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Daniel Smith

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Everything posted by Daniel Smith

  1. You're the one that said "just sell the club" so even you know there's value. Those naming rights have a price & it's whatever Buster sees fit, evwn when you're homeless
  2. I fully understand why many think Peterborough will get battered but this is the best & fair track in Britain. Doesn't matter what teams turn up to the NSS, Belle Vue could be beaten. It's all about 'on the day'.
  3. No, first 10 heats 4-2, then the remainder 1-5 so he doesn't have to pay No1 & No5 fees in heats 13 & 15
  4. In theory, but Craig Cook is susceptible to taking bookings & not turning up due to mental health issues. It's why Belle Vue, King's Lynn, Ipswich & Peterborough have released him. He's unreliable.
  5. I believe that's always his intention in recent years. He wants his teams to win but I think his ideal would be 46-44 & no 5-1's or 2nd & 3rd's to save on BP's.
  6. It's already up for sale bro, the right money has to exchange hands & you are saved.
  7. It's far from acceptable for fans, & the teams dished out at King's Lynn too are far from acceptable but Chapman will work from his budget & not move. This guy is not for moving under any circumstances no matter the amount of moaning & pressure. It's either 'put up & shut up' or don't go with Buster.
  8. Batchelor too, will not be employed while Buster is in charge. Cook is to unreliable
  9. Spot on, but I don't think the rider's would lose that much. 2x home & away plus a North/South cup competition they'll be fine. It may also be a benefit as it should give the younger riders the hurry-up to find teams abroad, rather than the comfort zone. All that would be lost is GP/Ekstraliga rider's but that's no biggie either if we're working to save the sport as a whole.
  10. You'd already been told why they said no to Zagar, asking for £100 per point more after agreement is outrageous behaviour.
  11. Every Peterborough fan already knew who Buster was when he took over. You'd seen the bargain teams put together at King's Lynn, why anyone would expect different at Peterborough is unbelievable & stupid. He'd saved you from early closure & won a title on a shoestring. MT has to take blame for making promises he couldn't deliver on. Buster works to a very strict budget & it's always been that way. Most outsider's would see what he's done in his short tenure as an excellent job. Us at King's Lynn have never seen a top flight title, Buster delivered one almost immediately, we should be the immensely bitter ones to be fair.
  12. It's not hate, that's a strong word to use against someone you don't know. It's just the fact that he'd whipped up the excitement amongst Peterborough fans about building "a title challenging team guaranteed". The romoured rider's didn't help the situation, to then not back it all up. Then to see all the blame fall back on the guy who actually owns the club is just laughable. At the end of the day, as a sponsor, they should keep their mouth shut until a team is signed sealed & delivered.
  13. I'm a King's Lynn fan who stopped going because of Buster. You don't have to go around blinkered because you don't like something. We have to be objective & Buster isn't the problem. Had Tomlin kept his mouth shut I'm pretty sure most Peterborough fans would have been ok with Pedersen & Iversen as top 2 + Basso & fillers in between. The issue was, because of Tomlin's big mouth & the rumours of Holder, Tungate, Lindgren you'd all got your knickers in a twist about Chapman & since have became the blinkered ones.
  14. Last couple of season has nothing to do with closures. Buster (Allitt??) has produced teams both at Peterborough & King's Lynn of similar standard. You where fortunate to get a freak season to win the title, apart feom that season, our 2 clubs have been team building exactly the same, even switching rider's season on season & using guests. It's building a team with minimal financial loses in mind. We all wish to have sponsors like Ipswich but there are not the people with the love for the sport like them. I know Peterborough fans will say Tomlin was going to put up the money but there's a reason it didn't happen. It's not just down to Buster.
  15. Anyone other better options than this for for GB? 1. Tai Woffinden 2. Robert Lambert 3. Dan Bewley 4. Charles Wright 5. Chris Harris / Danny King
  16. This is exactly the problem with British Speedway right here. Every, season it's "wait until next year". Bury head in sand, happy clap, pretend all is rosy. This is the sort of stuff that needs to stop. The ACU, SCB, BSP Ltd need to accept & take responsibility that there's a substantial problem.
  17. You keep saying that but you know that's not true though.
  18. Buster has all the power. Just have a sneaky feeling MT thinks he can see out the Showground and take over after as the club will effectively be extinct. The issue is, Buster, through spite, will hang on to the rights for Peterborough & run a National League team at King's Lynn, just to keep his promotional rights active. Tomlin will have to pay money, that's the be all & end all of this situation.
  19. Whatever the plan is for 2024 & beyond, the most certain thing is, every club whose renting has to look to purchase it's own land. It doesn't matter if it's grass banks 'bring your own deckchair' stadiums, portaloos, bring your own picnic etc. Without this, closure is coming to you, very soon. Recent ( & predicted) closures:- Swindon Robins Lakeside Hammers Coventry Bees Peterborough Panthers Wolverhampton Wolves Workington Comets Birmingham Brummies Edinburgh Monarchs Newcastle Diamonds Rye House Rockets Reading Racers Somerset Rebels Just look at the stature of those names within this sport. It's a horrid horrid look. Pretty much all these closures not because they've gone bust, but the stadium being pulled from underneath them.
  20. Any other season I really would have took serious enjoyment over a result like this but there's a much bigger picture. The WHOLE of British Speedway is in ICU, there should be no genuine fan of the sport taking any enjoyment right now. The 2023 season is effectively over for all.
  21. I don't think it'll work but not for those reasons. I can't see Peterborough fans adapting from the fast Showground racing to Wolverhampton trick track, going in reverse racing week in week out. It's a dead idea from the start
  22. So a team cannot reintroduce an injured rider if the 28 day rider takes the team average above 39.00 after greensheets then
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