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Daniel Smith

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Everything posted by Daniel Smith

  1. It was the last tournament for these Russian athletes before the War suspension kicked in. I suspect that's why he did it.
  2. Putin doesn't give tqo hoots about NATO. He'll do as he wants, if anyone else gets involved, be ready for the consequences. While we & our leaders have a conscience of the dangers of Nuclear Weapons, Putin does not. Anyway, that's not for here.
  3. This is why all Russian athletes should be suspended without question. Gymnast on the podium yesterday (alongside a Ukrainian)
  4. Another one that doesn't get it. Thankfully, as of today HaasF1 have terminate Mazepin's contract. All sports are slowly catching up
  5. What? I was simply saying Lebedev is a crap rider
  6. Do you mean a rider like Lebedev or actually Lebedev. To be honest, if you get him, he will be proper sheet
  7. Simply because they're Russian. Some will see it unjust but all Russian athletes should not be allowed to compete internationally. Many other sports are sanctioning Russian athlete's, why on earth should Speedway be different?? Ukrainian's are being illegally killed by a Russian invasion. If Russian people really didn't agree with the war here's something to think about, their armed forces can refuse to drop bombs, fire rockets, shoot their guns but no, they continue at great speed. Sanctions have to be implemented & being Russian is just that imo, regardless of who they are.
  8. I initially praised Emil for his Tweet on social media but having thought about it there are 2 clear questions (Laguta too). 1. Is it a genuine message from the heart, or is it just a personal attempt to remain employed? 2. Or, have their Polish clubs put pressure on to remain employed that they 'MUST' show clear disdain to war?
  9. It will be Poland that quashed it, nothing to do with British clubs. Miss interpretation from Bewley's comments
  10. Would imagine it has nothing to do with uk, miss interpretation. Surely it's 3 Polish clubs insisting because of the complications it would have for them with their own rider's.
  11. So, why do Belle Vue Speedway has such extortionate debts to the Council??
  12. No, not necessarily. Belle Vue could & likely are still the owners. Many businesses have 3rd party operations. Belle Vue may have an agreement where 'Better Leisure' just take a cut from bookings etc. This then allows for Belle Vue to not required full time staff every day at the stadium.
  13. Think we have to think honestly about Belle Vue & British Speedway in general, I think they'll be in serious trouble come the end of the season. With the pandemic & now the 'Cost of Living' challenges for the next 5yrs minimum things are gonna be really really tough for the sport
  14. As much as 1 club rider's sound good it's unsustainable. Even Sweden & Poland allow doubling up/down to an extent. All we should do here is stop double for rider's that have teams abroad.
  15. Certainly hope there's no rule change this late in the day. Totally unfair on the rest of the league. Any big rule changes now shouldn't come in to effect until 2023
  16. Here's the thing about reporting. It was a non news story but the idea is engagement about King's Lynn Speedway. Guess what, you're talking about King's Lynn Speedway in the off-season. Job done
  17. Anyone notice that for the Winter Olympics Eurosport has increased to 5 HD Channels? Maybe it's part of their future plan for a sports takeover
  18. Course is still live https://www.poultec.co.uk/studyprogrammes/speedway/ This was Olly Allen's project but I'm unsure if he's still continuing since he became Great Britain Speedway manager
  19. That makes the event less attractive. Places would be empty if there's meetings where the No2/No4 & No6 race. . It has to be fixed to be a pairing from the top 3 in the team averages otherwise there's just going to be no interest at all to attend.
  20. £10k for the winners Doyle, Fricke & Woffinden will want that just to get out of bed
  21. Hopefully this will actually be every teams top 2 turning up (but very unlikely)
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