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Everything posted by crazysue

  1. For those without the benefit of Sky, updates on this meeting will be available Here
  2. Not sure but think this may have the result http://www.speedwayforum.dk/?action=shownews&id=58
  3. Think I may have found where they are doing some results...although my Latvian is nowt http://forum.speedway.ru/index.php?showtopic=1187&view=all
  4. Same here Lioness When I was 5 and painting a picture, the teacher took the paintbrush out of my left hand and put it in my right hand and said I had to use that hand to paint,draw and write......I was a stubborn little bugger even then, my response was to get my paint brush and paint the teachers face with it, then the surrounding area and finally to tell them I will use what ever hand I want to!! They let me use my left hand after that.
  5. Braver than me then Tabby, who was scared witless when I found myself lost in Copenhagen!! Not quite sure I enjoyed that experience.
  6. I was quite late getting my tickets for this year.....I usually ring up on the day they go on sale..unfortunately they went on sale the day of the WTC final and that wiped us out financially untill the end of the month, so it was around the beginning of September we booked them. Not where we really wanted to be, but close enough and in the first row, which is what I specified (and it was the lowest price tickets too). Means I have a handy place to hang my 9ft x 6ft British flag with all the British riders names on it.
  7. Hmmm.....I must be the exception to the norm as I seem to be better at turning left than I do right!!! Every time I came off my motorbike was when I was turning right, the near ones was when I was turning left. Even in everyday life, I prefer to sit on the left side (coach,train bus etc)....mind you my pc is set up for a right handed person, mouse is on the right hand side, as in the volume control for my speakers...even my cup of tea is on my right!! Think I must be a confused leftie
  8. Well James and my hubby are obviously thinking alike as my Hubby said exactly the same thing this morning!!
  9. Hehe, haven't won THAT much!!! Although it is enough to buy some nice treats for myself.
  10. Bit of a problem there LW....I will be at work!!
  11. Don't think we could get lucky 2 years running Nevs, so this year it will be back to being a normal fan.......drat!!
  12. Well I didn't listen to you SCB but my own inner voice and backed Bjarne on an each way bet.....yippeee!!!
  13. Haven't watched one from there, but that is where I will be this year, with a front row seat and somewhere to hang my banner!!
  14. Well my hubby was certainly impressed with the choice of music. It's the sort of music that you get up and bop to when you have had a few drinks down the pub first.....
  15. No idea of anywhere in Prague so will probably have my very own party in my hotel room.....or be nicking cups of tea from the Fairies room!!
  16. Mine haven't arrived yet but I did ring them on Tuesday and they said there was no problem with my tickets, and not to panic unless its got to a week before the GP.
  17. I do have some pictures of Cardiff last year on my webshots if that is any help..the link is in my sig.
  18. Texter: Full Throttle Updater: Fozzie Line up Josh Auty 3, 3, 3, 3, 3 = 15 Joe Haines 2, 3, 2, 3, 3 = 13 George Jarvis 3, fx, 2, 1, 2 = 8 George Piper 2, 2, 2, 3, 1 = 10 Ben Taylor 3, 3, 3, 3, 2 = 14 Ben Thompson 1, 2, 2, 1, 2 = 8 Chris Widman 0, N, N, N = 0 Adam Wrathall 3, 3, 3, 2, 0 = 11 Daniel Greenwood 2, 1, 1, 1, R = 5 Dan Kirkman 1, 2, 1, 2, 3 = 9 Kye Norton 0, DNF, F, M = 0 Ben Hopwood 0, 2, 3, 2, 3 = 10 Simon Meakins 1, 1, 1, F, 1 = 4 Ryan Goodyear 2, 1, 1, 2, 0 = 6 Heat 01: Wrathall, Greenwood, Meakins, Widman 62.7 Heat 02: Jarvis, Piper, Thompson, Norton 63.4 Heat 03: Auty, Haines, Kirkman, Hopwood Heat 04: Taylor, Goodyear 63.0 Heat 05: Wrathall, Hopwood, Norton DNF Heat 06: Auty, Thompson, Meakins 58.4 Heat 07: Taylor, Kirkman, Greenwood, Jarvis fx 59.3 Heat 08: Haines, Piper, Goodyear 60.6 Widman N/s, Heat 09: Wrathall, Thompson, Kirkman f rem 62.2 Heat 10: Taylor, Haines, Meakins, Norton fx awarded Heat 11: Hopwood, Piper, Greenwood Heat 12: Auty, Jarivs, Goodyear, Widman N/s Heat 13: Haines, Wrathall, Jarvis Heat 14: Piper, Kirkman, Meakins fell Heat 15: Auty, Goodyear, Greenwood, Norton ex 2mins Heat 16: Taylor, Hopwood, Thompson, Widman N/s Heat 17: Auty, Taylor, Piper, Wrathall 57.0 Heat 18: Hopwood, Jarvis, Meakins, Goodyear fell 60.4 Heat 19: Haines, Thompson, Greenwood ef 61.8 Heat 20: Kirkman 63.0 1 rider only ************************* Comments: Heat 3: Goodyear in for Butler who got hurt when Johnson looped at start. In re-run crash on first bend all 4 back Note 1: Beefcroft, Butler and Johnson all withdrawn for some reason or another Note 2: Electrical failure so no times announced Courtesy of Live Updates
  19. Just a reminder updates on this is ongoing at the moment Here
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