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Everything posted by Haza

  1. Right with just 5 weeks till the Ben Fund meeting I don't think it's asking too much to ask the Kings Lynn promotion what s going on regarding the clubs number 1 ?
  2. Kelvin Tatum at the Adrian Flux Arena next week .
  3. don't you think so ?? Lol lol will remind you of this post when your moaning about Kenneth if we was to sign him .In reality I doubt Jason is even in the picture for a return but don't doubt his ability if he was to return to racing he would be good without doubt .
  4. Well that would be a rabbit out of the hat signing we have all talked about but in reality will it happen ? I doubt it
  5. I would guess Lakeside will be missing AJ more often as well this season as there is a number of Polish fixtures on Fridays this coming season .
  6. biggest problem as I see it is racing Saturday nights had the club made the switch to an alternative race night early in the closed season maybe Doyle would still be at the club Saturday night speedway just doesn't work just look at the clubs that switched race nights when the SGP and racing in Poland became the be all and end all .
  7. that's the type of rider the club need to sign someone who will put bums on seats and go out and win races , when Emil made his UK debut in the EL I seem to remember one of the biggest league crowds at Lynn . We need a big name for sure
  8. Wish someone at the club could explain why the need to change race night because as it stands it's achieved nothing other than lose Kerr - what is the true motives for the switch ? To be ready for a single EL race night in 2017 was the reason given but that's a very poor reason when we could make the switch next winter . So why have we switched ?
  9. we will see if Polish clubs say they want you there you go also Porsing will earn far more in Poland so good luck with that one .
  10. So Porsing has signed for a Polish club Rzeszow so how many meetings will he miss for Panthers now ?
  11. This team needs a big signing at no1 or it's going to be a long struggle this coming season .
  12. you got no chance on any of the above - all great ideas but if the promotion can't be arsed to give a update on the team why or would they have any interest in the 50 year thing . Anyway why would fans want to buy yet more hoodies and t shirts after they bought them last season only to be told it wasn't our 50th season anyway .
  13. never said it I'd fix anything far far from ideal it's making the best of what's left - is Troy going to be fit how will Rory cope coming back from a major injuries and then on top of that start the season without a no1 won't be ideal either . Another thing that continues to bug me is the lack of information about the final two riders absolutely jack s#it coming from the club how about an update Mr Gent ????
  14. ok let's have some alternatives I can see where your coming from but the fact is we need two riders to make the team up one I guess will be Simon Lambert though why we've not named him I don't no and we need a heat leader so let's have some realistic alternatives to Iversen ??
  15. that I'm not sure about , if we don't use NKI we are going to have a very weak side - unless as we've all been hoping for all winter a surprise signing can be pulled out of the hat - time is marching on the season isn't that far away we've Troy recovering from a broken arm and we have Rory as far as I no not even sat on a bike since last May we need a proven top line rider or the pressure is on those two from meeting 1 I agree signing Iversen isn't ideal but it gains a bit of time for those two to find there feet .
  16. squad system as others have stated Lakeside already started building a squad
  17. If anyone can come up with a better option than using Iversen I'd like to hear it if it's for one month or two months Iversen so far is the most realistic option. What happens after he leaves is another thing .
  18. in that race at Poole with Harris someone cocked up was it Rob or Kenneth I don't no but Harris knew the situation - yes Kenneth can improve his average but would I have him back ? No way -
  19. don't shoot the messenger buy the Daily Star and read it for yourself
  20. when you not got a no1 and no realistic options - what is the club supposed to do ?
  21. Iversen willing to help Stars out article in today's Daily Star - willing to do the first month Also says some ground rules need to be in place -
  22. If it's anything like the last two years think campers need to book the Monday also as it will definitely over run into Monday .
  23. is one of the fast track reserves positions bring scrapped?
  24. not a Tai hater at all but if anyone think the British flag is nothing but a flag of convenience sadly has there head buried in sand , home for Tai is Australia without doubt .
  25. yea he nailed his colours right enough at the Melbourne GP and it wasn't to the British flag
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