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    Newport Wasps

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  1. don't forget 'their opening gambit' and 'bomber isn't known for his starting'
  2. Same here, guess the thinking is that the other main body partnerships are well established and Bomber is more likely to look out for the youngsters than Holder. Result all depends on which Howarth and Lidsey turn up.
  3. What was Scott’s excuse? hangover from partying with Zmarzlik? Doubt he’ll be missing tomorrow night for tv duties
  4. Another poor meeting in terms of actual racing but a great result for Lambert, hopefully opens the floodgates for next year. Oh what could have been had he not had a stinker in Gorzow. .
  5. Would imagine the Will Cairns/Hancock connection will see him stay unless there's a better offer elsewhere
  6. Michelson and Woffinden will be back in after injuries as well so by that logic there will only be one other from the current line up, who doesn't qualify from the challenge. Although I think Lebedevs will be in regardless, as Riga looks set to stay on the calendar.
  7. Jesus it's tedious I honestly cannot see how Michelson was excluded in heat 4, he was in front and lifted then got clattered. Other way around Michelson goes every time. Not sure I can stand Tatum and Louis fawning any longer, you'd think Zmarzlik was some underdog story As usual best 2 riders on the night miss out - although Lambert only has himself to blame...again!
  8. From the first 6, they will need to do quite a bit of work on the track overnight
  9. Looks a lot smoother and faster this year. Thought he was one of the best on show at the British Final. Him, Brennan and Dan T have been the break outs this year for me. Ablitt and Mulford are worthy of a mention too.
  10. Will Dudek need to bother? 2 WC spots this year seems to suggest he’ll be back in next year
  11. Some were over £800 yesterday. Travelodge above Walkabout is £250
  12. Not sure how I forgot the Panthers one and for some reason I'd assumed he was guesting for Coventry that year. Thought they'd won it without him before that, it was 14 years ago though
  13. Those moaning about hotel prices for the GP need to have a look for the 4th July next year!
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