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Everything posted by kraftwerk

  1. Updated Race Card, Jepsen Jensen instead of Dudek! DOWNLOAD RACECARD HERE (file is on Wetransfer) (PDF PRESS QUALITY) http://bit.ly/V9QfRa Let's hope the rain stops!
  2. It has been confirmed that Kjasts Puodžuks will replace Smolinski. (old news) Download the race card here (files are on Wetransfer) (PDF PRESS QUALITY) landscape single page http://bit.ly/1pX9xld
  3. Racecard in gate order for the FINAL round of the FIM SPEEDWAY WORLD CUP, Bydgoszcz, Poland, 2nd August 2014 There is one pdf on a single page, and one on 3 pages with larger font, etc ... Your choice (files are on Wetransfer) (PDF PRESS QUALITY) 3 pages http://bit.ly/1m876uS landscape single page http://bit.ly/1oicUlm
  4. Scorecard in gate order for the RACE OFF of the FIM SPEEDWAY WORLD CUP, Bydgoszcz, Poland, 31 July 2014 There is one pdf on a single page, and one on 3 pages with larger font, etc ... Your choice DOWNLOAD SCORECARD HERE (files are on Wetransfer) (PDF PRESS QUALITY) 3 pages http://bit.ly/UD6TbS single page http://bit.ly/1qN4Dxt
  5. Scorecard in gate order for the second event of the FIM SPEEDWAY WORLD CUP - EVENT 2, Vastervik, Sweden, 29th July 2014 There is one pdf on a single page, and one on 3 pages with larger font, etc ... Your choice DOWNLOAD SCORECARD HERE (files are on Wetransfer) (PDF PRESS QUALITY) 3 pages http://bit.ly/1lMLWSX single page http://bit.ly/1lMMA2I
  6. Racecard in gate order for tonight's race, if you prefer ... PDF download link http://goo.gl/L8cDC8
  7. Speedway AMTK Ljubljana organised this battle last weekend, if one finds it interesting Looks much better than CH in 2011 http://youtu.be/36NswN_OngA
  8. I believe it's out of protest because they are forcing him to choose. And I hope it's a bluff! But yes, off course they are racing for the money. who doesn't? because now u have all the best riders in it! And just because of that the competition ranks higher than before. Throw in the EuroSport channel and here we go. I admit, i was sceptical too last year before SEC started, like who on earth is gonna watch this lower competition, but give them a few years, if the sponsors are gonna stay, if EuroSport will broadcast it, we'll see ... I am a huge fan of the SGP too, went to NZ last year just for the SGP race, but as i said before, there are four saturdays in calendar for SEC, why all the fuss? They are opening new countries like Germany, Russia, places where SGP cant or wont go, so I can't see a downside of this. We always say we need to bring more fans to the sport, I think this is the way! Not sure if any rider can say he is financially stable for years to come, speedway is a brutal sport, one injury and you are off. So that's why they are racing for money.
  9. I can name more EU Champions than I can name EL winners! I agree, it was a pointless competition, but not any more ... What is SEC bringing to the sport? If you dont live in the UK, Poland, Sweden, etc, you can't watch SGP, SWC, EL, ... Sky Sports no-go, British EuroSport no-go So go and ask Emil why is he choosing SEC over SGP?
  10. Like I said, your eighty year old model don't work any more! And blaming others is the easiest way ... Somehow I get a feeling that you (UK) are holding rights for occupying the whole week for racing, letting others countries/competitions a day here and there? I mean OK, if you have riders available to do that, but than don't complain that the best world riders are not in the EL. 4 SEC saturdays are hardly a threat to EL, so I can't see why all the fuss
  11. Poland is doing just fine with one meeting per week? I wasn't talking about business success of the EL, but loosing all the best riders of the world, or not able to get them to race in EL is a problem for the future. I think Sky Sports is the one of the biggest reasons why EL is still holding up, but for how much longer? And riders complaining about logistical nightmares when racing in the EL ... you see where i am going to. But this is not the topic for the EL, I think it's wrong to punish riders if the FIM and FIM Europe are showing their muscles. There should be other ways to hold down OneSport if apparently the became too big? I disagree that SGP and SEC look the same and it will confuse the fans. Look at the football, basketball, swimming ... they all have world and EU champinoships
  12. It's like listening to a CEO of an old traditionally and successfull company, complaining that their eighty year old business model don't work any more because of the competition and globalisation. No way Jose
  13. Rules are rules, but it's still preseason and solutions can be found ... It will impact on British riders, if BSPA will keep on causing problems for them on the international scene, rather than finding solutions so everyone can be happy?
  14. And you think Zagar was just around the stadium when they counted the riders on signing? LOL I dont think countries are sending anyone, i believe I'ts an open market, and the promotor calls who ever he wants.
  15. Give them a worldwide audience in millions on Eurosport open channel, and a winner prize of 16000 pounds per round, and you'll see them One thing is not to send the riders, the other one is to ban them!
  16. you guys are never happy Leslie: there were multiple answers possible!
  17. so, as i promised i will share the interesting results with you - 50% got back from UK, 15% Sweden, and then the rest ... - only 20% ladies - 83% are following SGP, 66% British league, 58% SWC, 43% SEC, 33% Polish league - 68% are saying we see best racing in SGP, 33% SWC, 26% British league, 26% Polish League - 51% are for Woffy, 37% Darcy, 34% Emil, 31% Greg, 23% Holder, 14% NKI, Zagar, Nicki, Gollob, other ... Any Questions?
  18. Well i am not gonna share my ideas publicly just yet. I am grateful for anyone wanting to participate in an anonymous and totally unharmful survey. I've been on this forum much longer than most of you who are questioning my actions, and with real photo and info, which most of you are hiding. Just saying
  19. looking into new ways of following our beloved sport! more to follow guys, i am not gonna spam anyone, as email is not required to write down anyway, but when the time is right the ones that left their email there will be the first to know! and yes, it is all about speedway!
  20. No problem, when the results are in I can share them with you ... But so far 52% of participants are from UK, waiting for other speedway countries to wake up It's a project that i am working on and i need some input info.
  21. I am doing a survey on speedway fans, and their interest of different leagues and competitions, will you help me and fill this up, it really is a short one, it will take you less than a minute. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1Np5EZHTtCxnwhMBft67B0zv7W-bVtO4wHkGkRfMZz1o/viewform and if you would share this along to your speedway friends to get a diverse crowd in the survey, i would be really thankful! Thanks!
  22. It is official now, American team is coming to Slovenia with Greg Hancock, Billy Hamill, Ricky Wells, Ryan Fisher you can find some info on the official event on FB https://www.facebook.com/events/262102230509420/ As you all know, Ljubljana is a home track of Matej Žagar, so let's see what happens wellcome to Ljubljana!
  23. Hi You will be able to follow live updates from AMD Krsko official facebook page .... http://www.facebook.com/notes/amd-kr%C5%A1ko/-live-updates-fim-gp-qualification-round-1-kr%C5%A1ko-slovenia/199638236740628
  24. You can buy the Slovenian SGP tickets via Eventim now ... here is the direct link. http://www.eventim.si/portal/en/sport/othe...erformance.html and you can check and view the Krško stadion plan here ... http://www.speedwaykrsko.si/images/amd-stadion-plan-2009.jpg and if anybody interested, here is the google maps link for the stadion ... http://maps.google.com/maps/ms?ie=UTF8&amp...mp;t=k&z=17 anything else?
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