alone youngsters!!!! Don't lets be under any illusion here, British youngsters and eventually team GB could be just as good as any other in the world - if only we had the facilities to train the kids from a young age. Even though Im a Heathens supporter through and through, I do try to see 14 riders at a match and not just 7, but even so, I have supported all British youngsters like never before this year. The likes of Joe Jacobs, Kyle Newman, Brendan Johnson etc etc deserve all our help and support. These youngsters are 100% committed and I just hope that at the stage of their careers that they find the sponsorship they deserve. 'Ommer 'Um
  14. To be fair to Tim, I dont think its a case of "picking and choosing" in this instance. As I understand it, he has totalled his own equipment and was on borrowed machinery at Plymouth. Looking forward to this one no end.
  15. Er - you're not being serious????? As it was you that made the initial claim that Dudley had NO assets (contrary to the statements that the club have made) perhaps it should be you that comes up with the proof to back up your claims. Secondly, how is replying to a posting that wasnt made to you out of order on a PUBLIC forum? I think that te word forum means a place for "open" discussion.
  16. Possibly because he is entirely eligible, and his NL average is only 7.70. Where's the problem?
  17. Totally agree that looking long term, we have done the right thing if it meant we could only have used 2 of these 3. AND, what people must take into consideration, was that Kyle said right from the beginning, and repeated several times over, that he would NOT take a team place once Adam was back. I suppose that's the kind of honourable bloke he is. Loved having him in Heathens colours this year. Hes a fantastic rider with a big future, and a genuinely "nice bloke". I am sure that our future results would have been better if we could have "jiggled things round", but remember also that this season has not got long to run - we should have one eye on next year. Talking of which, theres one rider in particular I'd be keeping an eye on for next year. With his current average he would be a real bargain. Have a look through the averages and see if you can find him!! 'Ommer 'Um
  18. I can't argue with that in the slightest. You beat me by 4 years (I started in'63)but I have exactly the same attitude and thats why we stand apart. True Cradley supporters know what its like to lose week after week - we had years of it!!!! But Cradley (and now Dudley) is still OUR team whether the council see fit to find us a home or not. It might not be the best solution using somebody elses track, but after the visits I have made to most of the other NL tracks this year, I defy anybody to show me a more professionally run outfit in the NL. 'Ommer 'Um
  19. I think that you will find (as has been reported regularly) that both Jon Armstrong and Tom Perry are both Dudley assets. Dudley bought Armo's contract from Newport last winter, and Tom was signed as a Dudley asset at the beginning of last year. Ashley Morris is and always has been a Wolves asset. http://www.dudleyheathens.co/news.php?extend.256 My point with regard to signing another rider at no 8, is that it is obvious that he is a novice. Nothing wrong with that, but in my opnion (and thats all it is)we should not be putting raw novices straight into even a NL side. Its not fair on them or the fans.
  20. Since when was Jon a Wolves asset? I thought he was an out and out Dudley asset. Agree with much of what 21st is saying, especially with regard to the Danny Stoneman situation. As much as will give Adam full support, nobody can convince me it was a smart move at this point in the season. Why not sign him now as a no 8 and keephim till next year? Doesn't make sense to me UNLESS there's something we don't know. As far as the NL being a training ground for young riders - I agree partially, but to make it worthwhile for fans to part with their money, you just HAVE to make it a good competition. There is no place even in the NL for an unprofessional approach, and the supporters will always want a team to support who can do the best they can. Poor racing in NL + not giving the fans what they want = no NL.
  21. I don't even understand what that means. Am I being thick here?
  22. Well I got my flights booked to cheer the lads on. I think that the amount of expenses they are being given from the authorities is absolutely laughable to be honest. As much as I support the Dudley team and am going to really love this, I know that the team wil not be a real representation of a G.B. squad. Apart from the "no foreigners in the N.L." it appears to me that they are doing their level best to adopt a "no British riders abroad" policy now as well. It's a disgrace really that we cannot support our "next generation GB squad" better than this. 'Ommer 'Um
  23. Hey - I might disagree, but I wasn't having a go. I do agree with you 100% that the lads need to gain experience riding all manner of tracks, but I think we all agree that nobody wants to see riders put at unnecessary risk, and in my opinion, thats what happened on Wednesday. And I'm sure we'll agree on this too - thank God none of the riders were seriously hurt. Speedway racing is dangerous - we all know that, but although we want to see close and competitive racing, we have to make sure that the riders are in as safe an environment as is possible. Lets hope for better next time eh? The riders AND the fans deserve it. Hope you can make it to see the Heathens at Wolverhampton some time - regardless of what you may read, you will be given a warm welcome.
  24. yeah - and apparently, because of the downforce that they achieve, you can drive a formula 1 car upside down as long as you exceed 140 mph. Wouldn't fancy it myself though would you? Easy to write this stuff - quite something else actually doing it.
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