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  1. Then took yourself to the chippy - me being the perfect gent held the door open for you lol
  2. Kurtz comes in on a 5.00 average so 2nd option isnt an option !
  3. Tom officially announced on IOW website, you got yourselves a cracking number one, and with Darryl and Adam Ellis looking like gonna be an excellent team for the islanders this year.
  4. Would have thought if sheffield were going down the 3 pointer route then Sarj or Stefan Neilsen would have been the better option, i would love them to give Sarj a go local lad and all that.
  5. Think Aspegren and Ricky Wells fits and that would make a solid looking team
  6. Thats exactly the problem but its the bspa who are to blame, Why not bring in a rule where every prem league club has to have 2 under 21 brits in the team each year, poland do it, sweden do it and thats why we are miles behind them as a speedway nation. Only today Joe Jacobs was moaning on facebook about how his rolling average was over 9 points but still not a single call from a PL promoter, Joes good enough to be a PL reserve and that would free up a place at mildenhall for a new kid to come through. So im sorry to all the people who want to blame Dudley for every problem in british speedway but maybe the BSPA should be taking a little bit of the blame.
  7. Its a horrible choice and one im glad i dont have to make, i hope they go for the top heavy option and keep both of them but that would then put a bit of pressure on Darryl to step up to the number 3 heat leader position, but im sure he could cope with that.
  8. Dont be amazed - post #11 page 1
  9. I would imagine there will be a team place for James Sarjaent as i beleive he is coventry owned, also if Dudley stay NL and the rule of one over 8 point rider comes in that would mean either Ash or Tom will be looking for a new club, lots of ifs and buts its going to be an interesting close season.
  10. Just thought i would pop back to see if you had the decency to apologise for accusing someone of doing something that thye clearly didnt do - should have known you wouldnt - how is the weather in your own little world by the way!
  11. The light never went on but someone was told on the phone that blue was excluded, and i will ask again if this wasnt the case why did Chris Louis feel the need to get hold of the video and visit the ref in his box??? surely he would want to know who the ref was going to exclude before doing that - imagine the ref originally said roynons out, do you think chris would run up to see him with a video just to make sure he got it correct. Im going round in circles here and getting nowhere so congratulations mildenhall enjoy your trophy. One last thing fentigers79 - you blow any reasonable argument out of the water by telling blatant lies in saying Ash punched Steffan i know 100% that didnt happen, just spoke to ash and he cant beleive your even saying that, theres no point trying to reason with someone who makes things up.
  12. I know Ash didnt throw any punches because he was deliberatley shepparded back to his pit area and when the scuffle broke out he wasnt even involved, And to be fair anyone who knows the kid knows that he certainly isnt the kind of person to be throwing his fists about , i shouldnt rise to the bait because thats all it is - i know what happened and i know what was said because i was there in the middle of it. The facts are Dudley lost the final when Byron and Tom got injured not in heat 15 last night, so injuries aside mildenhall deserved to be the winners - but that does not detract from what chris louis did to change a refs decision.
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