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Everything posted by crazysue

  1. I noticed that as well Subedei..had me scrambling to look at my speedway star for the line up.
  2. I must admit it seemed rather flat in the early stages, I know it's a fairer way of running it, but where was the excitement? With the old format, you could get excited if the rider you supported was in the eliminator, something that would have me jumping around the front room in stress etc but with this format you know they aren't going out and that they have another ride. I think I only started shouting a couple of times during the GP (very unusual for me) and that was right near the end. The meeting was very boring for the first god knows how many heats untill it finally livened up and some passing could be done, all very processional to me. Oh well at least I won some money, I never usually put a bet on Tony but this time I did and for the first time, I didn't do an each way bet!!
  3. For those without the benefit of Sky, updates on this GP will be available Here
  4. Don't wish to be too pedantic here as people are advertising the update site, but it isn't my update site, its a team effort with no bosses and no one person is better than another and I am just part of that team and the person who just happens to provide the space where the updates go. Anyway, thanks for giving us some advertisment.
  5. Oh god yes, will be taking our other winning flag again this year in the hope that they need one again!!!
  6. Think you will find most left handed people can adapt pretty well to any right handed set up....and that goes for anything, not just speedway bikes. How do I know?....I'm left handed
  7. At the moment it doesn't look like we will be going to this, too much expense after our main holiday and Prague GP....shame really, never been to Swindon.
  8. The Andel in Prague My bed (eventually) for Cardiff!!!
  9. Weird, when I looked at it yesterday when Stroud Baz posted and they were on sale then......but showing as not on sale now.
  10. I agree its a much needed, informative, time saving and very good site... I have just had cause to use it for the first time and it saved me the hassle of doing a search and possibly coming up with the wrong info. Well done.
  11. crazysue


    I haven't met anyone yet who has the same back ground as me.....as for anoraks or wulf sport jackets...never owned any of them. Flask? no way, have my personal servant to get my cups of tea!!!. Deck chair, nah not me, not the same, you can't jump around on one of them and still remain uninjured. Camper van? Eh? I like a bit of luxury, mines a shiny Audi A4 Social misfit? er.... right will keep quiet on that one.I fit in well at speedway...it's just everywhere else I don't fit And I'm still under 40!!!!!!!
  12. Well I have booked for Prague before hubby changed his mine...got my little helper with me as well (my son) but we are not going to tell him untill I am just about to leave...hehe
  13. Wahey!!! Hubby has told me I can go on a GP tour this year again...the only proviso is that I go with an organised tour as he is worried about me...awww. Looking at the dates, it looks like it may well be Prague as we are already on holiday (in Great Yarmouth) and as such it is easier for him to look after the kids. Ok it may be cheaper organising your own flights and hotel, but at least if I go with a company like Travel Plus, you have peace of mind and plenty of company!! Just have to get the final ok from him and I will be straight on that phone to book it (lets hope they still have places left!!)
  14. You did one last season Cheetahhawk Dale Devils v Oxford then Berwick at night for the individual meeting. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> So I did . It's true when they say memories of years ago are easier to remember than more recent memories. I must be getting old. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Don't worry, I forgot as well...maybe it was the alcohol in my case
  15. Just done a quick search online and it has come up with a few availabilities in the Cardiff area.... Here Seems there may be vacancies at the Copthorne Hotel through that site...
  16. Surely it is no different from arranging with friends to go on a holiday together, something I have done numerous times (ok in this country only). Think this sort of thing is attractive as the cost is affordable, friends get together to reduce the costs, I know its about the only way I could ever afford to get to an overseas GP and be in the company of others. I can understand the problem with airlines going bust and insurance, but these things happen, its not as if he is offering the same thing as a holiday company just some friends combining their efforts to make it more cost effective, be able to go to the GP and get back all in a decent time...I know that if I do go to any GP's next year, it will have to be on the quick as I have a family and work to go to, no leaving on a Thursday or Friday and coming back on the Monday for me.
  17. The last two years I have sat on the first bend, one quite high up, the other lower down, both were great views....next year I am on the second bend in the top tier. Think it doesn't really matter where you sit, the views are great from virtually everywhere.
  18. At the moment Cardiff but am working on persuading my hubby to let me go to Denmark again and Bydgoszcz.
  19. Spent a lot of time there? My mum was born there, my dad, although born in Scotland, was brought up there and up till a few years ago we had loads of family still living there, so all my school holidays were spent in Walthamstow and in fact I was going to move there permanently when I left school......met my hubby instead, and stayed in oh so exciting Suffolk. I keep saying I am Felixstowe born but London bred!!!
  20. My parents never said anything about speedway either....it was a friend that dragged me to a meeting at Exeter who is to blame. Found out this year though that my dad used to go to Speedway with his dad in Walthamstow, but he had kept quiet about it.
  21. Ordered my book Thursday afternoon and it had arrived by Saturday morning....excellent service, just got to get round to reading it now.
  22. Yep, got my tickets, front row 2nd corner...and I will have my normal collection of flags,air horns and silly head gear
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