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speedy den boy

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Everything posted by speedy den boy

  1. I see simon Stead is riding in both the premier and elite leagues in 2013,have i missed something with Lewis Bridger?.Is there a reason why he is not riding in the premier?,infact i dont think hes riding antwhere else!!!,that cant be good for him as last season saw big gaps in fixtures in the elite league,he needs to be race fit,so does anyone know why he is not riding more?
  2. Anyone know what the situation is with riders machines? will they be on borrowed bikes?
  3. congrats again to Chris Holder,but does anyone know what perks he gets for being world champion?IF he gets the chance to spread the speedway word on chat shows,opening of varoius buildings,or even represent speedway at globel motorsport shows i think hes the man to do speedway proud,because he doesnt speak like a normal Aussie,he even puts himself down sometimes,thats unheard of in an aussie!!!! and speaks well .So in general hes a breath of fresh air for the sport,but will speedway make the most of him to promote the sport i wonder!!!
  4. As others have said Holder earned it over tthe GP series,100% deserves all the credit coming his way when it didnt start off good in NZ.Seems a very down to earth person when speaking on sky and comes over really well,even putting himself down at times(why cant the Aussie cricket team be like that!!) My final word to Phil is did he watch the interview on sky and does he still stick with all 4 back?Would you Phil admit it was such a bad call if Holder himself says he was lucky? Would you ever change your mind on this?
  5. In all my years in speedway, i thought id seen it all with the way rules are applied, but Phil you have left me gobsmacked in what you are saying,it may well be true but when was this rule last put into motion on the 1st bend.So you should tell nigel pearson be careful with his wording if the rider tangle on the 1st bend,Nigel is going to be calling a lot more unsat starts is he? To me an unsat start is a rider jumping or the tapes not goin up,or riders tangle before the 30 metre line,what you are saying is new to me.Did you speak to Eric Gundersen ,he was fuming and he should know a thing or 2 about the starts.
  6. Phil im sure you havnt got anything against Nikki,same as i havnt against Holder,but please answer my question when Holder decided to cut the corner (not pushed to do so,but what he has done at the same corner all season)is he asking for trouble by jumping the curb ? yes or no
  7. 1-Polish refs seem to exclude riders when someone falls on the 1st bend,and i thought the GP big wigs wanted it that way. 2-Come on Phil you know if Holder had backed off he would have been clamped,he took a chance by cutting the curb(i know 2 wheels have to be over the white line)and by cuting the curb he was out of control,simple as that.If he wants to risk doing that he has to be excluded for hitting a rider.Holders front wheel was even on the grass where hey shoved all the water,so how can you defend him when the rider leaves the track by making the move knowing he was trying to gain an advantage.To me its simple,Holders font wheel was not on the track,therefore he hasnt a clue what will happen when he jumps the curb and he is asking for trouble.simple,i cant see how you fail to see that.
  8. Sorry Phil just cant agree this time-heres why. 1-Ryan Sullivan stated at the start of the show that you can run riders hard going into the first bend if you are in red even if you are behind,Chris knew this as its his home track ,he was slightly behind and tried to run the riders hard into the 1st bend which he has done many times this season,but the big differance this time was Nikki wasnt going to be moved,so CHRIS CHOSE TO GO OVER THE KERB IN ORDER TO MAKE THE MOVE,and thats where 100% chris was wrong as he had far to much speed to a JUMPING THE KERV and that alone spinned him out of control.i like chris but this was a terrible decicion,if it was a ref from any other country Chris would have been excluded.YOU CANT BE INVITED BACK INTO THE RERUN WHEN YOU LEAVE THE TRACK,WHICH ROCKETS YOU OUT OF CONTROL INTO ANOTHER RIDER.
  9. 100% agree with you,but when it comes from someone who has given sponsorship for years why after he wins the case would he not tell the truth.There might be a bit of bad taste between the two which has led to this coming out,but if Hans does tell his side of things and has facts or he is going to appeal,ill take back what i just said and see what happens.
  10. Exacltly,there is so much rumour and gossip on here that isnt true,but when someone tells us the truth,with an insight to what a rider gets in way of sponsorship and how he acts with it!!! people still get upset!!.As far as i am concerned if its fact and of interest to speedway fans nothing could be better then having true facts from someone like "the know"
  11. strange but heat 1 has yet to start!!! maybe im watching something else!! but it looks live to me!! Heat 1 1st stachyra,2nd zengota,scornicki nicholls,good race between scorniki and nicholls Heat 2 1st Kolodziej,pedersen,lindback,jablonski Heat 3 Emil S excluded tapes,Babel replaces.-1st Laguta Heat 4 1st Hampel,Harris,Jedrzejak,Hancock Heat 5 Great race,Harris got a flyer!! from tapes but Nikki had other ideas and got Harris on the line after they swapped places on lap3 Heat 6 1st Buczowski(cant spell!),Hampel,Zenota,Jablonski Heat 7 1st Emil S ,Lindback,Jedrzejak,Nicholls Heat 8 Great race 1st Stachyra,Hancock,Kolodziej,Laguta Heat 9 1st Emil S,Jablonski,Hancock,Skornicki Heat 10 1st,Pedersen,Laguta,Zengota,jedrzejak Heat 11 Great race, 1st,Kolodziej,Hampel,Nicholls Heat 12 stopped,Buk,fell and excluded.Harris was leading. Heat 12 Re run, 1st Lindback,Stachyra,Harris.-Harris went from 1st to last.I dont know what Stachyra is drinking but ive never seen him go so well!! Heat 13 good race 1st Laguta,Hampel,Lindback Heat 14 1st Kolodziej,Zengota,Harris,emil s(fell last bend while in clear lead) Heat 15 1st Pedersen,Nicholls,Hancock,buczk Heat 16 1st Stachyra,Jedrzejak,czaja,Jablonski Heat 17 1st Bucz,Kolodziej,skornicki,Jedrzejak Heat 18 Zengota fell excluded Heat 18 re run,1st Lindback,Hancock,Czaja Heat 19 1st Laguta(good ride) Nicholls,Jablonski,Harris Heat 20 1st Emil S,pedesen Stachyra,Hampel WHAT A TIME TO LOOSE PICTURE!!!
  12. I have perfect picture via link given ,just had the most drawn out pres i ever seen,heat 1 coming up
  13. Looks like Watt has pulled out of getting into the Gps next season,and not going to the final race-off in Croatia.In a way its good for Lakeside as they race on a friday night,but he could also get a wild card into the Gps so its all a bit of a waiting game!!
  14. Congrats TO MJJ but anyone else think when he speaks that hes been around for years and nothing really excites him!!!!!
  15. Ive never been to this track so maybe i was dreaming,but didnt sam Ermolenko have a hand in the design of the track from scratch?What is the problem is it he shape ,or just not being prepared right?.Seems a shame for this to happen when it really should have been a superb racing track.
  16. I can see where you are coming from regarding speedway as a family sport but Ice Hockey,F1,Indy car are all labelled family sports but refs let big punch ups in ice hockey,F1 has drivers that square up to each other,it goes one step further in indy car as the commentaters bait the drivers to do something out of the ordinary .Same goes for any english cricket team touring Australia!!!
  17. I think the only reason AJ went for the move on nikki was that he was annoyed with himself with no points from his first ride,and it was looking the same again from his second ride,plus ad that to riding on his own track kinda made up his mind to go for it.Did anyone else see AJ having a look at nikki off the last bend thinking "shall i go for it or not"!!. .Also it lloke like Pedersen was out for a sunday drive the speed he was going so maybe AJ again thought he maybe having bike problems.
  18. http://www.flickr.com/photos/16666591@N07/sets/72157631358810030/ vintage speedway machines
  19. Any idea of the crowd figure DG? I se Nikki wasnt happy with an overwatered track but the it went from overwatered to riding on a blue groove so can we blame Nikki for his rant?!!!!.On a lither moment its been so long Lindback winning a meeting the champagne didnt want to come out of the bottle!!!
  20. Fact-at the moment their is this joker rule,so you have to try and get the best out of these rules,no point in moaning,Nikki P saw the situation as it was and although he raced hard for 3 and a bit laps(think thats gone missing amonst a few on here) he was on the ball with the situation in hand and duly made the most of it,you cant blame the rider for clever thinking. I have to say knowone has mentioned the final heat when AJ clamped Crump a bit like scott Nicholls years ago when a similar thing happened to us with the Danes and the Swedes ganged up.If that was done on purpose hen that for me is 10 times worse.
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