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Everything posted by Haza

  1. I,m not convinced it will be him - but I agree we need to make it before next Monday at Poole .
  2. Firstly congratulations to Tai on last nights win first of many I,m sure .
  3. I think after last night David will be replaced soon
  4. Klindt has left Kings Lynn he aint coming back so let's concentrate on our current 1-7 Any news on Rory - Mads and Simon injuries ?can we expect a full team come Wednesday ?
  5. I think there is a bit of over reaction we lost at Wolves that ain't the end of the world - now if we continue losing that is a problem - lets get Rory and Mads back in action and I'm sure we will be fine . As for Alden you can't fault his efforts how anyone can say drop him I don't no . Not sure who will replace Howe but looks to me as if that will happen . But don't panic that's all I say .
  6. because no one wants to ride for you so why wouldn't Michelsen join Lynn ? Just remember you have just signed a Kings Lynn cast off fact
  7. I hope if we are going to make a new signing by end of the month I hope it's a rider that's not contracted to another club lets sign a rider that we can make an asset my choice would be Michal Michealson he's rode at Lynn when team Denmark had an early season practice session I,m sure he couldn't commit to the UK because of exams maybe by end of May this won't be a problem he's young and the sort of rider we should be gong for long term .
  8. I'd say no chance with Andersen for starters he wasn't even going race over here till injuries hit Poole just can't see it happening .
  9. Some people are never happy we are having our best season in the EL since 2000 and all some do is moan are we in this league just to make the numbers up or are we in it to win it ??? Kozza was dropped because he wasn't performing and so was Klindt - Worrell has more than earned his team place now we wait to see if Howe can out score Klindt and let's be honest that wont be hard to do .
  10. When you build a new track /stadium why not get the track right first them fit everything else around it they only had to travel to Kings Lynn or Pboro to see what was needed track wise it's not like it was a existing stadium they had to fit the track into how can it be so difficult to get it so wrong track wise ?
  11. I was there Saturday night and have to say what an awesome night it was great racing on a great race track best GP I've been to in a long time . It just goes to show what good racing there can be in the GP series when the riders are given a stage to preform on like Bydgoszcz track . On the flip side the stadium needs massive investment if they are going to keep a GP in Bydgoszcz there are far far better stadiums in Poland than Bydgoszcz but the track is second to none that for me is the most important thing I,m not so sure if IMG /BSI or Monster will see things that way though . Also on the flight home I was chatting to a Pole who lives in London but who's family live Bydgoszcz he was telling me this GP is so very important for the city the amount of business this weekend it has bought into the city is vital he told me ,but he did agree the stadium needs massive work . I really hope we are back there in 2014 for a GP
  12. Great signing by Lynn shows the rest of the league how serious we are about this season . Gotta feel for Kozza but he needs time in the PL to get back to his best year out had cost him I'm sorry to say but I'm sure he will be back at some point for the club
  13. Don't you worry about the Stars you worry about your own team
  14. not any where in my post did I say drop Kozza and in no way am I having a go at him I'm just saying he is finding it tough needs meetings to regain confidence and he won't do that trailing round at the back riding for Lynn when he starts banging big scored in for Berwick that's when riding for Lynn will be good for rider and club .
  15. Totally agree no where near ready for this level of racing I,m not criticising him at all he's had a year out needs meetings to get 100% race fit with Berwick before even thinking he can compete at this higher level .
  16. I think we are seeing an end of an era SGP and World Cup are now with British Eurosport for at least 3 years the EL is still being shown on Sky Sports but i cant see them renewing the contract to show EL 2014 ? Unless its with a ball Sky don't seem interested I just hope the powers that be are NOW trying to sort out a new TV contract for the EL 2014 it needs sorting ASAP because with out a TV contract the EL will all that be dead as we know it . have to agree there no clash at 3am as you say no problem prime time Saturday night could be a big problem .
  17. too right I agree 100% all I've heard from some people is how they don't want Pearson and Tatum back for next GP but really who cares we got LIVE SGP speedway on TV just be thankful and stop moaning
  18. Big well done to Tai did more in one GP than Harris did in 12 rounds in 2012
  19. So why would it take place ? A week away no imfo format line up . Not exactly good advertising for a much desered cause is it ? I think Ashley deserves better .
  20. So with just over a week to this meeting what is the line up or is it even still taking place ?
  21. If this was KKS or Jepsen Jensen fan drip feeding us imfo from his source everyone would be saying dont feed the troll this is no different don't feed the TROLL .
  22. if it wasn't to be live I'd not bother watching the TV coverage I'd watch live via the Internet it's live or nothing as far as I,m concerned .
  23. Yes Smith is a worry on what I saw last night not just to his self and others around him but he wont be riding good friday Berwick have a meeting (how about Richard Lawson as a guest if the rules allow ? )and yes Stead got 1 in the meeting but in the second half 3.2 he got much better as the night went on .
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