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Daniel Smith

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Everything posted by Daniel Smith

  1. What I say is that the majority of life / career ending accidents tend to happen outside of British Speedway yet Brirish Speedway gets thw biggest flack from riders. Some tracks here could do with being smoother but they're no more dangerous than anywhere else. In fact, our safety records are way better than Polish tracks. The thing is, they pay bigger bucks so that stops riders bleating about them. Money over safety with riders imo
  2. Absolutely terrific point from a group of riders as a TEAM. That point would have been out of reach with the whinging Aussie's ⭐⭐UP THE STARS⭐⭐
  3. Believe that jumped up little t@ has been run out of Torun too
  4. Jorgensen's going ok, he'd be better from 15mtrs than Auty from tapes against Bjerre and Cook
  5. Who the hell is team manager for us tonight, they're taking the P surely? Jonasson T/R in heat 9 and Auty in for Jorgensen in heat 10
  6. Matt Ford is the reason for success, Muddlo offers nothing
  7. For Belle Vue he's an excellent captain. His enthusiasm and passion for Belle Vue is undeniable and whether he score 0 or 15 he adds to the other 6 riders. For GB the choice of captain (in hindsight) should have been Harris but at the end of the day, GB just wasn't good enough and whoever was captain wouldn't of made a diffence to the result.
  8. Muddlo has never been a good manager. Ford handed him great teams most of the time and all Muddlo did was walk around pits like the riders best mate. Always been tactically inept whenever brain power was required. This season been handed an team that should have done well and can't get then going so it seems Ford has had to do the managers job in trying to fire riders up. Muddlo is an unnecessary expense to Poole Speedway.
  9. Glad I never paid a penny into his fund. Ungrateful little *@#!$
  10. Are people missing the point, the ban will affect his visa application for 2018 so could be missing until 2019.
  11. Was gonna say the 9 month ban is great news but he may not be allowed on these until 2019. Would he be given a work or holiday visa while serving a suspension?
  12. There's nothing wrong with bringing Porsing back, what he does need to do is get shot of the GTR. It doesn't work round the AFA.
  13. Strange how some meeting come across on TV to being there. It was a hugely improved meeting with riders that just want to do their best on a grippy surface rather than moan about it. We lost, well done to Somerset for the win & offering some excellent entertainment. Really enjoyed tonight, terrific atmosphere just like the PL days. A very happy Stars fan who's very happy with the team. Couldn't care less if we don't win another meeting in 2017. ⭐⭐ UP THE STARS ⭐⭐
  14. This Bewley talk reminds me of just 2-3 years ago with regards to Robert Lambert. I don't think he's all that's cracked up to be to be perfectly honest
  15. The reason to hold these meeting at the relevant league tracks is to make some money. The majority of the crowds are made up of home fans, have it at a neutral venue the crowds will undoubtedly be very poor
  16. Over time yes it would, look what's happened to the American's when we brought in average restrictions for none commonwealth. Time to do the same for all none European
  17. I was simply sensational Speedway this afternoon. Some of the races are buzzing round my head. Thinking about today makes me go
  18. Depends on how you look at it. If you're looking at the forecast images they just show cloudy but the information on most shows precipitation at 47%+ from around 1pm - 1am. That means rain is to be expected but when is a guess
  19. Will be at this, looking forward to the 5 man races. Peterborough is a track that can cope with this easily. The 2002 World Cup certainly delivered some cracking entertainment with 5 in a race.
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