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Everything posted by villiers210

  1. I really couldn't disagree with you more I'm afraid. When a captain of a team hurts his leg in a racing incident, then watches on as another 3 of his team mates hurt themselves badly, what would you expect him to do? And as far as "adapting their style to suit the conditions" is concerned, please tell me when the last time you saw a speedway meeting when there were more fallers than there were heats? That track was downright dangerous and the referee can say what he likes - he 'aing got to ride it. And please bear in mind that it wasn't only the Dudley riders that were having trouble. When someone with the track knowledge and experience of Byron Beller falls off twice in the same heat (when there was nobody anywhere near him) you know something isnt right. I have always had the greatest of respect for Byron, and admire the way he gives 100% even when he's guesting, but was that really the way to make a comebcack after his recent injury? That track on Wednesday was not fit for racing. Who wants to watch 4 riders "adapting their style" and play follow the leader for 4 laps? Who wants to watch a speedway meeting when the question on everybodys mind is "who is going to come to grief next?" I am a die hard Heathens supporter through and through, and want my team to do their very best. But as I have said elsewhere, I dont care that we lost on Wednesday because I care far more about the safety of all 14 riders.
  2. I really dont believe the comments of some people on here. To suggest that that track was "a little too grippy to start with", and "not as dangerous as some people are making out" is complete and utter nonsense. Do I care that we lost last night? NO. Do I care even if it means that we don't get to the play offs? NO. And why? Because I care 100 times more about the safety of all 14 riders. It was a complete disgrace. If a rider with the track knowledge and experience of Byron Bekker falls off twice in the same race when there is nobody anywhere near him, you just know that something is wrong. For Gods sake - most of these riders are kids learning the sport. Everybody knows that "Motorsport is dangerous", but last night, 14 riders were exposed to unncessary risk, and somebody should be held accountable before the unthinkable happens. To say a track wasn't dangerous when there were more fallers than there were heats is laughable.
  3. Would 100% agree with that - if nothing else as a "thank you" for the effort Bazza always gives when he guests for us. Top bloke.
  4. Oh - its got nothing to do with Richard Franklin going into hospital on Saturday for a knee operation then, and we have been forced to make changes? Some people really make me laugh - if it involves Dudley - let's shout it down. 'Ommer 'Um
  5. I did hear Nigel say on a radio interview that the average crowd on a Dudley night was over 1000. With regard to the feasability of us racing PL at Monmore - forget it. It has already gone on record that the stadium would not be available for the amount of meetings we would need to run. Having said that, isn't the return of the mighty Heathens and the quality of racing just brilliant? Long may it continue. 'Ommer 'Um
  6. Malcolm - I have not always agreed with your thoughts on here, but a heartfelt "thank you" for that. We have received a lot of unjustified bad press lately (most of it from people who "weren't even there" at the time!) and it is wholly gratifying to read your comments. We are fanatical about the Heathens, we are extremely vocal in our support, but at the end of the day all we want to do is enjoy our speedway. To you and your team, a very big well done for yesterday - you gave us a right "Pottering", and deserved the huge margin that followed. Your performance was impeccable - the only thing that spoilt it for me was the poor lack of organisation in the "paramedic" saga - but that's someone elses fault, not yours. We look forward to welcoming you, the riders and your supporters to "Monmore Wood" tomorrow, and I sincerely hope that the Potters wil get 'Ommered!!! Once again, many thanks. 'Ommer 'Um
  7. I wouldnt panic too much vog!!!! As good a team spirit as the Heathens have, and as good as our NL scoring has been, I reckon it would take Harry Houdini to escape from this one. Like 21st says, all we want is to restore some pride, and get a home win under our belt. Its been a bit of a "wake-up" call to us. By the way, I would like to thank the Potters fans for their friendliness towards us Heathens while the "paramedic no-show" was going on. Had some great banter!! Oh well - tomorrow is another day!!!!! 'Ommer 'Um
  8. Fair play to the Stoke side - they rode far better than the Heathens, and deserved a huge win. Every rider from 1 - 7 looked the part, and we never got a look in. However, seious questions need to be asked for the sake of the reputation of speedway. I have followed this fantastic sport for over 40 years, and it angers me when people view it as a "mickey mouse" sport. It is a fabulous sport, and has just about everything. But yesterday showed us quite clearly that there are people who let the side down badly, and seem uncapable of organising a speedway meeting. To the Stoke riders - you gave us a display yesterday of how a team can ride together when you are all on form - a big well done to all of you. To the Stoke management - you are a complete joke and should be thoroughly ashamed of yourselves. You gave speedway a bad name yesterday. 'Ommer 'Um
  9. Looking back, I also remember Gote Nordin riding at the meeting, so I reckon it would be 1966 - and not long before we lost Ivor Hughes. Would be in Ivor Browns era certainly, but post Harry Bastable and John Hart (although I think JH could have been still riding at Sheffield? Just as a side note, my first match was at the "Wood" in 1962 - the BBC "Best Pairs" held over 2 meetings in February. Still have the programme of the first leg, and Harry B and John H won the 1st leg, but I believe Ivor and Tony Eadon won the 2nd leg and the whole thing overall. And I been cheering the Heathens on ever since apart from the last 2 years the Wood and the Stoke season. 'Ommer 'Um
  10. Hahahaha - so why bring it up again????? Especially on a thread that is entitled Buxton vs Dudley.
  11. I'll tell you one thing for sure, when you DO see the DVD, then you WILL totally understand what all the fuss was about. 'Ommer 'Um
  12. Oooooooooo - tell me more!!!!! Definately coming to this one anyway, and really looking forward to it. Not been to Newport speedway since nineteen sixty something - Alby Golden, Jack Biggs etc etc in the days of the old stadium (God I'm old!!!!) Lets hope its a good meeting. 'Ommer 'Um
  13. Well that would be just about right. Just for the record, his name IS McCormick and not McCormack. That's something else you got wrong - just like your spelling of believe, impressed, pits and has. Yet another case of you airing your views before you take the time and trouble to check the facts. I am not here to have a slanging match with you or anyone else, and this is almost my final word on the matter. My final point will be made when the video of heat 15 of the match in question is released. Somebody in particular has a public apology to make. 'Ommer 'Um
  14. Just who are you to come on here telling us what we have to do to get our own stadium? We need to grow up?????? In the words of our one time great leader Dan McCormick "ok - we will do you a deal. You stop telling lies about us, and we'll stop telling the truth about you!!!!" 'Ommer 'Um
  15. Again, I totally agree with you, but I do hope that you wouldnt judge the Dudley supporters from your armchair?
  16. I totally agree with you Bagpuss, and I will say again that all the Dudley supporters are guilty of is voicing their opinion to the hilt and giving their vocal support to the absolute max. Were you there at either Belle Vue or Buxton?
  17. Whilst I am aware that this thread has been "done to death" and beyond, I felt compelled to give my views as I was at both Belle Vue on Wednesday, and Buxton yesterday. Let me start off by saying that I have been a Cradley and Dudley fan since 1963, and am both passionate and vocal in support of my team. I wish to correct and explain some of the accusations that have been posted on here and elsewhere, because there have been "half truths" total misrepresentations and downright lies published on this site, that will no doubt give people who weren't there the totally wrong impression of what actually took place. Firstly (and I quote) "for the second time in a week Heathens fans brought the sport to a low, after fighting on the terraces last wednesday at Belle Vue, today it was like being on the shameless film set with the most foul mouthed woman you will ever come across and a gang of thug partners gathering like a pack of dogs anywhere they could cause trouble" Heathens fans fighting on the terraces?????? So there was an incident between a fan of each team. This should NOT have happened, and is totally inexcusable and should not be tolerated at any cost. But from where I was standing, it was more like "handbags at dawn". You make it sound like a mass riot!! As for the rest of your comments, I saw no incident which resembled the so-called gathering like a pack of dogs, and your imagination is running away with you. As I said, we are extremely vocal in our support and forthright in our views. For that I make absolutely NO apology Secondly (and I quote again) "I've always thought that starters needed to be more firm with riders - 99% of the time they may as well not be there, for all the notice riders take of them. The starting marshall is - whether you like it or not - the referee's representative on the line". I couldn't agree more with you. I'm 100% behind what you say. However, start marshalls being firm with riders is one thing, and those who abuse riders is a totally different kettle of fish. If you disagree with my thoughts, then please refer to the challenge below that I make to ANYONE who says different. Next (and I quote again) "I suppose you can expect a few people to behave badly, but at Belle vue last week, and today at Buxton, it was more than a few, it was more or less the majority" Again - nothing more than vocal support. Did we cheer when Byron Bekker fell? NO!!!! Did we cheer yesterday when Luke Priest fell? NO!!! Something that I would have thought you would have realised by now, is that all this stuff with Jason is nothing more than pantomime bravado. After the meeting yesterday, we were laughing and joking with him about it, shook his hand and some had photos taken with him. If you dont believe me - just ask him. We know its pure bravado, Jason obviously knows it - why don't you? Next (and this is the one that I find most offensive) "As for heat 15 is it OK for a rider from any team to hit out at an official who is just trying to do their job" Let me ask you one thing - where were you standing when this happened. Or is it another of those accusations that somebody "told you about"? Well, I was standing right where it happened, at the starting gate, and let me tell you that your statement is a total lie. Firstly, the starting marshall (without any shadow of a doubt) was totally and utterly responsible for the furore that followed. He is supposed to get the riders to the line in gate order. Did he do this at any time yesterday? NO. In heat 13, he grabbed Ashley Morris' bike and pulled it forward, which clearly unsettled him as he was shaking his head at the tapes before the green light went on. Then as for the incident in heat 15 - again he did not call the riders up to the gate in "gate order" he went for Ashley first who was off gate 4. Ashley nodded to the other riders indicating that they should be called up first. Then, your start marshall decided to show his authority and went face to face with Ashley. AT NO POINT did Ashley hit out at anybody. That is a complete and utter lie, and it is also a libelous accusation. If you disagree with me, then post the video evidence that you will have access to on youtube or wherever you like - the ball is in YOUR court. Otherwise, you owe Ashley Morris a complete and unconditional apology, and I eagerly await to see it. Furthermore, the actions of the start marshall (yes - your official!!) even after this incident were a complete and utter disgrace. I will say it again. I am a Dudley fan and proud of it. I am extremely vocal in my support, and will always defend my right to be so. The comments on here and elsewhere have left me in complete and utter disbelief at the lengths some people will go to, in order to "have a go". I am not a hooligan, I do not belong to a pack of dogs, but I will never ever again spend one penny piece through the turnstiles of Buxton to have fabrications of the truth, and lies published regarding Dudley Speedway and their supporters. 'Ommer 'Um Dudley!!!!
  18. only problem is Kyle Howarth is injured, and Jon Armstrong is riding for Dudley at Buxton.
  19. Yep - it's looking like this could be another "hum-dinger" of a match. Jason Garrity at no 1 for the Hitmen, and both teams using R/R. From a Heathens point of view, no complacency please - we need Armo to get the boys keyed up for this right from the off. I think the key to this match, more than ever, is "no last places". At Belle Vue, we only had 2 all night, and it really proved the point. Our reserves could play a huge part in this match. 'Ommer 'Um
  20. Indeed it WOULD be a problem. As far as I am aware (and Im sure somebody will have a different view) there are NO foreign riders allowed in the NL at all unless they also hold a full British passport, or have dual nationality and are over 17 years of age and claim UK patriality.
  21. Couldnt agree more with you - the idea of having basically English riders only is all well and good but:- (1) Is there enough half decent English riders to go round - look at the trouble IOW are having at the minute as an example (2) It will only work if there is somewhere for them to progress to. The Premier league should also have some kind of restriction on foreign riders to allow the up and coming NL league riders to naturally progress. My point is that anybody who does reasonably well in the NL will stagnate if they are not given the chance to up their game and prove themselves against better opposition.
  22. Please dont start having a go because this question is genuine and I don't mean any malice by it. Does anybody know what it is that makes Cameron possibly eligible to ride now that prevented it earlier? Just interested.
  23. Ian, to my mind you make some very good points regarding whether its good for British Speedway that young foeigners are allowed int the NL. My understanding now however, is that of this year, the BSPA have to declare to the UK Border Agency that foreigners wishing to ride here are at the top of their particular sport. Having said that, I will be very interested to see how they handle the eligibilty of certain riders in the PL. I whole heartedly agree with you that having a number of foreign and commonwealth riders in the NL will improve the quality of racing, and the performance of the average British rider.
  24. I stand corrected on the reasons regarding foreign riders competing in the N.L., and thank Scribbler for pointing it out. I wasnt aware to what extent the role that the UK border agencies were playing in all this. However, I am totally against their ban for any other reason, and still maintain that the thought that it somehow magically improve the quality of British riders is absolute nonsense. It was provrd years ago, that a ban on foreign riders does not work (I am referring to the ban of all Swedish riders in 1974). It made not one ioata of difference, and was consequently scrapped. I am fully aware that we are talking about the 3rd tier of speedway here, but I for one dont want to see almost complete novices taking up team places at the expense of seeing more competitive teams. I would much rather the NL revert to the old 13 heat system, and have the second halves again featuring novices. I know that there are people who would see this as a regression, but I consider it to be a huge step forward from what is being proposed at present.
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