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Everything posted by Haza

  1. Again can’t disagree- and the social media comment is spot on there used to be so many comments from so many loyal long term fans maybe blocking fans rather than listening to them isn’t such a good idea after all .
  2. A spot on post and sums up much of why myself and my partner stopped attending the last meeting we attended at KL was the last year we held the World Cup round and for various reasons we couldn’t get to the next meet which I think was Holder / Batch gate fiasco and since then we’ve attended one meeting at Pboro - and after attending 95% of home meetings since the early 70s have we missed it?no not at all - we watch the GP s on tv and league racing from Uk Poland and Sweden - a change of circumstances may make it more likely we will start attending a few meetings this season we shall see .
  3. It’s a case of once you cross them or dare not todo as the management want your history then ?
  4. Think this season isn’t totally about assembling the strongest team possible it’s equally important to get the season started hopefully in May but in my opinion May is too early and more likely 1st July but the most important thing is to get riders on the tracks and fans in the stadiums team’s strength isn’t the be all and end all in 2021 build towards March 2022 .
  5. Even if Bjerre was able to sign I’d guess he’s one wouldn’t want a return to KL after the hassle he got from some Lynn fans the last time he was with the club he’d definitely do a good job though in such a ultra weak league .
  6. 5 man teams could be the answer to one big league and hopefully Covid free or under control others my return in 2022 - I agree with what you say about Crump and also Bjarne Pedersen who knows what either will be like to me it’s one last pay day for them in a ultra weak leagues they should be ok .
  7. Who’d have thought 10 years ago we’d be saying the second league is as strong if not stronger than the top league but there is now little difference as all the same riders in both leagues - Covid has had an effect definitely as it’s brought things to a head quicker- in 2022 it has to be one big league thePremier League isn’t so Premier now let alone Elite as were we was 10 years ago . The demise of the sport is continuing at pace sadly
  8. Think your right in an league of 6 teams with teams made up mainly of Championship riders plus a rising star in each team Lewis will be fine I’m sure .
  9. One of two ways I was referring to-same with Lee
  10. The point I was making was Bridger as with Lee could go one of two ways.
  11. It’s a bit like when Micheal Lee made a comeback..
  12. In my opinion if and it’s a massive IF the season starts at some point durning 2021 we should all be grateful we have racing in 2021 team strengths is almost secondary for the coming season . May 1st start date is very optimistic in my opinion though .As for admission costs they won’t go down they never do 2019 charge should be retained.Any club that put admission up is very brave .
  13. Absolutely the right way to go - British speedway is nearing last chance saloon so this has to be a success we need to stick with it even if in 2022 or 23 3rd rate European riders want to return .
  14. The thing that concerns me about the vaccine as of yet (and fingers crossed this will change ) those who’s already had the vaccine can’t go back to normal life they’ve not even been told you don’t need a face mask they don’t no yet if those who’s been vaccinated can still pass the virus on - unless that changes it’s not going to get any sports fans back into any stadiums anytime soon sadly . Don’t get me wrong fantastic we’ve a vaccine but so many uncertainties surrounded it yet .
  15. Can anyone of us say we will be attending meetings at this point in time ? who even knows when the season will start yes they say May but that’s by no means certain- in my case circumstances have changed and I have much more time on my hands so definitely more likely to attend meetings.
  16. Really ? 4 years out of the sport is a massive amount of time he WAS a rider with great talent I’m not doubting that but I stick with what I said to give a team spot to him over a young British rider is absolute madness in my opinion . we’ve a massive opportunity to showcase British talent let’s do it and do it now .
  17. Personally I’d have thought giving young British riders a chance would be far better for the longer term future of British speedway than giving has beens a team spot .
  18. The alleged new stadium won’t happen now I’d have thought wasn’t it going stage a round of WU21 a few season ago ? and why with houses surrounding the existing stadium would you build in the car park ? That said it’s a very sad day for the sport sadly I feel others will follow Swindon with everything so uncertain how can any club plan for the season ahead how can riders plan ? by not running in 2021 there is certainty .
  19. Definitely don’t blame him he’s got to do what’s right for him to maximise earnings and home life and of course his speedway career- as for racing in the Uk there is so much uncertainty regarding COVID restrictions personally I can’t see league racing starting here until possibly July 1st as we can’t run without crowds - sadly speedway in the UK was on its knees before COVID - COVID has just made matters worse
  20. You really do need to dump those rose tinted glasses - Torun Is a great stadium Gdańsk is a dump compared to Torun - as for walking to the stadium Gorzow is in the city/town and they race mainly at the weekends which very different from saddle Bow Road it is out of town and race on a weekday so finish work chase to the Tuesday market place walk to the stadium from there watch the meeting then go pick your car up from Tuesday market place arrive home 1-30 am ?? Yea people of Kings Lynn don’t care enough.
  21. I wasn’t having a pop at Belle Vue in the slightest the point I was making with a great race track like you have you should be getting much bigger crowds but if you can’t get bigger crowds what chance does others have ?as you say you have many other sporting events as well
  22. I’ve been lucky enough to travel to many Polish tracks it’s a completely different experience to here the atmosphere for one which is 100% better and exciting than here Zielona Gora has to be the best I’ve experienced for that the tracks are normally well prepared and the racing is normally good as well it’s totally a different world from here in the UK
  23. Totally agree about the track it’s rubbish to what it used to be follow the leader tracks won’t get fans back or attract new ones but as I say it’s a stock car stadium that just so happen to stage the odd speedway meeting and that’s what earns the stadium and Buster money so who am I to criticise? Can’t fault him . But as you say about Belle Vue poor attendance figures there won’t get Buster to alter the KL track .
  24. And having worked with people from Poland most who come to this country only have one thing in mind work work and more work and earn as much as possible- going to speedway isn’t a top priority.
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