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Daniel Smith

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Everything posted by Daniel Smith

  1. Lyon confirms he's staying http://www.kingslynnstars.co/index.php/latest-news-kls/32-kings-lynn-stars/190-lyon-confirms-he-is-staying Rory Schlein now sponsored by Alan Belham
  2. With having 2 new faces someone is going to be disappointed. Your team looks good though. I get the impression (and the club has always said it isn't about that) we're trying to put a team together to win the league. Personally, for me that would be a shame as it should be about progressing riders not titles in the NL
  3. Darren Mallett, Lewis Kerr, Scott Campos & Lewis Rose IMO have to be the remaining 5 Brendan Johnson may still be in with a shout but I think it's time Jake Knight moves else where. Think Coventry would be a perfect choice.
  4. Must be off too Poole then as part of the Pawlicki compensation package
  5. That's not necessarily true this year in the Premier League with the wage cap. Roynon is one of those riders every club will happily pay top dollar in the PL
  6. Which always begs the question with these thicko promoters, why do they continue to sign riders before the AGM
  7. For £55 a point maximum for every team in the PL there isn't really much to talk about apart from what day to do the signing the contract paper
  8. So it is, good spot. In that case I'd rather we have Schlein than Harris
  9. Iversen, Harris, Schlein, Klindt & Korneliussen would be an awesome top 5, but can it fit with half descent reserves? ?
  10. I thought loan fees where at a fixed rate relevant to a riders EL average?
  11. You may be right and if we're ask / told to buy his contract, for me it would be "thanks but no thanks". It is of no financial benefit to the club to purchase GP riders
  12. Just a thought regarding Niels. He's been pushing to get back into the GP's the last few years and hit probably his best form of his career. Now he's back in I feel now would be a bad time to purchase his contract from Peterborough. If it all goes ** up for him in the GP series this year it could send him in decline. If he is back we need to sit tight for a bit and see what happens.
  13. Double up rider are 1 per position. There are no shared positions
  14. Kozza is an incredible talent. Unfortunately he's come out of the same box as Adam Roynon. Both have everything but they get dished up everything to hold them back. The luck has to turn sometime soon hopefully
  15. Good init!!!!!!! You know anything & everything is news
  16. I don't think the averages fit so I'd assume contracts have been offered but at most, 2 of those riders won't feature
  17. A mate's niece goes to the same school as Rob Lyon's daughter and the playground talk is Rob Lyon remains team manager Contracts have been offered to N K Iversen Chris Harris Troy Batchelor Rory Schlein David Howe Ben Barker Kozza Smith
  18. Below I also posted on the Polish 2013 Confirmed Riders thread __________________________________________________________________________ All none Polish riders and those that ride in Lee Richardson's memorial meeting should refuse to ride for Rzeszow until the Richardson family receive what they are owed. That club and some of their so called fans are an absolute disgrace. No heart, no integrity, no guilt Shame on you Twitter should trend / message riders #BoycottRzeszowForRico
  19. There are a few I wouldn't mind in the team (not all at the same time I might add), Barker, Harris, Birks, Howe, Cook, Bridger, Mear, R Worrell, Tully to name a few. Improvement on their current averages in every single one of them
  20. All none Polish riders and those that ride in Lee Richardson's memorial meeting should refuse to ride for Rzeszow until the Richardson family receive what they are owed. That club and some of their so called fans are an absolute disgrace. No heart, no integrity, no guilt Shame on you Twitter should trend / message riders #BoycottRzeszowForRico
  21. Got to say, event 2 at King's Lynn looks sweet if the USA do (should) get through. That is the strongest line up for a King's Lynn round so far with track specialists riding for the opposition nations Can't see GB making it through, even to the race off. We'll even finish behind the USA but no doubt (weather pending) will draw up some cracking racing
  22. 1, Iversen 8.84 2, Wolbert 5.40 3, Fisher 6.02 4, Korneliussen 6.70 5, Schlein 7.33 6, L Bjerre 4.83 7, Eklof 3.00 Total 42.12 No double uppers
  23. The question still remains Is there going to be a New Year Classic????
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