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Everything posted by Whisperer

  1. Looking for a deal? ' you not feeling very well Martin?
  2. Don't underestimate her, she'll go to sleep when she spots Peter York or kick off if she sees Sandhu or Horton !!!!!!!!!!!
  3. and Derek Thompson, 10.30pm on Thursdays
  4. More than likely that his parent club want to transfer rather than loan him
  5. And prejudicial to any fair hearing or inquiry if indeed it was Buster who made that statement and not someone else avoiding putting their own name to it, hmmmm
  6. There's plenty of Deja Vu as far as TV and Speedway are concerned, let's be honest the BSPA had it all and abused it with petty breaches of the agreements. Duct tape numbers, missing race suits, no Sky Sports banner advertising, filthy air fences and banners before racing commenced, uncut grass on centre greens, I even remember ground level shots at Kirky Lane that featured the weeds growing all along the kickboards. Terry introduced the TV meeting presentation audit document as part of the contract to assist clubs to identify the standards required and help them prepare for a TV meeting - they saw that as outrageous and completely ignored it - they couldn't even see it as an aide memoir ! I still can't believe the shock revelation that the members of the Management Committee were all senior officers on the SS Titanic ! "Flick the icebergs full speed ahead"
  7. I'll never understand why people don't believe the truth, I know your post isn't malicious in any way but Dave has spelled it out like it is the "jolly" or "piss up" are expressions used by those who just don't know and of course eventually don't want to know. My guess is the untruth is more believable, anyway can't hang about time to pack the cozzie and Ambre Solaire!
  8. Correct it's more cost effective than the UK
  9. I don't disagree with your sentiments but it is most definitely not a waste of money, there are plenty of other issues to address of course but this one has it's place and the lack of focus on other elements is clearly understood but please don't belittle the genuine achievements that this initiative has. Most of your points have merit but trashing those that are helping the sport doesn't do justice to those who have/need that help. The money that would be saved is less than most clubs lose in 1 home meeting.
  10. Brilliant 200 bags of chips sort the sport in Newcastle, how many pieces of home made pie to fix Scunthorpe anyone?
  11. On the other hand this arrangement has maintained the interest of the Members of Parliament for Swindon, Coventry, Oxford and in particular Belle Vue when they were making all their plans for the NSS. Too many accuse the BSPA of doing nothing to support ailing clubs yet when they encouraged the likes of Gerald Kaufman to get involved there wasn't a hint of acknowledgement to or expectation from the BSPA. Nick Brown is pro Speedway and has organised dialogue with many civil bodies to further the development of the sport. This committee questioned the Minister for Immigration to identify opportunities and "clarify" some of the actions of UKVI. The benefits go on, it's more than PR and the cost is little more than a stand at an exhibition like the NEC it raises the profile of the sport in the heart of government at a time when we need every ally we can get. There is a much bigger picture and the bar closes at 7.30 pm, the drinks are simply hospitable with no opportunity for excesses, with travel and security for just 2 hours on the ground it is far from a jolly.
  12. Wrong, very very wrong it is the sport that has increased subscriptions not any individual within it
  13. TBH if I was in the BV camp right now I would maintain my dignity and remain silent. I think the world of Peter and respect his opinion, he is not a freeloader, he has earned his entitlement to whatever any BV Promotion feel disposed to give him and I believe that any British World Champion should be a Freeman of the sport but I feel Peter is misguided taking up the dispute on anyone else's behalf. I've stood in the pits with those guys at Kirky Lane on many, many occasions and listened to some of them constantly slagging the former promotion long before any of this came up. I invited one of them to my track as I hadn't seen him for years, he rocked up at the pit gate with 4 others so I let them in once and when I offered a 50% reduction in admission for the future for the "Pals" they never visited again. Shame but it was clear they didn't just expect free admission to the Zoo. Frequently on the terraces are many former riders and their families from Juniors to World Champions like PC and it is not an insignificant percentage of the modern day crowd levels so cannot be ignored as a potential source of revenue to help the financial performance of the business. The fact that I have always offered concessionary admission for families and sponsors (I'm talking at least 50%) has not eliminated snide and barbed comments so at the end of the day as a Promoter you learn very quickly that you cannot do right for wrong. Whatever the rights or wrongs in anything Speedway I don't believe the public domain is the place to achieve a satisfactory solution for as you have seen opinions are formed before the public utterances are questioned or qualified and the venom begins regardless.
  14. Why not double it then you can raise £1120 or treble, maybe even quadruple or multiply it by 10 and you'll solve Newcastle's problems. In fact make up any numbers you like but I can assure you if this was remotely the cause/contributing to Newcastle's problems George would have nailed it months ago. Go on just try and blag your way past Joan for a laugh !
  15. Overheard on the bus to Grimsby Hello is that the Daily Telegraph? Can I speak to Mr Flinton please? Hello Mr Flinton, I’m a member of the BSPA Management Committee and I need your help, I know you’ve always been sympathetic towards Speedway but I wondered if you could build it up a bit for us? You can, brilliant I’ll send you over some press releases! I don’t need to do that because you use a press cutting service, what’s that? “Well Bob, you publish an article anywhere and the press cutting service trawls all of the local media and magazines to pick up anything newsworthy. They used to call it Lift and Stick in the old days but it’s copy and paste now” Great have you got mine then? “Yes Bob I have the one where you say you’d be happy to get 500 people every week” Oh right isn’t there anyone else’s you can use? “Well I have your mate on the Management Committee, Mr French telling everyone that Speedway can’t be sustained at Rough Patch on Mondays” Oh right isn’t there another? “I’ve got your other mate off the Management Committee, the one whose attendances dropped when he had riders refusing to ride then he sacked them shall I use that?” Er no isn’t there anything else? “Why Bob what’s wrong with using the Management Committee’s tracks, you’re running the sport aren’t you?” Try someone else’s “Ok I’ll use Cumbriaton’s they’re not on the Management Committee are they?” No, great, what does it say? “It says that their attendances have dropped to an alarming level and they’d be happy to get 500 every week” Oh right well can’t you make something up? “Yes of course, how about I tell everyone British Speedway is in great shape right now and many tracks are reporting increased attendances?” Yes that will do nicely but best not use it as a quote from me under the circumstances, put Custer’s name on it and I’ll brief him and get him to spread the word, thank you. “Oh hold on, just got a stop press, two of your clubs are kicking off about social media, we can go with that, who do I talk to at the clubs? Oh it’s the same person for both, how does that work?” “Right so your mate on the Management Committee owns the lease and, and , I tell you what forget it, my readers would know I was making it up!”
  16. So it would appear that sales of SS have rocketed beyond all expectations and the readership even more so, well done! How else would all the stay aways from British Speedway and the used to go people know about your article Phil? It's incredible that the powers that be hold such a naive opinion to think that, that magazine article has had any deteriorating impact on the sport. If the promised transparency had been forthcoming then any inaccuracies in the article would not have existed and a considered response may have been welcomed to correct any misunderstandings anyway, I say considered because the shooting from the hip from both the Chair and Vice Chair has caused a lot of the confusion and misunderstanding this year. If anyone seriously thinks that the magazine intends to destroy the sport and consequently it's own sales opportunity they have lost the plot, just because Promoters do it with their own businesses doesn't mean that everybody else does the same. It's no secret that some members of the BSPA lurk on this forum and react to what they read whether that is positive or negative is up for debate but once those reactions get into the public domain it has more of a damaging effect coming from a promotion than it does a journalist. A journalist can publish a retraction or correction a Promotion has to live with it's public utterances the SS for example is read by a minority (with respect) but Press releases and ranting statements are read by the wider community as a whole and certainly the outburst from one club recently, whether justified or not, led to the comment from a "social media friend" Is that what really goes on at Speedway?
  17. I'm not sure whether the first word I'm looking for is sanctimonious or righteous but I'm dead certain that the second word is b'stard !!!!!!
  18. Genuinely sorry to disappoint you but this is how it's been for many years. Spreadsheet derived, preferred dates are submitted, preferred derbies are submitted, any stadium availability issues are submitted and the job lot comes out on a tabbed sheet with suggested fixtures. It's then up to each club to; modify, swap, re-arrange or do sweet f a to finalise their fixtures and re-submit. All of the hard work is done for them and it's really well done but unfortunately it's beyond the ability of the average Promoter to follow and agree hence so much conflict. Trust me they are second guessing rider availability and the likelihood of a win before committing to the fixtures in other words a different agenda. The poor guy who puts hours and hours into it must feel let down by the constant challenges and in the end says fluff it do your own thing.
  19. In your humble opinion of course, why are you such an animal towards other posters? The Brits do just the same, Poland, Sweden, Denmark not forgetting breaking down on the motorway on the way to meetings. Wherever they come from we need more riders not less. Next!
  20. It's not that long ago that riders from down under were travelling half way around the world to pursue their ambition leaving their family, culture and security behind just to race a motorcycle. many of them lived in the back of their car or van for weeks on end. Phil Crumps first night at Crewe was the back of a van until Maurice had sorted the caravan, Jack Millen spent away meetings in the Moggy van with Cheryl, Janine and at times Jimmy Wells not to mention the effing dog he had. Australians and New Zealanders were totally committed to British Speedway and there were many who failed just like there were many who succeeded but above all their spirit could never be questioned and by sticking together helped each other. I cannot and will not condone the actions of a minority of Australians who may have upset the applecart but over the years and certainly in current times for every Australian who has caused a problem I'll find you a Brit who has done the same and certainly when it comes to missing meetings or fake (allegedly) medical notes our P colleagues win hands down. Banning them is not a solution to any problem because the problem will still be there with the other nationalities that remain but how about persuading UKVI to let more in so that there are enough to plug the gaps and hope that the powers that be manage the rule book more effectively so that everyone (wherever they have come from) flourish and respect British Speedway?
  21. Try searching Facebook for Dave Waddy or Andy Waddy they will sort you
  22. Funniest post this year! Who taught who to swear? Sorry it's not slanted at you Argos.
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