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Daniel Smith

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Everything posted by Daniel Smith

  1. Made me chuckle my apologies "show a meeting every week or sometimes 2 meetings over 14 days"
  2. No thanks. The World Cup should be the best available rider's a country can offer. Scrap all ideas of forcing the including youth.
  3. Simply because it's his average. The advantage to Brennan & Belle Vue is already given with ¼ off his average. Without that advantage Belle Vue wouldn't have been able to put that team together or Brennan would have missed out completely. With that reduction, starting at reserve is also a 2nd advantage with a rider that is clearly at 2nd string level comfortably.
  4. I actually agree, hence I'd placed him in the top 5, but apparently Mark Lemon confirmed Brennan will be starting at reserve. The 25% should be team building only.
  5. Irrelevant, similarly to season tickets the majority of that money is spend by March 1st
  6. Brennan is at reserve. In terms of rolling averages, it's the same as everyone else. After the first 2023 greensheets Brennan will likely move in to the top 5
  7. Clubs can't cover their upfront costs at £20 month. This is the reason season tickets are still options & it's not for the fans benefit. The way Speedway fixtures work, offering a monthly subscription can plunge clubs into serious trouble quite quickly when working on tight budgets. IF '500' bought the subscription & the club had to cover costs, say, 2 home 3 away that month. They would normally have gotten £22,000. Under the scheme they'd receive just £10,000 to cover immediate costs of that month. In short term business, that £12,000 loss could be in surviving or closing. 2 months of similar fixtures that's £24,000 missed. Call-offs after a meetings started would add to issues if the meeting result limit isn't reached. While a good idea in principle, it would be financial suicide to clubs.
  8. First time in a few years the Aussie Title has no Live feed we get a line-up worth subscribing to
  9. Still a reasonable team without him though. Both Holder's, Fricke & Lidsey
  10. IF it's true regarding Emil I should imagine the VISA will be a hugely challenging to process
  11. Cycle Speedway killed these teams as they offered bigger, faster tracks & entertainment
  12. Due to mental illness he's become hugely unreliable. Easily still a 6-7 pointer witht the roght mindset, but you just don't know when he'll turn up.
  13. Very as you'd potentially miss 12 live meetings as you'd already be at King's Lynn the same night, unless you intend on not going to Lynn when the meeting is online?? Either way, a Thurday night fan signing up to a season ticket is throwing money away. Monday night track fans have a huge advantage. Similarly, a Monday night track fan would be nuts to pay for Discovery just for Speedway.
  14. If you're a fan of a Thursday night track, you'd be nuts to sign up the season
  15. Like you say, it's about opinion & I don't believe it's anywhere near Sheffield. For me, NKI & Holder are done & Tungate has pretty much flopped in the UK. Peterborough will require a couple of changes later in the season to challenge imo
  16. Absolutely, I used to do the same through my contact to Jonathan Chapman, I always shared everything. Things did literally change by the hour. Sometimes you look stupid, the next you look a genius Just how it goes but it would generally be 90% as said. There's been some on the KL thread this year chucking the team up weeks before the announcement. Nothing (with technology today) can be kept a secret no matter how hard you try. Rider's, promoter's, manager's talk, & someone always knows someone connected.
  17. Holder, Batchelor & Lyon combination didn't end well the last time it was together
  18. It still is. All Brits get 2.5%. All Brits graduating from the 'Rising Star' position gets 25%
  19. 100% Lynn's season really is dependent on 1 rider. He's anywhere between a 9 or 5 average, that's massive for the season. As for the 5 figure sum, I wouldn't be too concerned as that could just be £200.01
  20. Exactly, but I don't believe Wolves fans feel like that. They seem pretty happy but, had any other track selected that as a septet it would be guaranteed bottom. ________________________ Of the (almost) completed teams, I honestly believe 3rd is achievable 1. Belle Vue 2. Leicester 3. King's Lynn 4. Sheffield 5. Wolverhampton Just feel the Ipswich & Peterborough septet's may just push us to 5th of there rumours are correct, although, Chris Holder can't ride for both
  21. So, no curve balls to the expected line-up. Whether or not this team will win enough both home & away, it should provide some entertainment with Jorgensen, Palm-Toft, Pickering & Jakobsen. A couple of gating tarts in Klindt & Kasprzak won't hurt either. A team that could go either way, but compared to the other teams (almost) completed so far, this isn't looking so bad. Wolverhampton look the worst team so far,
  22. This is hugely important that some fans get hung up on. Averages aren't all that important in the grand scheme of things. The total team average even more so. The skill of the system is basically to find rider's that can improve, be it at home, away or both. The issue with the average system is that it falls down because promoter's & manager's become attached to rider's, meaning that rider's averages being improve is less likely. Wolves is a great example of this. It's a comfortable setup, everyone likes each other & they can almost guarantee a job for next year. Where's the drive to improve as a rider & club?? There's to much sentiment in British Speedway. For me, rider's should be seen as a commodity to achieve the best possible result for the club & fans.
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