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John Leslie

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Everything posted by John Leslie

  1. Classic tweet message from Sir Shoutalot "@NigelPearson Stunning #MonsterEnergySWC Final here in Poland down to last heat. See it at 7pm UK time on @EurosportUKTV don't miss it. Great #Speedway" The pillock thinks he's in Poland!
  2. Don't suppose anyone can decipher/translate this Private Message I just received? It says:-
  3. SuperNicki's going to kick hell out of NIels' pit area now! Hide your bike stands and plasma screens!
  4. Presume you don't want to have him in your bedroom to talk speedway anymore KKS?
  5. This Polish commentary is easy. "contact" in Polish is "contact". and earlier I learnt that "false start" in Polish is "false start"
  6. Why would anyone pay £6 for the Eurosport player? The Polish stream is a perfect picture. I've no idea what the Polish commentators are going on about, but that's not really any different from Pearson & Tatum.
  7. The best way to measure the engine is to remove the spark plug and get an off-duty policeman to fill the hole wih neat vodka. If the engine is the right size you should still have a third of a 75cl bottle left. Then put a straw in the spark plug hole and send for Darcy Ward. The engine will be completely emptied with no rebuild cost. p.s. Don't leave the empty vodka bottle lying around unless you want Darcy to attempt to measure some other hole.
  8. Indeed. If Harris had two Gerhard engines, and one is better than the other, then that blows the theory that they are standard engines which don't need tuning or regular servicing. If, out of the first two engines Harris has, one is tuned better than the other, then everyone with a Gerhard engine is going to want to tune it to get more out of it like the best Harris one. Already the object of the exercise seems to have been defeated.
  9. All the commentators agree that if the ruskie had gone down then Pawlicki would be excluded for foul riding. So why should he get away with foul riding just because the Ruskie doesn't fall? Foul riding is surely foul riding irrespective of the balance skills of the victim...A brave call from thr referee though. Don't think many others would have the bottle to make that decision.
  10. Russia should be kicked out, fined, and banned from next year's competition.
  11. I assume Barbara Horley was refereeing as the referee didn't notice a drug dealer and a (presumably off-duty) policeman having a gun battle on the centre green. However unrealistic it was, at least it got speedway on the BBC in their prime-time drama slot. Programme was terrible though. dreadful cringey, cliched dialogue and wooden acting.
  12. That's a fantastic whoooooooshhh! He's forgotten the significance of June 1st already, and it was only 5 days ago!
  13. Wonder if Mr & Mrs Tatum could claim a refund of those wasted Public School fees? Especially the maths lessons.
  14. So Pearson thought Zmarzlik threw away three points on purpose and then Pawlicki was also going to throw away three points (and then hope that the Swede won) so that they could bring in a tactical joker to try to get back some of the 6 points that they'd just deliberately thrown away? Was Pearson off school the day they did maths?
  15. Is Annabel Croft still in it or is it an off-duty interceptor?
  16. He's waiting until Jerran Hart gets out so they can issue a joint statement
  17. And he's still showing no remorse. Once a braindead tosspot....
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