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Everything posted by Brian

  1. Think this will be similar to Friday as I cannot see the Sheffield reserves scoring many. Would have been different with Shanes. Panthers to win 52-38.
  2. Will Rye reopening and running on Saturday bring the punters flooding back? I see some go to Lakeside, one said he now goes to Ipswich and I go to Peterborough despite it being 75 miles out and about 110 miles back thanks to the A1/A14 roadworks. I find the overall presentation and racing much better at the Showground so will I go back to Rye? Not sure I will.
  3. “I suggested that he took a month’s break and we would revisit the situation in mid-to-late August. The above is part of Ford's website statement, so does that mean Harris is signed on 28 day contract?
  4. Seems everybody knows what Rye offered Harris. Care to share the information?
  5. Reading Jon Cooks comments on the club website, he seems calm with the situation over the cancelling of a Friday fixture against Peterborough.
  6. Tend to agree with this post. Things were stale under Len but he always boasted that he'd never had a loss making season running speedway.
  7. Thanks Steve. With Swindon shown as 43.04 Harris won't fit.
  8. The latest averages on the SGB website is 22 June. Whilst they are out of date, they total 43.02 so Harris wouldn't fit.
  9. A sad day for all Rye supporters. Hope they can return next season in the correct division to run on Saturday.
  10. The lease for the kart track was bought by BMR but rented out to another company. I think the kart track runs 7 days per week including some evenings plus those taking part pay for the privilege. Not surprised it makes money. Not sure there is any motorsport apart from speedway where the entrants don't pay to participate.
  11. Thought Palm-Toft would be riding for Peterborough at Redcar.
  12. As Sheffield are at home to Berwick on Thursday, I presume Rye need guests for Summers and Jakobsen or guest and R/R
  13. KK is number 1 according to the averages and as Robson raced at the weekend I assume he's back. R/R wont work as Kennett's rides are taken by Summers and the reserves. Not ideal so looking at another 60-30 or thereabouts.
  14. Not looked into the proposal but that's the bit I don't understand. 100 balls is 16.5 overs so not being shortened by much. Suspect there's more to it I don't know about.
  15. This season I'm picking and choosing my meetings which I've never done before. Thought about this meeting tonight and decided to 'do an Iversen' and stay at home watching on TV.
  16. Fear for the attendance on Wednesday's second leg. Likely to be rather empty.
  17. Can see this being 55-35 or thereabouts. Straight forward win for Swindon.
  18. The way Rye are riding this is another tonking. 55-35 or thereabouts.
  19. That was what Rathbone said. Whilst he said it in joking manner I thought at the time he probably meant it.
  20. Can only see an away win. The loss of Kennett at home will seriously hurt Rye and Wolves reserves look stronger.
  21. My local Tesco still has last weeks edition on the shelves. No sign of this weeks yet.
  22. Thought I saw something from Steve Jenson saying Rye plan to run on Wednesday and Bank Holiday Monday.
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