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John Leslie

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Everything posted by John Leslie

  1. Nah. Spartacus is younger than Gustix. Spatacus never saw Geoff Pymar race at the New Cross Colosseum in 150BC
  2. Tai was born in Scunthorpe. Still waiting for you to take the bet which you proposed....
  3. Well he's suggested a bet and I've called him on it. So I'm sure he'll be along soon to tell us which rider he's pretending to be so that he can prove it and win the bet. The only other alternative is that he's full of the proverbial and bottles it (again).
  4. Looks like Robert72 has bottled it again....He doesn't seem willing to take on the £10k bet that he himself proposed. Come on Walter Mitty......tell us which former rider who rode against World Champions you are pretending to be, and the bet is on. £10k to you if you prove you are him (which should be easy for you to prove). £10K from you to the SRBF if you can't prove it within a specified time period. (I suggest a week should be long enough?)
  5. Come on then Robert72....make the £10k bet. Tell us who it is that you're claiming to be, and then if you can prove it as you say, you get £10k If you can't prove it, you donate £10k to the SRBF. The ball is in your court...Are you going to welch yet again?
  6. Nah...there were definitely more world class riders in those days..... there was Robert72 for starters
  7. And this one https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ttqdYoQYqNU
  8. 2 and 2? That's one big pile of rice!
  9. No one reads what Starman types....Not even Starman....(as you can usually tell by the spelling)
  10. This all seems very strange. I really don't see how sponge itself could be a significant hindrance. Surely it would float on top of the fuel and not really be in danger of causing fuel starvation. Maybe if the fuel ran very low in the tank it could cause a blockage? But if it was an act of sabotage then I would have thought the likes of Sugar/Salt/Sand would be more effective than sponge, and the small salt/sugar particles would be harder to spot than a piece of sponge which is going to be found at some point. Of course there could be something soaked into the sponge to hinder performance, but again I would suggest it would be just as easy to drop some sugar/salt/sand into the tank as it is to drop a sponge in...and probably more effective. The alternative is that the sponge is soaked in something to improve performance and NKI only feigned surprise when he was caught. Again though, surely there would be a more simple way to get an additive into the tank, and if it was meant to be a performance enhancing addition, it didn't work! On top of all this, why would anyone want to sabotage NKI? He's not a threat at the top of the GP standings. Also Cardiff isn't a horsepower track, to any attempts to improve or hinder engine performance would be less significant than at some other tracks. The only other posibility is that the sponge got in there by accident. Could it be some sponge seal in the cap of a fuel container that fell in by accident? All seems very odd...
  11. So they get fined a lot more for banging the racquet on the floor than they do for swearing. The biggest fine for swearing was for Nick Kyrgios.....probably the most talked about young player in the world!
  12. I think you mean "trawling" through the thread. Trolling is something else, more familiar to you. However I didn't have to trawl through anything. The forum automatically goes to my last read post on any topic. On this particular topic that was one page back. Now it may take you half an hour to read one page of posts (I can believe that), but for me it didn't. Any more questions I can help you with? Maybe Jerran Hart's release date?
  13. Old Gluestix probably meant ANDY Murray too, not just any Murray.
  14. There's another one for Jackanory. Was the bet with the world champion who rode with you for the Young Bees?
  15. Yep, the old classic. When backed into a corner pretend you were just on a wind-up. Doesn't really work when all your posts can just so easily be outed as complete BS. For a wind-up you need to have people laughing with you....sadly, poor old Robert72 just has people laughing at him.
  16. He didn't say you'd "missed a golden chance". He said you'd "bottled it". Indeed you did bottle it...and continue to do so. It's "could have"....although he couldn't, since "several world champions" didn't race in your second-half junior scratch races. Talk about a keyboard dreamer! If you're looking for an embarrassment, are there no mirrors in your house?
  17. You have the opportunity to find out. But so far you seem to be backpedalling that much that you are going backwards even faster than your speedway "career" did.
  18. Cos he's a senile old troll. He thinks that ignoring the forum rules about not messing with fonts etc makes him some kind of maverick rebel. It's all very sad really. p.s. Now you've mentioned it, he'll be back within minutes to do it all the more. Yes, he really is that sad!
  19. To be fair it hasn't become a "major issue" In reality 99.9% of people couldn't give a monkeys. It's only become a major issue to one intellectually challenged failed ex-"rider", who probably took too many bangs to the head...and has been latched onto by a senile failed ex-"journalist" who has never met Tai or even seen him ride.
  20. Could wait until he sees him.....shouldn't be long now.
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