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About Brian

  • Birthday 07/16/1955

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  1. Discovery + | Stream What You Love (discoveryplus.co.uk) Scroll down and it shows you can.
  2. Live racing on Discovery+ Promotion and race highlights on Eurosport They also said sometimes on free to air channels, but didn't go into any specifics.
  3. Reading that Heeps is also out for about 3 weeks. Season rapidly changing.
  4. This was the situation in November https://therealefl.co.uk/2019/11/26/afc-wimbledons-future-in-doubt-as-new-stadium-hits-funding-crisis/ Seems they decided on fans bond to raise finance https://www.afcwimbledon.co.uk/news/2020/january/stadium-update/
  5. I was also at Rye this afternoon and it did look sad to see the main stand partially demolished, especially as there were trophies sitting on the old tea bar counter. Hope they're removed before the rest is brought down. It was also noticeable that foundations have been laid so whilst the stand is coming down, something else will be built in its place. There's also walls being built behind the earth bank at turn 3 so somethings possibly going up there too. Overall the place looks awful at the moment.
  6. Lambert's absence explained here. http://www.speedwaygb.co.uk/news.php?extend.37610
  7. Ipswich will win tomorrow but 12 is too many to make up. They threw it away last night.
  8. Well I enjoyed the meeting tonight. Quite surprised there was no grading during the meeting.
  9. Sorry to disagree with most here but 10 points is too many to make up. Eastbourne not scoring enough at reserve and running R/R will be too much.
  10. Peterborough press release says Ben Barker for Hans. http://www.peterborough-speedway.com/news.php?extend.3688
  11. Ged Rathbone said it on the PA at the final meeting.
  12. To paraphrase what Ged said last weekend (assuming I've remembered correctly and not made this up) he said that although owning his local track may appeal at some stage, now is not the time. Any thoughts of Ged taking over Redcar isn't going to be now.
  13. Interesting comment from MPT on the telly. He's going for an x-ray but says he'll be alright.
  14. Speedway stadium and kart track behind are on a long lease to BMR, who were also the speedway promotion.
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