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jim the whipper

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Everything posted by jim the whipper

  1. All of this is fact because David Hemsley told me Himself , both Max and Josh have been assured that their places are safe and they can carry on learning their craft without the pressure of possibly losing their places , leicester will remain in the Elite league next season , as David is enjoying paying out more in wages than he gets from the gate money and walking around with empty pockets has renewed his feeling of safety walking around the area after getting robbed of the takings by real thieves instead of foreign speedway riders , during the winter David is going to listen to advice from people who know better and sprinkle some of Briggo's exclusive fairy dust on the track which will make passing after the first corner possible even if the rider in front doesn't make a mistake , David is more than happy having breaks of 3 weeks between meetings so the elite league is ideal for him from that point of view as well , apparently Emil is finding life without the GPS a little difficult these days and has begged david for a team place , it has been expalined to Emil that david is a man of Honour and would never dream of dropping a struggling rider so unfortunately no team place for him until next season , when he will be joined in the top five by , the turbo twins , Tai Woffinden and Nicki Pedersen , race night wil remain on Saturday and no one need ever miss all the action because the stadium is full to capapcity because Sky will be showing all the matches live on skysports one
  2. Dont blame England for that abortion . The shape and the proliferation of the myth that it is the best racetrack in the country , is down to one man and it will not get changed however many people tell him it's wrong, because he fought for 28 years and raised the funds ,found the site ,got the planning permission , built the stadium , laid the track , he even cooks the hamburgers and empties the bins , without him there would be no leicester speedway today and without his ongoing benevolence it would not keep running , are you serious ? nah you are having us on , you little devil !
  3. What do they turn up every week for ? at best elite league is only every fortnight , Hemsley gave up the regular weekly income and doubled his wage bill when he made the shrewd move to go Elite league .Haha he was going to have huge crowds with more local opposition and have the best riders in the world every week , and the racing was going to be top notch . have you seen any of that through your rose tinteds ?
  4. Theres no point in getting petitions or approaching Hemsley face to face ,all that will get is the instigator banned from Beaumont Park ( No , Thats not a joke or a dig , it's a fact ) The first two riders to ride BP, KK and Parker both told Hemsley the straights were too long and the turns too narrow , Since that time and over the last 3 seasons he has been told 100's of times , and more than enough backroom staff, sponsors , riders and supporters have left the club in acrimonious circumstances after altercations with Hemsley about the track. 3 seasons back , a mere mention of St David and his god awful track being less than top notch would have brought torrents of abuse to the poster Instantly , but even the most stalwart of Hemsleyites have now jumped ship and a comment about the state of Hemsleys promotion, behaviour towards his volunteer staff, riders and supporters is more likely to spur approval than rebuke , Only one person still posts positively about Hemsley on these pages and TBH nobody takes any notice because of them because some of the posts are downright silly , Nero fiddled while Rome burned , and Helmsley is doing the same at BP .
  5. Well the Cat is out of the bag now , the something special is .......................................................................... wait for it ..............................................., Ever the one for innovation, Dave Hemsley has come up with another world beating fresh idea for those who dont want to sit in the comfort of their own home or the even the local pub to watch 15 processional races , pretty sure this is just the sort of radical thinking to revive flagging interest in Elite league speedway you would never have guessed , Rocket powered bikes , celebrity guests , and a man diving 60 feet into a teacup full of water during the interval ., Nah sorry that was the domain of real promoters and belongs back in the twenties , Davids more 21st century approach is to reduce admission prices . wow I can see them flocking in . I hope advanced ticket sales are available because I dont want to be dissapointed when I cant get in ,
  6. hahaha Robert you of all people Hoping that , after having his snout in the trough with all the big pigs , mr hemsley will go back to the lower table . Not on your nelly , when all the other teams have dropped down leicester will be in the Elite league by themselves. never mind the regular race nights , varied opposition and more even competition , Hemsleys team are where they belong ,way up there in the upper echelons , and nobody is taking that away from him ,
  7. Oh !. sorry if my attempt at humor is historically inaccurate , please feel free to correct it
  8. Even hotter news , Woffinden has insisted that Wolverhampton employ Charlie Dimmock as his personal start tart , she is to come complete with spade ,rake and whacker plate , and will be responsible not only for Tai's gardening but also for obscuring the view of the other 3 gates with her huge appendages , There is also speculation that Woffinden is having his own changing room built complete with Tattoo and body mutilation studio and a room for a stylist to use between races , until its completion the Pits have been demolished to make room for his Winnibago and a marquee for his entourage , the rest of the riders will be provided pit space out in the car park behind their own vans , CVS assures all the riders who make up the numbers at Wolverhampton this is only a temporary measure , and they are guaranteed pit space in the shadow of the world champions building ASAP
  9. Yes' it's going to be like the americans landing on the moon in 1968 , the meeting will actually be at Scunthorpe but all the background shots are being filmed this week at BP
  10. Diva !! what a great way to describe him , I can't wait to see him pull his diva stunt at the Next GP , well that will be the obvious next step up of course having got away with it at his home track and with a weak referee , It won't matter if he gets penailsed because he can just go back to his pit space and have a few of his blue only M and Ms . and shout at some of the lesser mortals who work for him
  11. Haha jealous of what exactly , surely you could have put a little more thought into that poor attempt at an insult ,
  12. And when he had finished gradening , threw the shovel down . (not to worry heh ? some pleb will clear up after me because I'm Tai Woffinden ) probaly so he could stand at the gate hands on hips, posing while waiting for a servant to bring his bike like little Lord Fauntleroy ,
  13. If i had been the ref I would have put Woffinden off 15 metres , and said if you want to show off and act the big man do it from back there ,
  14. Sorry that just doesn't work for me , maybe try another getout ,but put a little effort into it this time , well assuming you can get both braincells working at the same time that is .
  15. were Panthers a saturday track when he rode for them ? can't ever remember that Are you suggesting that Leicester fans take a long while for the penny to drop but when they do , they become as vocal in their antipathy as they were in there constant approval ? surely not , that would make them Hypocrites just like the ones on here
  16. june got the tag "Flaming" when somoen looks out the window at the torrential rain and said , it should not be raining it's " Flaming June "
  17. What did you expect when your team joined the elite league ? racing every week with a full 1-7 of your own , or nothing for 3 weeks then 2 meetings in 3 days with a team full of guests . you know the saying surely "be careful what you wish for" well a lot of leicester support did wish . and now they have it ,
  18. there are no more of them wanting to see Elite league every two or three weeks than there were for premier league .in fact now that the novelty of elite league has worn off , and no visible improvement on the racing , theres less , the management now find themselves with hugely increased expense but decreased revenue since their paydays are at best every fortnight , and they are suffering the same as all the other Elite teams with riders having to bow to demands from Poland , better quality riders have a higher wage demand and also more opportunities to have those demands met abroad , leicester will remain in the elite to the bitter end which wont be long , because Hemsley will never accept that anything he does is a mistake . Instead of creating more support joining the Elite league has actually lost support , disjointed fixtures are one reason , and another is because the local teams are now in the same league , so Cov , Wolves , Bham, supporters will not support like they did when leicester were in a different league . showing the council an empty stadium and a losing team wont do them any favours and suggesting that it will shows how the rose tinted come up with excuses for everything based on their own delusions , meanwhile back in the real world !!! Jim the crystal clear over and out .
  19. Peterborough have always had a volatile relationship with their landlords at the showground , so maybe the speedway promotion preferred not to rock the boat by publicly blaming them for something that was outside the control of both parties , The Elite league was a total shambles when Leicester joined it , they were warned but allowed ego to get in the way of common sense , they have only themselves to blame for the situation they find themselves in .
  20. Time to bring Nemo back , always popular with the fans , has an established elite league average, never messed leicester about because of commitments in other countries , would be a great assistant to Max and Tom , Ideal candidate I think
  21. I thought it looked like a broken thigh as well , until I aksed my neighbour if i could see the replay on his 60 inch tv , in a larger format it was much easier to make a diagnosis on tv , and i could soon see that it was just lacerations and some deep muscle bruising ,
  22. Tracks can cope with Stock cars bangers and speedway , Probably the best racetrack in the country KIngs lynn , Has stocks bangers go karts amateur meetings with 100 races etc , but on a wednesday night it's better than most for elite league , just needs good managment then all sports can live happily together .
  23. With Colin the blade coming and some new shale Stoke should be a good racetrack once again , The top 4 of the team look like a solid scoring quartet .and once the wheat is sorted from the chaff with the bottom 3 and necessary changes put in place , Stoke could well be a winning team , I think Stoke fans should be looking forward , If not a good season at least a better one than the last few
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