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Everything posted by Haza

  1. Rory hasn’t stated that - but as far as I’m aware the club and Rory hasn’t spoken since the night of the big fall out over the state of the track . The club will never ask him to ride for the Stars while Buster is at the club .
  2. To right / Rory won’t race for Lynn and I doubt Lynn would ask him bridges was burnt never to be repaired .
  3. I’m blocked as well on Twitter - I find it absolutely amazing that a business that’s wants my money can’t take criticism I’d have thought the obvious answer would be trying to correct the problem rather than block fans because they don’t tow the line and wear blinkers - all that does is make me even less likely to spend my cash at the club sadly . Seems to me you have to be a happy clapper or they don’t want you .
  4. If you say so - I used to have a similar opinion- but at least they no how to respect customer how to value the most important thing in an club the fans .Speedway has long forgotten that .
  5. We are member at Notts and to be honest they can’t do enough for you they totally respect fans and value fans worlds apart from speedway , our membership includes discount because we live over 30 miles from Trent Bridge - what a great idea that is - imagine Buster doing that on season tickets ? It’s time these speedway promotions woke up and smelt the coffee days are gone when 15 heats is enough people want more and to be valued or at least feel valued as a customer.
  6. You are dead right about my current speedway circumstances I should have said my personal circumstances and those who really know me will understand more why speedway isn’t the be all and end all in my life at the moment. And you are right again those who stopped attending should definitely be listened too as maybe the promotion might just learn something before it’s too late
  7. Absolutely- I and many more are fed up with continully being mugged off with poor excuses. The mess we are in tomorrow night is mainly of our own making sign Danes and race on the same night as Denmark really you couldn’t make it up .
  8. Is that right ? You no absolutely nothing about my current circumstances i hate to think the amount of money I’ve spent at Kings Lynn speedway over the years -46 years I’ve been going to saddle Bow Road following the stars is that long enough for you ??
  9. Why block fans they are telling it as it is paying customers I thought would be treated like gold dust as they soon won’t have any .
  10. I’ve been thinking about the current shambles and I’ve in the past blamed Ipswich Sheffield and Redcar for us not being able to race Thursday nights and then avoiding the Danish League priority problem but it’s not there faults it’s really all of our own making WHY ?would we sign Iversen Jorgensen and Andersen knowing all to well we was racing Wednesday knowing the Danish League take priority over our signings on a Wednesday? but then on top of that Lewis Rose quits the club and we them make the matters worse and sign another Danish rider in Palm Toft so we potentially have 4 riders that could be missing on the same night - you couldn’t make it up . The last riders we needed to sign was Danish if we wanted to keep to Wednesday nights - sorry most of this is our own making .
  11. You what your having a laugh surely? What an absolute farce
  12. Absolutely good luck to Rory I wish him well in the meeting
  13. I’m told ex Lynn captain and club asset Rory Schlein is the Leicester guest
  14. Totally incredible that here we are 36 hours before the meeting and still nothing official from the club it’s an absolute farce .
  15. ?? What have they to do with riders missing this season? Don’t get the connection .
  16. I try as well to say good things and stay positive but all this could have been avoided with a little bit of thought .
  17. Well we shall be keeping our admission money firmly in our pockets- if speedway can’t organise it’s self better than this they deserve no fans - it’s surely not difficult Premiership should be Monday’s and Thursday.
  18. Well Iversen team Esbjerg definitely have a home meeting on Wednesday local derby against Holsted so very much doubt he will miss that .
  19. I agree - but how the sport is run you’d not be surprised if it didn’t even crossed there minds .
  20. Why would visiting teams agree to this if they are missing team members to championship clubs ? Just so we can have our Danish riders ? It’s a total farce to have to run a so called professional sport in this manner - will King’s Lynn speedway survive this season? that question might be totally over the top but who’s going to go watch when what seems likely riders will be missing each Wednesday of both home and away teams .
  21. Well I’m not going made my decision now if we are again missing riders it’s an absolute farce .
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