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Everything posted by Haza

  1. Any way on to tonight and hopefully a home win - the weather is good so hopefully a big crowd will witness a great meeting.
  2. That’s what being a promoter all about you promote the sport you use all mean available to let fans / customers no what’s on offer building up to the event it’s self even bigging the event up - a speedway promoter naaah sit on your hands do absolutely jack rubbish to try to bring in more fans piss existing ones off to the point they walk away -
  3. I Iasked the question last night and I’m told Iversen definitely rides for Kings Lynn tonight.
  4. Well let’s hope he’s in the Stars team - as others have said he’s down to ride in the Esbjerg team and the Kings Lynn team one club will be disappointed let’s hope for Kings Lynn sake he’s in the Stars team .
  5. If that was to happen the club deserve all the s##t that will be fired at them - that’s the lowest of the low if they play fans as fools .
  6. Absolutely spot on - really don’t think they care or they’ve past caring - sooner the season is over and can revert back to being a stock car stadium is I’m sure how they think - if they don’t they’ve a funny way of showing it .
  7. Must admit I didn’t even no there was a meeting on either- riders missing yet again so I will definitely be missing this one as well .
  8. I’d not hold your breath on that one going by previous seasons when changes was needed and we failed to make them at the crucial time -can’t see it happening but we might be surprised I guess .
  9. Definitely not the fans fault - promotions total failure to promote the sport and the bit that gets me and this is the reason I’ve not been to Kings Lynn for over a year is being totally taken for granted .
  10. I’m sure BT pay something even if it is minimal
  11. One repercussion could be the whole league collapses if BT contract is for 8 teams if Rye was to close will BT honour the contract ? and without BT payments will other clubs survive? Which could mean the whole league collapses .
  12. I didn’t realise things are not good at Workington either . I’m sorry to hear this
  13. I’m in total agreement I definitely have no wish to see any club close - all I’m saying some other promotions may not see it the same way as the Rye promotion or us speedway fans - hopefully goodwill rather than self interest will prevail at BSPA HQ we shall see .
  14. Absolutely spot on it has big implications on visiting teams if Rye switch to Saturday nights - that’s said we don’t want to see the club close mid season but it could have a massive effect on the race for the play offs for visiting teams - in all honesty I will be surprised if they let the club switch race nights - the real only ways to get a level playing field 1 they carry on with week night racing or 2 and I don’t like saying this is they close and the meetings ridden are void . If they switch to Saturdays it’s going to have a big knock on effect with visiting teams . That said we definitely don’t want Rye to close - I’m just trying to look at it from other promotions point of view .
  15. One things for certain speedway clubs are living beyond there means either cut costs or increase income that simple -the total failure of promotion to promote the sport and riders wanting cash that frankly isn’t there is a lot of the problem - until this is sorted the sport will continue to die
  16. Also it has a knock on effect to a visiting team if visiting riders are unavailable on a Saturday.
  17. It is a watered down product with out doubt but we are fast approaching the realms of watered down one big league one option or we carry on as we are and many tracks will go out of business so the choice is watered down to one big league with hopefully all clubs surviving or we carry on and see many closures ? I’d like to think it would be two steps back 5 steps forward over the next few years speedway in the UK is living beyond its means and it’s time to realise this before it’s too late
  18. I can see the Premiership is on the vrege of collapse- if BT stick with the minimum 8 team league and Rye do pull the plug will BT pull out of the TV deal -then what will happen to the league.
  19. So what would you sooner have a semi pro league or no league? because that’s the way things are heading
  20. Use whatever standard of riders that’s needed to fill the teams - 5 man teams maybe the only way to go in season one who knows - one thing for certain things can’t carry on as they are much longer - if Rye was to fold will BT pull out of the deal the whole league could be on the verge of collapse as we speak.
  21. One big league no clashes then with other domestic leagues - In Rye House case we went last season when Kings Lynn was there on Easter Saturday and I’d not seen a crowd like that at Rye for many years - surely Saturday night speedway has to return to Rye or there will be no speedway there - it’s the same at some other clubs a move to weekend speedway or what ever night is best suited to each club - but definitely like to see speedway run more at weekends as they do in Poland - one big league using only riders that put our league first no exceptions
  22. Time for speedway in this country to rebuild- let’s get back to weekend fixtures home meetings every other week in one big league- if riders can’t commit to every fixture there team races in don’t sign the rider - only riders 100% committed to British speedway should be used not the will ride in Uk if there is nothing else better elsewhere attitude- and reduce admission to £15 .
  23. There could be something in what you are saying - one thing for certain the club has lost its way were treating the clubs fans are concerned if that’s the reason I’m not so sure .
  24. In our particular case it’s because Sunday at 5pm is far better than Wednesday at 8ish .
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