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Everything posted by speedwaykate

  1. yes i totally agree , that katie mason was defiantly the best female speedway rider eevvrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
  2. i think this bit is quite good :o)

  3. thankyou all very much for your info. my dad (bob mason) is now in contact with howard cole
  4. trying to track down an old friend of my dads.HOWARD COLE. i believe he rode for stoke roundabout 1962.im told he moved to australia to be a teacher??? my dads name is bob mason . any help would be greatly appreciated .thankyou
  5. i dont think in any sport i have done i have gone to do with the intention of thinking , i have to be world champ or i cannot do this sport?? i think im going to do this sport because i enjoy it , and it keeps me fit .i have raced with some of the best in my time , yer they got to the top . well done to them .. i sat on the terraces for years cheering the lads on , next step for me was to join them . and im damn glad i did .. GO GIRLS ..
  6. well somebody has to stick up for us girls montana.. hehe . who says only lads can ride speedway?? ive seen many lads doing balllet, dancing and lots of other female sports.. the more this little debate goes on the more keener i am to dust off my kit and get back on my bike and kick butt !!! lol well try im prob very rusty and unfit now!
  7. well i cant see any problem with females riding speedway at all. i rode motox and speedway . i also did rugby , football, figure skating, tennis , bmx racing, dancing, and hockey . most of these sports are male based sports. but did i care???? did i sucseed?? and did i give the boys a run for their money ???and the main question did i enjoy it ??? YESSSSSS loved it the best years of my life so far. people winge about kids these days sitting in front of computers 24/7 . kids cant win back then or nowa days . i got on very well with all the lads i raced speedway with and had great times. the fact that i was female only ruffled a few guys feathers and that just made me more determined to beat them . the one tricky bit i had to over come was the changing rooms at tracks , half the time i was in a cleaning cupboard ,or a toilet , but didnt bother me . my main aim was to get on that track and race . GO GIRL POWER . IF U GOT THE GUTS TO RIDE SPEEDWAY . GET OUT THERE AND DO IT !!!!!! no you prob wont be world champ or appearing in a gp . but how many MALE riders that compete all the time do this!!!!
  8. i used to ride at hackney,in the years 1989-90-91,, god i feel old now lol..i loved the track being a beginner as such.. i remember i used to ride in the second half on a friday night then on a saturday at the training sessions.we used to have to sleep in the car in the pits area over the friday night yak!!!we used to go into a little hut over the other side of the track for a coffee after the meeting on the friday night..there used to be a mechanic there called steve , he was a youngish lad. well id say about 19 ish..at the time..i would love to know what he is up to now..the best bit there was me being a FEMALE rider and the changing room senario.. i used to have to walk through the mens changing rooms with my head down(sometimes ..hehe) and go to a small room out the back to change. i think most of the guys found it funny to walk about with as little as possible on . awwwwwwwww the joys of being a FEMALE in a male orinentated sport ,,
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