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Everything posted by villiers210

  1. I think his crystal ball must be due for a service
  2. Wonder if someone can help. There's a few of us coming over from the Midlands tomorrow (Monday). However 2 of them can't get there til late afternoon due to work commitments. Is there reduced admission for the MDL match only?
  3. Seems to me from today's 2nd statement, that Mildenhall have accepted full responsibility. And so they should. You may not like the rules, they may indeed be stupid, but Mildenhalls actions were just plain wrong.
  4. Must say how much I enjoyed yesterday. Was gutted for Bradley after a fantastic 3 1/2 laps in his first race where he really looked on the gas and comfortable. Crying shame that he had to revert to his no 2 bike for his remaining rides. Think we were a tad lucky to come away with a draw, but should be no problem at Monmore. Some good racing and a really good day out. Well done to both teams!!
  5. This was my first thought when I read the statement put out last night. Words put out like they "understand people frustration", but no apology. I was reading about a family that travelled over from Sweden to see this - an apology is more than deserved!!
  6. Can't answer your questions personally - perhaps a someone from Northside could help. I do know that CCTV was being muted yesterday.What a good idea with regard to bucket collections at UK tracks. I know that there is always a collection going on for "something or other" but Northside is just too important to lose.
  7. Can I start by just saying that apart from recognising that Northside Speedway is one of the best things that has happened in our sport here in the UK, I have no involvement with them whatsoever. However, I was sickened to hear the news yesterday that mindless vandals had trashed the place and threatened its future. The cost to reopen it is apparently sizeable. I have seen first hand the work these volunteers do. Northside is no ordinary speedway track. It is for youngsters starting out in the sport from aged 8 years. Not only is it a first class facility for training would-be UK future champions, but it also gives youngsters much needed focus and an interest in an activity that is far better than them roaming the streets with nothing to do. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE make a donation no matter how small. If its only a couple of quid it doesnt matter. Speedway promoters - a donation is an investment in your business!! Supporters - these kids are the starts of the future and every supporter of UK speedway has an interest in keeping Northside open. Nobody is asking for huge individual amounts, but collectively we CAN make a difference. Donations can be made anonymously. Every £1 counts. I have no idea who set this fund up, but let's all do our bit to help out here. Make a difference now by visiting: http://www.gofundme.com/7s2wrh9w Thank you
  8. Bought a satellite system as cheap as chips to watch Polish league speedway live on TV. Really impressed with their TV presentation. Why didn't I get this year's ago?
  9. Hope this helps some of you. Firstly register, then when you enter your passport number, be sure to enter the letters GB before the number on your passport. Hope this helps, and I'll see you in the Liga bar for a Tyskie!!!
  10. Tickets are now on sale for the Torun GP. I must confess that the SGP people are a complete joke - I asked them on 3 occasions when they would be going on sale with no reply. Thanks to the nice people at the stadium in Torun, they let me know on Saturday that they would be going on sale today. Tyskie in the Liga bar anybody???
  11. I stand corrected, but would still love to know the answer if anyone knows.
  12. I know it's the last round, but does anybody have any ideas when the Torun GP tickets go on sale? I don't want to end up with the same problems I had getting Warsaw tickets. Thanks
  13. Thanks Rico - I did see them, but although the tickets are advertised at £38, there's a £6 booking fee ad VAT to add to that making it £52 for a £12 ticket. nice work if you can get it eh?
  14. I'm checking the GP website regularly for any more availability on tickets, but if anyone knows of 3 anywhere, I would appreciate it. Got flights and hotels booked and never saw that tickets were on sale til it was too late. Thanks.
  15. Just wondering when the tickets that were reserved and not paid for will appear. Considering I've booked flights etc and not got stadium tickets, I'm getting nervous to say the least.
  16. Brilliant!!!! Got flights and everything else booked and there's no tickets left. If anybody hears of any available (3) I would very much appreciate it.
  17. Same experience for me. Last year was a total nightmare and ended up ringing somebody at Unibax who sorted it for me. This time was a doddle!!!
  18. Whether Brady Kurtz should / should not be allowed to race in NL under the patriality ruling is one debate. Whether he is too good to be able to race NL is yet another debate. However, what is blatantly obvious, is yet again, the speedway authorities make themselves look totally amateurish by moving the goal posts to suit their own purpose. From the Cradley fans I have spoken to, it's not the fact that young Brady isn't allowed to ride for us that has caused their anger - it was the way the authorities handled the matter. If you are going to alter existing rules, or apply different parameters for specific situations, don't wait for the situation to arise before doing so - it smacks of skulduggery and makes our sport look foolish.
  19. Now there's an idea!!!! Joe is one of the most underrated of the British youngsters. As I've said elsewhere, his average has improved every year and last year he held the no 1 and captains spot at Coventry all year. Also held the track record, and here's the best bit - he loves Sheffield and rides it really well.
  20. To be fair, I think from reading some of the comments, some people have perhaps not followed Joes career to date. He has made improvement with every season, and he is 20 years old - hardly over the hill!!! To make comparisons to Lambert is ludicrous - how many Robert Lamberts do you know aged 15? Trust me, there is much more to come yet from Joe and I just got a feeling that 2014 could be his breakthrough year.
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