Not sure how asking if Mr Ribbons was connected to the return of speedway to Norwich is scuppering Mildenhall return to the track action ? I was just asking basically if it was the same person that’s all - I certainly don’t have any personal issues with Mr Ribbons I wish Mildenhall well and hope they do return this coming season .
A metal post set in concrete isn’t going to move how ever much protection is put around it I really can’t see how speedway can return to West Row now the stock car fence has been installed.
Best bet is to find a wealthy sponsor or backer borrowing the money without knowing how successful the venture will be is very risky- if I’d pledged money as a fan Id withdraw it if the 100 or so fans are deemed responsible for repaying for any loan if that’s the route they go down
Can’t see the club returning not with those sort of figures £40.000 for a hand full of meetings in front of 500 fans doesn’t make financial sense to me unless they can find as you say someone with very deep pockets to fund it .
Looking at other photos of the track as well the concrete stock car fence has narrowed the track up get a wooden fence on the straights with a small gap between the concrete and the wood fence and a foam or air fence on the bends will the white line have to be move in ? the track as it is looks really narrow
Big advantage of kings Lynn foam barrier riders who fall don’t tend to end up underneath it air fences lift up and offer less protection - Chris Holders crash at Coventry is prime example.
F1 Stock cars at Lynn the night before let’s hope the weather is kind on the Saturday night and will be an all nighter I’d say turning the stadium around for 3pm Sunday .