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Daniel Smith

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Everything posted by Daniel Smith

  1. So you use a story from the US to try & give credence to the greyhound fraternity? That has no relevance to PETA in the UK You on losing ground backing greyhounds.
  2. Then I'd say the idea os a dead rubber then, greyhounds is a more extinct sport than Speedway. Great shame the project is doomed for failure before it's even got going. Maybe Budimir is planning exactly that so the grounds become impossible to prove that sport has any chance of survival and apply for planning on the whole ground for many more £m's than the redevelopment of the stadium. A free hit for Budimir
  3. Is that taking a snippet for a swipe at her? She does say "........ and other sports". So no miss conception on her part. As a Speedway fan, Oxford would be a great addition to the sport but as much as there is hope it won't happen when all is reliant on greyhounds. It just won't get the backing, even if it did reopen, it'll be shut down again within a year. The PETA spokesperson is absolutely correct, for the stadium to reopen, be sustainable and survive longevity it has to be for only, as she put it, "willing, human participants". I feel for Rob Pleasley as he tried to defend the greyhounds but I think he's a little blinkered. The Oxford Mail have ripped him a new hole with the greyhound statistics:- "Official figures released earlier this year by the Greyhound Board of Great Britain revealed that almost 1,000 racing greyhounds died or were killed in 2018. Hundreds of dogs were euthanised in 2018 for reasons including the high cost of medical treatment and the absence of a ‘viable option away from the racecourse’. There has also been a steady decline in the number of greyhound tracks, with Wimbledon and the flagship course, Towcester, among those that closed as attendance reached historic lows". Rob, if I was you, I'd speak with Budimir and try and get plans done for the inclusion of Stocks, Hot Rods & Bangers on an all shale surface and rip out the dogs. You're unfortunately on a losing campaign if the continuation is Greyhounds is the only option.
  4. Where's the evidence Cardiff is a money spinner? It's only what perceived by what you see and hear. I'd almost guarantee the financial figures would actually tell you a different story. Cardiff is/was BSI's big annual sales & marketing event. What BSI/IMG has done for the GP's is not in question. The question is the value to the Discovery group to continue with a BSI/IMG marketing project. Discovery may find their huge marketing project belongs at an indoor stadium in the USA. Unless proven with finacial profit figures year on year, Cardiff is a 'MYTH' as the BSI money spinner.
  5. But with an initiative like this, I've no doubt the figure will increase by quite a few.
  6. You're right, and by no means impressed so far either, with 2 rider's announced that should have been nowhere near being the 7. It's been made clear after the supporters meeting last night as to why Jorgensen been recalled. With Dale becoming part of Jorgensen's 'team' it makes his selection a little to friendly for my liking, not for the benefit of King's Lynn
  7. That's my point. It is no way proven to be a bigger money spinner than any other GP. It's a myth.
  8. Discovery will be utilising the team running the SEC series are they not? They are 'the Poles' I was referring to. Discovery are far more shrewd with their overheads. They'll never spend a penny more then they want. With all the sports they have rights to they operate at the bare minimum required
  9. Looking at the teams, I can't see how Lambert will get in the Rybnik side except for injuries. Should have tried to stay at Lublin imo
  10. I think Cardiff will be removed from the calendar from 2022. The Poles won't be interested in the initial pay out required, regards the profits from Cardiff, does anyone really know compared to Warsaw and other GP's.
  11. Certainly something I and others had suggested many years ago. I'd like it taken further though that season tickets allow all holders to other tracks for £10 admission regardless, across the top 2 divisions. For local derbies it could generate superb atmospheres of years gone by once again
  12. It's not moaning for the sake of it. It's passionate opinion about something we find so important in our lives. It's a part of who we are. If people didn't care this would be a very dead forum for a start
  13. Many have rumoured the same regards Pedersen but has yet to be confirmed that is the case. Although Pedersen isn't in the GP's he is in the SEC, attempting to requalify for the GP's and doing Germany so should be just as busy as Iversen.
  14. Regardless, 100 flat building will take the whole car park as the space legally has to allocate a single parking space per flat.
  15. The more you dig into this story I think false hope is being played here. 100 homes on the only car park? Really?
  16. That is good news, and regardless of the figure's in losses the council trust these owners to finally get it right. Whether it takes 2 or 20 years the council are showing their faith. Just wish every council up and down the country would do the same hey
  17. Iversen wasn't great in 2018, generally left behind in heat 1 most matches. When it mattered though, both he and Lambert were deadly in heats 13-15. Those heats alone created 8 point swings in a meeting being the difference that year until Iversen's injury.
  18. Is one bad year to get Douglas, Becker, Nicol, Morris to further adapt their skills home and away. It could be that the management are looking short term pain, long term gain. Trying to build a spin in the team for the next 5 years or so is no bad tactic. If the Americans live up to their obvious potential they could (and I think will) be the next Hamill & Hancock. I believe the management won't give up on 2020 but I'd certainly allow to give them a bit of a break and look to 2021 and beyond. One thing the Wolverhampton management are good at and that's longevity of rider's and seeing beyond the current season with building teams. Poole were a force with their future relient on Ward & Holder. Swindon are a force when they have Doyle & Batchelor in the same team generally regardless of who else is in the team. I think Wolves are pinning their hopes on very similar coming to fruition, there's no shame in that. Enjoy watching "The American Assassin's" at work.
  19. For that to be the case there'll be no Cook or Riss and an abysmal 3rd Heatleader
  20. If it's Iversen it's a massive kick in the plumbs for King's Lynn more than anyone. Recent history has shown that when available for a full season King's Lynn is his choice. Having said that, I think some crossed words happened at the end of the 2018 season at King's Lynn during the Play-Off's and Niels hasn't forgive nd or forgot.
  21. Lambert & Proctor are excellent signings almost certs to add to their current averages. Kerr & Jorgensen I can't say or see the same. Hopefully the club have managed to find a 'ringer' from somewhere to go with Riss & Cook. 1. Lambert 7.61 2. Kerr 5.43 3. Riss 6.61 4. Jorgensen 5.90 5. Cook 7.59 6.(Pickering 4.36) ??? 4.93 7. Proctor 4.43 As a 1-7 it looks awfully weak imo.
  22. He doesn't cut it as a replacement on those 3 does he That's my point, Belle Vue are more likely to be able to find suitable replacements while any lose of Swindon's top 3 will be catastrophic.
  23. Must still have his Championship head on. Swindon are clear clear favourites. What goes in Belle Vue's favour is a replacement for injuries would be easier to find than a replacement for Doyle, Batchelor and Jensen. Swindon would be extremely lucky if they remain injury free from one of those three
  24. That's a shame as I believe it's the only way Speedway would have longevity at Oxford. Unfortunately, animal rights are very close to getting dog racing banned in this country. Speedway needs to be in with motorsports to continue strongly imo. Now the Speedway has been gone for some time in Oxford I do feel they'll now face a huge issue with noise pollution issues from residents. Especially new residents that have no known history of the sport at the stadium.
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