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Everything posted by villiers210

  1. @ George.m I don't think he has been offered anything PL yet.
  2. That's very welcome news, but they should then all be modified to the same standard.
  3. Totally agree with you there. Joe always rides Sheffield well.
  4. With air fences being made compulsory at ALL tracks in all 3 leagues next year, it's about time that there was some clear cut instruction made on how they should be fixed properly. I lost count last year of the number of riders that went straight underneath the air fence and hit the fence behind. In these cases, the air fence is not a help, it's a hindrance as it prevents medical staff getting access to the injured rider. Chris Holders horrific injuries were caused in this manner. Compulsory air fences is of course a good idea, but only if they are installed correctly. Time for some proper and clear instruction!!
  5. With all the talk of young Brits getting a fairer crack of the whip in 2014 with opportunities at reserve in EL, I just wonder how many promoters of PL would be interested in JJ who has come on in leaps and bounds in the last 2 years especially. He completed the whole of last season in NL at no 1 at Coventry, and held the track record. I have always sung this lads praises because he has the right approach to Speedway, and a more amiable and likeable rider you could not wish to meet. And I know that he desperately wants to secure a PL place for next year. Promoters please take note - you won't go far wrong signing Joe!
  6. Dunno, but he's certainly remembered by present day Dudley (Cradley) fans. Always had the greatest of respect for "Speedy Pete". As soon as the scratch race final had finished he was always back on track helping the youngsters out.
  7. Impartial spectator at Stoke last night. Have to say that was possibly the most lack lustre performance I have seen from any team in over half a century. Just what IS going on at Stoke? Everywhere you looked in the pits there were glum faces. The only sign of anything that could be described as encouraging was Shaun Tedham. I honestly find this situation now as a double edged sword. The NL cannot afford to lose any more teams as it is struggling with what it has to compete meaningfully. On the other hand, speedway being presented to a paying public like this is just dragging the sport further into the abyss. If you think I'm going over the top - you obviously weren't there last night. It's not just the team, it's everything about the running of the place. A typical "for instance" is that by the time heat 15 came round the track lights were put on. Well, they were on at one end of the track and not the other!!!! Message to those concerned - sort it or lose it. The public will not carry on supporting a shambolic venture. I don't want to take anything away from Coventry though. Well done to them.
  8. Personally speaking, I'm gutted hat I can't be there to support these kids. It seems that every man and his dog is Tweeting with #backthebrits, well here is your chance to do it. I been to 3 rounds in the last 12 months, and for anybody who has never been, it is anything BUT 38 races of wobbling juniors. A special "good luck" to Nathan, and hope everyone has a good day and stays safe.
  9. seems to be working ok this season so far!
  10. Stokes bar Hahahaha - if only!!!!!!!
  11. That game "Arcana" you mentioned @ 20 odd quid. I would suggest there's a very good reason why it's not available any more. Could it be hat no one bought it cause it was too expensive?
  12. and I would second that post. As a 60 year old yob who has supported The Heathens for 50 years, I simply cannot believe some of the postings on here about the Dudley supporters. Yes we are loud, yes we stand by our team no matter what and we make no apologies for that. But some of the comments I have read from away meetings we have ridden are nothing but utter rubbish.
  13. Wow!!!! That's a big gamble. Based on the fact that he will have the odd engine fail, tapes exclusion etc, he ain't gonna be putting much on that.
  14. Apparently (and especially for the occasion) they are laying on electricity, paramedics that turn up, and rumour has it they are hiring a carpet in the bar that your feet don't actually stick to!
  15. Spot on Squall, and White Knight, the first thing that promoters need to learn has nothing to do with rules - I just wished that some of them would actually learn to "promote".
  16. I would agree. That's not a bad looking side with plenty of potential. They may not be up to the strength of IOW, but wooden spooners? Don't think so somehow.
  17. totally agree there. It really makes me chuckle when they refer to who has drawn who. Yeah, like a draw actually takes place?
  18. I've said this many times before, but not on here. I well remember Loomer Road opening and it was a fine stadium. I don't think a single penny piece has been spent on it since, and it shows (even down to what now passes for carpet in the bar). OK, fair enough, there isn't the money available to spend compared to what Ladbrokes have down the road at a much older Monmore Green. But really, how much does a coat of paint cost? The place could be made look a whole lot better for very little cost.
  19. Because he doesn't hold a UK passport and is not eligible for patriality until he's 17.
  20. You know full well the point I am trying to make. Again, it is about 1 rider who I believe fully deserves a PL place. If you wish to disect my post to such an extent that you eventually come up with something that I never meant in the first place, then good luck. I'm sure such actions will keep you happy over the long winter days.
  21. I do hope so Mr Mungo - then I can go back into hibernation until March
  22. I have no idea. It was never my point that there are dozens of these either - simply that JJ deserves a PL place. Sadly, there is more truth in this. However, the fact still remains that there are quite a few British riders in PL who are not assets of the club they ride for. How many of Somersets 3 Brits are assets of Somerset?
  23. .......you are led to believe. .......presumably? Hardly words that can substantiate his inclusion over a young guy who has ridden the UK tracks for years has has proved himself are they? Excuse me for pointing this out, but isnt this thread entitled who's still available? I simply pointed out that a young Brit who has proven himself has been overlooked in favour of riders brought in from overseas, and you automatically jump to the conlusion that I have dozens of names of NL riders that I think should be riding PL. You have read waaaaaay too much into my response.
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