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Everything posted by bdjfan

  1. Thanks very much if you can keep the updates coming through out the afternoon it will be greatly appreciated.
  2. Heavy showers about 25 mins from track hopefully should pass through no doubt some Panther's fans who live closer will up date later if not on here on the Panthers Forum it's self.
  3. Does anyone know where I can down load a racecard for tonight?
  4. It was a draw 45-45 I do like the look of the Bulldog's team, whats the new's on whether they have a track or not? Many year's ago I used to go and watch the bulldog's.
  5. Does anyone have any news on Brendan?
  6. Thats it just keep slagging them off, from what I can remember the british youth team didnt do much better last year!!! Let's just see what happens on Saturday eh!!!
  7. No sorry I think the Aussies have a great attitude towards the sport all of them do what they do because they love it and are passionate about it. They don't take themselves off into corners to meditate I like to see the comaradery that they show. My only negative on King's Lynn last night was that I wish I never spent £35 to sit in the Royal Box as it was called what silly idiot came up with the idea that if you sat in there you had to support GB and issue you with a GB flag. I had to then go and spend a tenner to prove a point to support the Aussies instead. Also the view from their was absolutely lousy. Catering there lastnight was pretty useless as well qeuing for hours for drink's etc.
  8. If theres anyone in the Kingslynn area that can give weather updates it would be very helpful.
  9. Most of the number ones by that time in the season have headed home!!!!
  10. Those little foam ear plugs that they sell at the stadium I would think could be pretty dangerous for little uns especially if they poke their fingers in and push them in further than they should be!!!!
  11. I would have thought that the powers that be's attitude would be that they would have to pay for a seat as the two year old would need to sit in it. Its too noisy a place to me for someone that young though.
  12. As far as I am aware they have a hell of a lot to hide, think your best bet is to go ahead and google as I think if you leave it to fellow supporters you will get a lot of hearsay and speculation!!!! They werent liked that's the be all and end all in my book
  13. Sorry but I feel a bit suss on putting an answer to this question not many of us speedway fans are that interested on the ins and outs of old promoters etc. Other BSF readers be ware I dont think this post is what it is making out to be!!!! Good on you Neil for not giving too much away
  14. Its alright people coming up with all these names, but at the end of the day rider's who take part in the GP's have to have the behind the scenes set up to take part bikes engines kevlars mechanics. Not to mention of course the financial backing of large sponsor's etc. A lot of the names that are be mentioned don't have the back up and in this day and age do not want to get in serious debt to do it. The GP series doesn't pay a great deal when you think of all the time travelling etc that has to be done.
  15. Much as it pains me to say it on performance this year I would have to say Lee Richardson, I would have loved to say Tai but as other's have said I'm not sure with what is going on in his personal life 2010 would be the year for him to take on such a hard role.
  16. Perhaps the idiot of a commentator Yorke won't be able to find a parking space and then that would improve the meeting!!!!
  17. No sorry Yorkie is a disgrace and until he retires I won't be going back to Coventry.
  18. Its knowing that, that bloke is going to be on the mike that is putting me off.
  19. Was thinking of going to this but then to fork out £50 to hear that totally un biased commentator cheering on Bomber Harris all night is deffinitely not my idea of entertainment. If somebody could guarantee that the idiot wasn't going to be there I might be persauded to change my mind!!!!
  20. Does anyone have the results and individual scores from yesterday in particular the Torun meeting.
  21. Crump being self centered and winning that heat allowing the other team the chance to play the joker was the icing on the cake for me. I do feel sorry for the rest of the aussies who had to stand by his comment's and aggreeing that Ryan's face didnt fit. Appalling at the end of the day. Hope Ryan gets lots of maximums to rub there noses in it.
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