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Everything posted by kraftwerk

  1. Tickets already on sale for the Slovenian GP http://bit.ly/SGP2016-Krsko-tickets ... and more info on the official FB event ... http://bit.ly/Slovenian-SGP-2016 VIP packages also available, see for more info about that on the web page ... still 2015 text though, but should be all the same. http://speedwaykrsko.si/index.php?lang=en&u=novice More news next year
  2. not sure where to post SEC scorecards, so here it is ... Landshut SEC round2 ScoreCard! PDF High Quality -->http://bit.ly/2015-SEC-Landshut
  3. RaceCard for tonight's SEC Round1 Download and print in color (PDF PRESS QUALITY) http://bit.ly/SEC2015-RD1
  4. Vojens SWC (Final) scorecard! DOWNLOAD HERE (file is on Wetransfer) (PDF HIGH QUALITY) http://bit.ly/SWC-Vojens-ScoreCard
  5. Any British ‎speedway‬ fan traveling to Slovenia for the Euro 2016 qualifiers? Don't miss the race a day before the SLO vs ENG match on Saturday in Ljubljana. Race starts @ 3pm Official FB event link http://on.fb.me/1f3Bo5i Start list 1. Nicolas Vicentin (I) 2. Jaka Kovačič 3. Jurica Pavlic 4. Jernej Pečnik 5. Pierpaolo Scagnetti (I) 6. Matej Žagar 7. Denis Štojs 8. Žiga Kovačič 9. Luka Omerzel 10. Daniel Spiller (D) 11. Aleksander Čonda 12. Davide Vinante (I) 13. Mike Jacopetti (D) 14. Daniel Gappmaier (A) 15. Maks Gregorič 16. Nick Škorja 17. Ethan Spiller (D)
  6. King's Lynn SWC scorecard! DOWNLOAD HERE (file is on Wetransfer) (PDF HIGH QUALITY) http://bit.ly/swc-scorecard
  7. Here you go guys ... Race card for the Czech SGP Download and print in color (PDF PRESS QUALITY) http://bit.ly/1K9goDY
  8. Race card for the #SGP RD1 in Warsaw, Poland (18.04.2015) Wild Card goes to Tomasz Gollob. DOWNLOAD RACECARD HERE (file is on Wetransfer) (PDF FULL QUALITY) http://bit.ly/1ISevxO
  9. Some of the best photographers in the speedway business have gathered their best shots in one place. Now we need your help to decide which one is the best. Try not to vote for your favourite rider, rather give your vote for the best photo. Enjoy the photos! on.fb.me/1CYczBY
  10. Race card for the SGP RD12 in Torun, Poland (11.10.2014) (file is on Wetransfer) (PDF PRESS QUALITY) http://bit.ly/1tKfIec
  11. Race card for the SGP RD11 in Stockholm, Sweden (27.09.2014) (file is on Wetransfer) (PDF PRESS QUALITY) http://bit.ly/ZfZUsp
  12. Landscape Race card for the Latvian SGP 16/08/2014 (files are on Wetransfer) (PDF PRESS QUALITY) http://bit.ly/VsbCNI
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