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Everything posted by crazysue

  1. Moi? Not this time although reading it back, I wish it was!
  2. Nah find the older male moans more than the older female......
  3. The words I actually wanted to put would have got me at least a warning....in contained swearing!
  4. It's a celebration of Poole Speedway, for Poole speedway and their fans..... (and anyone else who wants to attend) I really can't see why people are moaning, the Poole promotion have had the balls to go out and source sponsorship, riders etc to put on a good meeting, primarily for their fans but also for those who also may want to join in the celebration. People are talking about this as if this is a national thing, with a choice of venues. We often moan about clubs not promoting and here is a club actively promoting and still people nag like an old man.
  5. And this is one meeting (along with Newport New Year meeting), that I have never been able to get to....one day I will....one day.
  6. Frying pan treatment for you then I am afraid....letting the team down like that etc etc etc
  7. Excellent news M07.....now make sure you have plenty of texts for sending the results through!
  8. Looks like I am going to miss this meeting out this year after going to the last 4 or 5 of them. Real shame but childcare is increasingly difficult to organise and I can no way afford to take my brood with me!
  9. Darrencook, think I have already expressed an interest (along with a few others in a pm to me) and I am not a Poole fan.
  10. Hey but rabbit, for once I was enthusiastic! (Unusually for me)
  11. Unusually going to back Steve and Poole up here..... Ok the price of the lower priced tickets may be a little on the heavy side but the top ticket really does represent excellent value, where else can you get a 3 course meal, programme and admission for that sort of line up? Even Cardiff can't compare there.
  12. Not that I would be paying for the others to share a table with me!!
  13. I am actually one of the normal moaners about price but must admit for that line up, it is very tempting......especially the top price ticket with meal included, now who else can share a table with me?
  14. Hmm, bet if we did the same they would be on our backs in 2 seconds flat! Suppose in a way though it means we are doing something right to have our stuff used by the 'big boys' and that we have been noticed.
  15. Oohh Lunchy you made my day when you rang me at the end, what a shock that was (in a nice way), firstly to get a call from Australia and secondly your voice was not what I expected at all!
  16. Not sure....will see if I can get a reply from Lunchy but he may be making up for lost time and downing some tinnies! Must say a huge thanks to Lunchy though, loved the thrill of getting texts and phone calls from Australia (yeah sad life when you get excited about thing like that) and hope to get the chance to update more meetings live over our winter (hint hint ) Edit Dore fell in his 2nd ride but rode in the re-run. He didn't ride after that, may have had minor injury but nothing announced over the PA
  17. KOPIOWANIE TYLKO ZA ZGODĀ„ ADMINISTRATORA Please remember that these updates cost the texter and updater money, please don't ruin it for others by posting the score up before the updater has had a chance to update this screen All Updates will appear in this window, please feel free to post any comments below. Texter: Sir Lunchalot Updater: Sue Line Up Well done Cameron Woodward, winner!! 1. James Holder - 2,2,2,1,2 2. Aaron Summers - 3,3,1,2,F 3. Beau Evans - 1,0,1,1,2 4. Nathan Hedley (Tom's brother) - 0,1,3,2,1 5. Sam Dore - Ex,R,DNS,DNS,DNS 6. Jackson Milne - 2,0,0,1,1 7. Dakota North - 3,1,0,DNS 8. Jake Anderson - 1,0,0,1,1 9. Tyron Proctor - 0,3,3,R,2 10. Brock Gates - 1,1,2,2,0 11. Richard Sweetman - 2,2,1,3,3 12. Cameron Woodward - 3,3,2,3,3 13. James Bevan - F,1,1,0,0 14. Ryan Sedgman - 2,2,2,2,2 15. Cory Gathercole - 3,3,3,3,3 16. Sam Masters - 1,2,3,3,3 Heat Results Heat 01: Summers,Holder,Evans,Hedley 64.37 Sponsored by Music 24/7 at http://www.virtualvibesradio.co.uk/ Heat 02: North,Milne,Anderson,Dore(Ex) 65.38 Dore excluded, lap one turn one. Sponsored by Steve Dixon http://community.webshots.com/user/steavyd Heat 03: Woodward,Sweetman,Gates,Proctor(Ret) 62.86 Proctor blew a motor Sponsored by Boxer123 Stamps Brought and Sold Heat 04: Gathercole,Sedgmen,Masters,Bevan(F) 61.52 Sponsored by Friends of Edinburgh Speedway http://www.foes.info/ Heat 05: Proctor,Holder,Bevan,Dore(Ret) 60.80 Dore fell, all 4 back. Sponsored by Richard and Anne Hollingsworth www.scunthorpespeedway.com Heat 06: Summers,Sedgmen,Gates,Milne 61.84 Sponsored by Ian (BSF Member) Heat 07: Gathercole,SweetmanNorth,Evans 61.34 Sponsored by Heat 08: Woodward,Masters,Hedley,Anderson 61.84 Sponsored by Heat 09: Masters,Holder,Sweetman,Milne 62.67 Sponsored by Heat 10: Gathercole,Woodward,Summers,Dore(DNS) 60.68 Sponsored by KanDysoft Speedway spreadsheets www.kandysoft.com Heat 11: Proctor,Sedgmen,Evans,Anderson No Time Sponsored by Peter Hopkins www.myspace.com/peterhopkins Heat 12: Re-run Hedley,Gates,Bevan 3 riders only 66.48 North fell lap 1 turn 2, ambulance on track. Update - North is in the ambulance but managed to wave to the crowd so hopefully it is just precautionary and injured pride. Re-run Gates fell but ref decided track too wet after track grade so is putting go cart support race out instead Sponsored by INTERVAL Heat 13: Woodward,Sedgmen,Holder,North(DNS) 61.17 Sponsored by www.rpm.org.uk Heat 14: Sweetman,Summers,Anderson,Bevan 61.99 Sponsored by www.digitalmint.co.uk Heat 15: Masters,Gates,Evans,Dore(DNS) 64.16 Sponsored by www.msj.edu.pl www.msjspeedway.com Heat 16: Gathercole,Hedley,Milne,Proctor(Ret) 62.77 Heat 17: Gathercole,Holder,Anderson,Gates 61.97 Heat 18: Masters,Proctor (2 riders only) 67.64 Summers fell same place as North earlier,is back on his feet bot got a lift back in the ambulance. Re-run Masters passed lap 1 then Proctor not interested. Heat 19: Woodward,Evans,Milne,Bevan 61.10 Heat 20: Sweetman,Sedgmen,Hedley.Dore(DNS) 61.25 Final : Re-run Woodward,Sweetman,Masters,Gathercole(F/Ex) 61.65 Line up Gathercole(Red) Woodward(Blue) Masters(White) Sweetman(Yellow) Gathercole fell and was excluded lap 2 turn 3. Re-run Congratulations Cam!! ************************* Comments: Teams to be confirmed. This will start at approx 9am British time.... Chris Holder is at the track but not riding, his machinery is still held up at customs. Apparently has declined offers of a borrowed bike. Rider presentation has been done but now there is a problem with the tapes! Lunchy comments at the interval, Masters impressive in heats 9 to 11, all terrific close battles for first. North is alert and chirpy, not sure if he has any structural damage.
  18. Hope you've set the alarm clock Sue! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Yep I did although I looked at it all confused when it went off, almost hit the snooze button until I realised that I really had to get up!
  19. Updates on the Victoria State Title will be available Here
  20. Well Lunchy has said meeting will probably start around 9am our time but it all depends on the setting sun! I will probably get online from around 8 am just in case armed with a very strong cup of tea.
  21. Along with the sites already quoted to you, Speedway Updates also have live results from Mildura (Victoria State Finals) on Saturday ..... I have offered to be up at the crack of dawn (ok maybe not as early as that, but pretty blooming early on a Saturday morning!) to take texts direct from Australia. Link to the site is www.speedwayupdates.co.uk although I haven't as yet set the thread up.
  22. KOPIOWANIE TYLKO ZA ZGODĀ„ ADMINISTRATORA Please remember that these updates cost the texter and updater money, please don't ruin it for others by posting the score up before the updater has had a chance to update this screen All Updates will appear in this window, please feel free to post any comments below. Texter: Digidoss Updater: Sue Line Up 1. Filip Sitera - 1,1,2,0,2 = 6 2. Steve Johnston - 3,0,3,1,2 = 9 3. Scott Nicholls - 0,3,1,2,3 = 9 4. Eric Andersson - 2,0,1,0,3 = 6 5. Jason Crump - 3,3,0,3,0 = 9 6. Billy Janniro - 0,3,0,3,1 = 7 7. Morten Risager - 2,1,3,2,0 = 8 8. Leigh Lanham - 1,1,0,3 = 5 9. Chris Harris - 3,2,2,2,1 = 10 Third!! 10. Martin Smolinski - 1,2,2,0,3 = 8 11. Adam Roynon - 0,2,1,2,1 = 6 12. Troy Batchelor - 2,2,2,3,2 = 11 2nd!! 13. Lewis Bridger - 0,0 WITHDRAWN 14. Simon Stead - 2,1,3,1,2 = 9 15. Linus Sundstrom - 1,0,1,1,1 = 4 16. Rory Schlein - 3,3,3,1,3 = 13 Winner!! Heat Results Heat 01: Johnston,Andersson,Sitera,Nicholls(E/F) 60.7 Nicholls engine failure lap 1 when leading, pushing Sitera very wide in the process. Sponsored by Music 24/7 at http://www.virtualvibesradio.co.uk/ Heat 02: Crump,Risager,Lanham,Janniro(E/F) 59.9 From gate, Morten almost passing Crump on lap 2! Sponsored by Steve Dixon http://community.webshots.com/user/steavyd Heat 03: Harris,Batchelor,Smolinski,Roynon 60.5 Harris an easy winner, Troy into second on lap 2, Roynon almost caugh Smolinski. Sponsored by Boxer123 Stamps Brought and Sold Heat 04: Re-run Schlein,Stead,Sundstrom,Bridger(F/Ex) 60.5 Bridger taken a nasty fall, he is excluded from the re-run but is up and ok. Schlein cut back under Stead in lap 1 to win well. Sponsored by Friends of Edinburgh Speedway http://www.foes.info/ Heat 05: Crump,Harris,Sitera(F/Ex),Bridger(DNS) Handicap system now comes into force. I.E Harris off 20m in his next heat, Sitera off 10m and so on. Sitera led until the final lap and fell as Crump and Harris passed him. Bridger has been withdrawn. Sponsored by Richard and Anne Hollingsworth www.scunthorpespeedway.com Heat 06: Janniro,Smolinski,Stead,Johnston 61.2 Stayed in handicap order all the way around. Sponsored by Ian (BSF Member) Heat 07: Nicholls,Roynon,Risager,Sundstrom 60.4 Risager into 3rd on lap 3, Roynon doing brilliantly in 2nd Sponsored by Heat 08: Schlein,Batchelor,Lanham,Andersson 61.7 Schlein into 2nd lap 2nd and caught Batchelor right on the line. Sponsored by Heat 09: Schlein,Sitera,Roynon,Janniro 60.9 Schlein passed Janniro on lap 2, and then Sitera on lap 3, Roynon took 3rd on the line. Sponsored by Heat 10: Johnston,Batchelor,Sundstrom,Crump 61.7 Batchelor into 2nd on lap 3 Sponsored by KanDysoft Speedway spreadsheets www.kandysoft.com Heat 11: Stead,Harris,Nicholls,Lanham 60.9 Bees paid into 2nd and 3rd by lap 3 Sponsored by Peter Hopkins www.myspace.com/peterhopkins Heat 12: Risager,Smolinski,Andersson 3 riders only 61.3 Risager sailed past Andersson on lap 2 to win easily. Martin into 2nd lap 4. Sponsored by Heat 13: Batchelor,Risager,Stead,Sitera 61.1 Batchelor a wide margin winner! Sitera passed by Risager and Stead on lap 3 Sponsored by www.rpm.org.uk Heat 14: Lanham,Roynon,Johnston 3 Riders only 61.6 From the gate, Roynon riding a screamer to almost pass Lanham Sponsored by www.digitalmint.co.uk Heat 15: Crump,Nicholls,Schlein,Smolinski 60.7 Crump an easy winner with no handicap, Schlein into 3rd on lap 3 Sponsored by www.msj.edu.pl www.msjspeedway.com Heat 16: Janniro,Harris,Sundstrom,Andersson 62.2 Harris on slower bike but still nailed Sundstrom for 2nd on final bend Heat 17: Smolinski,Sitera,Sundstrom,Lanham 61.5 From the gate. Heat 18: Schlein,Johnston,Harris,Risager 61.1 Rory electric from the start, very easy winner. Heat 19: Nicholls,Batchelor,Janniro 3 riders only 61.7 Janniro made a blistering start but completely lost it into the first bend, Nicholls well clear. Heat 20: Andersson,Stead,Roynon,Crump 62.6 Stead and Roynon closed right up on Andersson but couldn't get by. ************************* Comments: Line up confirmed. Taken from the Official Coventry site "The meeting itself will be run on a handicap format, with riders sent back in their second to fifth outings based on where they finished in their previous race. It will run over a 16-rider, 20-heat format - with the top scorer after Heat 20 becoming the first Brandonapolis Champion since Hans Nielsen in 1985. (A modified event, billed as Golden Greats, ran in 1998 and was won by current machine examiner Jim McMillan.)" It has been raining at Coventry but the sun is trying to come out. Track is pretty damp but looks grippy enough. Special guest, Lady Brandon has just been introduced to the riders. Sadly it's Colin Pratt in drag but BJ still tried his luck! Heat winners will go off 20m, runner ups 15m and 3rd off 10m in their next heats. Digidoss is not impressed with the starting marshall, who seems to be having problems understanding the handicap system.
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