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Everything posted by rami

  1. Well we have got two aswell now, looks like no one will like us now - ah well nothing new there
  2. A great post that makes a lot of sense.
  3. So you witnessed the performance at newport yet still think it wrong the management have moved to strengthen the team! conisdering the team that hammered us at newport had how many aussies in it? As Will said in the opening post until the rules are changed this will keep happening. You pass comment that the heathens scored a massive own goal by dropping Sarj and replacing him with an Aussie - explain how? The heathens are trying to establish themselves again, they need big crowds to try and make the council sit up and take notice and maybe help find a piece of land for a new track, does a team thats not competetive help keep them in the local press and help keep people coming through the turnstiles - i think not. If everyone else in this league was running with a team of young british kids then fair enough but they arent. The management have done what they think is best for the club - Thats there job, its upto the bspa to sort out the finer details!!
  4. Im gutted for young Sarj who is a great kid who just hasnt had any luck this year, but i think the people having a go at the heathens management need to be realistic, they have fans and those fans want success. If the rules didnt allow aussies to race in this league then we would all be on a level playing field but thats not the case, we went to buxton and lost mainly because they had 2 young aussie kids banging the points in, we went to newport and got tonked - how many aussies in the newport team?. im afraid as the saying goes if you cant beat them then join them ! Im not saying the rules are right or wrong and thats not a debate i want to get into , and i feel desperatley sorry for young Sarj and really hope he gets fixed up soon but i think any criticism aimed at the heathens management is also out of order, they are just doing what they feel is best for the club and working within the rules that are set.
  5. I agree that week in week out Hans was the man but i still think that Erik had the edge when it came to raising his game and if that was for a one of final or 8 grand prixs i think he would have still given hans a run for his money. Being top of the averages doesnt always mean anything when it comes to big pressure meetings. Perfect example Leigh Adams, lets say the GP system had never been introduced we are still on one off world finals and Leigh had never won one, probably 90 per cent of people on here would say that if it had been a gp system Leigh Adams would have been world champ at least once maybe twice - well it was a gp system and he never was world champion, maybe if it was still the old one off world final mr consistency would have pinched a world title.
  6. When Erik won his second title in 1985 he finished that season with an average of over 11.00 for cradley I agree about Sam in 92 and 93 he was superb and would probably have been world champion both years if a GP system had been in place ( but not if Jan O hadnt been ruled out by injury!!)
  7. And of course that Runa Holta races on a polish license!!!! Shame he doesnt know its John jorgensen in Nicki Pedersens pit crew and not Jan O Pedersen
  8. Give me Nigel Pearson over this clown Millard anytime!!!
  9. Well i did say 'could' which is the same as 'might' but anyway the fact remains that Danny and Lewis scored i think it was one point between them, Im pretty sure Scott MIGHT have scored a couple more than that, I said before the event that IMO we should put in the best 5 british riders at this time and not the ones who might be the best in three years time but again just my opinion - dont get me wrong i was rooting for the brits as much as anybody and i think both Danny and Lewis did themselves proud at peterborough. What really annoys me is that all of a sudden Scott is Public Enemy number 1 in most peoples eyes on here, hes having a tough time at the minute but surely his efforts as our number one for the last four or five years deserves better than hes getting from gb fans at the minute. And no matter what anyone says there are not 5 brits at this moment who are better than him.
  10. Shows what kind of state british speedway is in then, hes been our number one for probably the last 4 or 5 years, and is still in the top 3 brits - shame the team manager didnt realise that and we could have been watching gb in the final today
  11. Heaven forbid anyone should say anything negative about Tai but its ok for every thread to turn into a slag of scott nicholls thread, unbeleivable - People have short memories Scott has been Gbs best rider for the last five years and say what you want if he had been in the race off on thursday we would have been watching team Gb in the final today.
  12. Or just maybe Sky asked him to be there but Team Gb didnt, Poor old Scott what with the iraq war, Global warming, unemployment, the recession and hes to blame for them all, give him a break - at least when your moaning about him your leaving Nigel Pearson alone!!!!
  13. I agree, think we need some decent engine tuners to help our boys out, only Rico seems to be as fast as the other boys, Bomber is working his butt off but just doesnt seem to have the speed - no matter what the outcome our boys deserve a huge pat on the back , great to see a bit of british fighting spirit.
  14. I agree 100% and thats why both Rico and Scott should be in the team, the best 5 british riders today not in 3 years time!
  15. I was one of the people who thought Scotty and Rico should be in the team and my hands are up the kids are doing well especially King and Bridger who in all honesty are the two i would have left out for Nicholls and Rico. Whats really dissapointing is Scott doesnt appear to be anywhere in the vacinity which i think is pretty poor.
  16. If the role had been reversed and it was Hans cutting across Emil there would have been 20 pages of comments about how dirty Hans is by now, I agree Emil is good entertainment and potentially is going to be a huge star but he needs to calm down a bit and stop spitting the dummy when things dont go his way. Hope Hans is ok and back in action soon.
  17. His average home and abroad suggests he will do better.
  18. I cant understand the thinking of Rico should be in but not Scott - Do you honestly beleive that at this moment in time there are 5 british riders better than Scott Nicholls? IMO the best 4 brits at the moment are Bomber,Scotty,Tai and Rico next best is probably Eddie but maybe not around peterborough - yes these guys (well Rico ,Scott and Bomber) have had there chance to impress in the past and have maybe failed but the fact of the matter is they are still the best we have at this moment in time. The building for the future thing is also a double edged sword, if these youngsters come in and fail badly there confidence could take such a knock that it takes a long time to recover. Im british and im proud and whoever pulls on the race jacket i will support 100 per cent and i really hope these kids do the buisness but i just think a clanger has been dropped.
  19. Well we are in the minority but i agree with you, i would have had Scott and Rico in the team, IMO you pick the best 5 riders at this time not the ones who might be the best in 3 years time, Scott is having a terrible season but put him in a match race against any one of Kennett,Bridger,King and Woffinden and i know who my money would be on to come out on top more times than not. As SS said if we want to blood the kids get some internationals arranged not do it at the world cup where we will struggle to qualify for the race off - i really hope im wrong and will hold my hands up if i am proven to be wrong but i think hes dropped a huge one!!
  20. Yes maybe so but Scott was in front so according to the rule book could choose which ever line he wanted.
  21. Scott was no harder on that last corner than Emil was earlier in the race, this is the GPs you expect him to move over and wave Emil through!!! i think not - IMO Scott did nothing wrong during the race, and they were both to blame after the race but as i said in a previous comment heat of the moment emotions running high and all that stuff but that should have been the end of it. What is in my opinion totally unacceptable is what Holloway did going down the tunnel - and im pretty sure if he bumped into Scott away from the pits area he wouldnt be quite so brave.
  22. Which bit is wrong, to me his statement seems spot on.
  23. Maybe so but we need to remember that the adrenalin is running and these guys are pumped up, its a heat of the moment thing and it all adds to the entertainment, the thing that really annoyed me more than anything was the reaction of Emils pit crew that to me was really bang out of order. As a cradley fan i have no allegance to either rider but i really feel for Scott you can see hes trying so hard to get out of this rut and hes really struggling - i think the left hook was born out of frustration!!!
  24. I agree i dont thing Scotty did anything wrong, This russian kid is good but he does seem to spit the dummy out quite a bit, what was really disgraceful is when his pit crew ( i think it was ashley holloway) had a poke at Scott in the tunnel. Emil no doubt has the skill to go right to the very top of our sport but IMO he needs an attitude change. you posted it as i was writing it lol !!
  25. As a Cradley fan i thought it was a brilliant day out - The banter between the fans was still there and the atmosphere was great, oh how we wish for cradley to return for more of the same. 2 riders that really impressed me today first was Tai Woffinden who i thought was excellent the boy will go far he has a great style and loads of bottle, and the other one was Ricky Wells who really was on the pace and looked impressive. Good luck to Billy for the future a great servant to british speedway and a True Cradley Legend.
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