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speedy den boy

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Everything posted by speedy den boy

  1. entertainment for next may be Timmy Mallett,captain sensible,etc.........................enjoy!!!
  2. i will most proberly get in trouble for saying this but if the riders want to have a barney DONT stop them,let them huff and puff until they have puffed each other out!!.In ice Hockey which is a family sport as well thats exactly what they do.who going to get hurt anyway .Sky showed it on their news channel and till this day craig Boyce career is rememered for one thing!!What is the problem with handbags being used,iwasnt thinking someone was going to get hurt,iwas thinking what a laugh this is!!!
  3. Steve going slightly off topic pearson was saying its a record crowd for cardiff a number of times but you say you think it was slightly down on last year,do they publish the crowd figures for Gps?
  4. Mods please leave this in general discussions. - NO there is a GP section for a reason Suuuuuuuuperb,great,the best entertainment you could have on and off the track!!! points to discuss 1-Emil and scotts friendship!! if i remember correct craig boyce was kicked out of the british Gp at Hackney,has the rules changed.? 2- Track was just great but why has it taken so long? 3- crowd trouble between the poles and brits anyone that went please post your views on the GP 4-Hans Andersen using emil bike,is it allowed,how did hans pit crew feel when emils lot took over? 5-referee standards.If i was Nikki p i would have paid a visit to the ref to see the view hes got from his box? 6-any other points
  5. Slav thanks for putting those superb photos up so quickly,congrats to the camera man who took those great shots.
  6. any idea why niels was excluded before the start of a heat? looked like Bridger was riding watts bikes all evening!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. crump made me laugh taking his redbull hat and bottle,crash helmet,scott goggles onto the winners podium!!! If he takes anything else he will need a suitcase to put everything in!!!
  8. Thanks for info.I know Ricky Kling only had 2 rides in poland last night ,any reason why or was he just not going very well
  9. Have to say to those riders,dads,drivers etc who made the effort to get out there i really hope you suceed in getting to the top.If i was blessed with a talent to ride a speedway bike i would have done the same even if i was skint!!!!I would have begged,pleaded,hassled and be a right pain in the neck but i would have got there one way or another.The riders that couldnt be arsed need to hang their heads in shame.Again full marks to everyone and hope it all works out for you all in future
  10. Think someone from GB SPEEDWAY SHOULD GET IN TOUCH WITH ashley holloway who is based in poland ,spent a lot of time stting up his business and already has the wonder kid on his books.If WE make the WTC final ashley has to be approached by someone
  11. Very sad for the young German,my thought are with him and his family and just hope against all the odds he can lead a normal life
  12. exactly good post plus where was mears bikes,were they still in the uk or en route to germany?If they were still in the uk at that time there is no excuse not getting rider ,bikes there as it would have been the same for robert in time to get there.It really is terrible that team gb is going to be the laughing stock of the world again it really pains me to say.i dont care about the cost involved youngers should leap and beg to get a chance to ride in a meeting like this and the bspa should help and encourage
  13. Being the main sponsor maybe you could shed some light on the rumour all GP tracks are super slick so the sponsors adverts can be clearly be seen etc, have you heard anything? congrats again for your continued support of speedway.
  14. Still having looked at it again beleive Emil was at fault.Theres another fact the way emil was riding with no feet !!! on his foot rests is fine if he wants to ride like that but he only just got back his right leg back on his footrest a split second before the crash,i dont know what Nikki could have done different he hasnt got eyes in the back of his head!!!
  15. Dredful decision to exclude Nikki. 1-He was past Emil no problem at all 2-Emil knew he was coming!!!!! 3- This tatic emil pulled is creeping in more and more and leaving the ref with a hard decision to make.Its like in football when players try to con the ref into giving a penalty,but at least in speedway you have replays but if pearson is to be trusted the ref made a very quick call according to him and made the wrong call. 4- Looked what happened when crump was in the same position as Nikki with Emil in the final but shut off without even attemping a pass- do fans what to see even less passing. 5-All in all Emil knew exactly what he was doing riders like Hancock,Adams wouldnt of bailed out and we have to stamp riders doing this now as i said its creeping in more and more.
  16. anyone know if Nicki managed to have a word with the ref as i think it got all tooooooooooo much for the sky bleep men as Nicki was ranting to others and they didnt want to take anymore chances but it would have been fun to hear.
  17. Is jukka KNs brother and if so what kind of prospect is he?
  18. new entry please 1 Crump(captain) 50.000 2hancock 45.000 3 AJ 35.000 4 Bjerre 30.000 5 sayfutdinov 25.000 Thank you speedy den boy
  19. Thanks for your reply vicar,so a rider can go to a match and have no rides is that correct?!!!Cant think why GB riders would travel all that way and not ride,maybe they get paid a retainer or something like that.interesting if you have a good reserve he can replace riders even if they havnt ridden!!!!So someone like Lewis Bridger or Tai would stay at reserve all season or have i got this wrong(as usaual!!)
  20. Im sure these questions have been asked before,but as i enjoy watching live polish racing on the net,im finding i dont know there rules !! so please could someone explain the following 1-Heat format-who rides in heat 1,2,3,and 4 2-Rider format -Is there a reason why the home side are not numbered 1 to 7 as i get confussed as to who is racing against who!!! 3-Who can ride at number 8 4-When can tac subs be used 5-I see Thomaz Gollob jump on a new bike with what looked like a brand new tyre before aheat,are polish rules the same as the uk and you can only use ONE new tyre per meeting? 6-Can a rider just have one ride in the meeting if the team manager thinks hes not going well? THANKS IN ADVANCE for your time in answering my questions so i can watch the racing knowing whats going on!!!!
  21. Thanks for that,it was just that speedway star had it down for malila (sorry if spelling wrong)in its fixtures
  22. Could anyone confirm if Hans Andersen had his benefit meeting today(13/05/09) and if so what was the outcome? Thanks in advance
  23. LOL And if that player drives a green car well.........................................................
  24. YOUR CORRECT JIM i should just go with the flow of millards voice!!!! and enjoy.lets see what happens at the next Gp,i think ill put off the men in white coates until then!!! Hope you and family are good jim.
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