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Everything posted by crazysue

  1. Huge thanks to the various posters on here, Ron at Yahoo.com and Radio Freemantle for the results.
  2. Huge thanks to everyone putting results up, I am also collating all the info from here onto the Updates, plus trying to listen live .....blooming thing seems to cut out when it gets to the exciting bits!
  3. I am also borrowing these results as there is quite a few looking in on the Updates too.
  4. Yep I have and it is well worth doing. Photos of my visit are on my webshots.
  5. In defence, I actually did the Prague one with TP and much preferred where we were staying as we got the normal rates for food etc but only a 10 minute walk from the main tourist area. My Danish trip I posted about cost way less than £200, £40 for the flights, £50 for the hotel (which I didn't need to pay) , free VIP GP ticket plus spares ( ) and around £20 for all the trains needed plus maybe around another tenner for the taxis...think the most money I spent was on alcohol at the GP as the price for food was not that bad plus of course, I got treated by the lovely gentlemen who escorted me back to the hotel. I did go on a DIY trip to Italy organised by Chivsy...again extremely cheap and because Chivs did all the arrangements the experience was brilliant. We hired a car, the cost of which was split 5 ways, GP tickets were dirt cheap, flights were approx about £30 a person and the hotel for 3 nights was £120 for 2 of us. It cost for both me and my son just over £200 for the basics plus maybe another £50 for food and drink while there. Edit ..... SCB I agree regarding the DIY trips, the only reason why I posted my Denmark experience was to show what could go wrong. I was supposed to be with a friend who was also bringing some of her friends but once she pulled out, so did the others leaving me billy no mates!
  6. I have done both methods and there are pros and cons for both. Travel Plus is expensive but (a big but) you feel safe, all the arrangements are done for you, you have no need to worry about getting from the airport to the hotel, the hotel to the GP and back and hotel back to airport. For a single passenger, this makes it a whole lot safer, especially if you are female. I travelled to Denmark on my own for a GP, and from the get go, it all well a little pear shaped. My friend who lives in Denmark was called in at the last minute to do something else, so it was left to me to travel from an hour from Aarhus (think it was called Vjeune) to Copenhagen by train arriving at 5pm in a strange city with no idea of where the hotel was. A quick taxi ride got me to the hotel with enough time to just drop my stuff and head straight back out again. During the GP because my friend was unable to come, I was in amongst strangers most of which didn't speak a word of English (the only Danish I knew at the time was Congratulations, happy birthday and thanks!) so it was very lonely, although by the end of the evening, these strangers had taken to this rather strange Englishwoman. Now for the really scary part.... GP finishes, all transport full and no way to get back to the hotel unless I walked....and er, I had no idea how to get back! After several attempts to hail a taxi whilst walking down the road leading from the stadium, I was almost in tears. Here I was, stuck in a strange city in a strange country, at night, all on my own and with only very rudimentary knowledge of the language....so I did what my parents had always told me NOT to do, I spoke to the nearest stranger, who luckily turned out to also be a little lost as although he and his group were native to Denmark and from a place not too far out from Copenhagen, they had no clue how to get to the train station. So we all joined together and started walking...with no real idea of where we were going but eventually we walked far enough away from the stadium to be able to get a taxi back to my hotel , which amazingly enough, we had been walking towards and the taxi only had to drive around a corner and we were there. The evening was finished off with a group of us then hitting the food places near to my hotel for a meal, drinks and general merriment and I was safely deposited back in my hotel at 4am in the morning. Only problem now was getting from Copenhagen back to Aarhus for my flight but after the rigours of the night before, I found this relatively easy, for now I had picked up a fair amount of the language (enough to read the newspaper and understand a train timetable) and in fact, the people on the train had difficulty believing I was a Brit (I thought the British flag on my coat might have been a giveaway) because I sat there reading a Danish newspaper,timetable and seemingly knew which was my stop without being in a panic. It was only after all of this that I realised it could have been oh so different, what if the group of blokes I spoke to had not been law abiding? What if I had taken the wrong platform for my train home? I was vulnerable and I didn't like it but god was I proud of myself to getting through without giving up.
  7. I am still interested in putting updates on Speedway Updates if someone is prepared to text from Australia. Just send me a pm or email if you want to volunteer!
  8. Personally I would prefer the Saturday due to the kids having to go to school on the Monday, and this year, it was so hard to get them out of bed after not getting in until very late on the Sunday. As for the date , December 6th looks good! Would be nice to see the U15's again, not so bothered about less time in between as I think next year we will take a walk along the seafront and pick up some chips instead of going to Pizza hut.
  9. Think some may be missing the 'fun' part of Brighton..... I take the view of it being a very pantomime version of speedway with Ed Kennett being the prime dame (although Lewis seemed to want to be the dame too this year!) It's not to be taken too seriously really ....go into the meeting with that in mind and you enjoy yourself, even if the 6 re-runs really buggered my wrist up and I had to go with my RR for texting the rest of the meeting!
  10. Agree with the others, what it lacked in the social side this year was certainly made up for in the entertainment. The lack of big names never worried me either, I like my Brighton experience to be one of seeing new riders to these shores or riders I tend not to get to see that often (Prem etc). Really impressed by Henka (more so because I had him in a sweepstake and was odd's on to get some pennies until he crashed out!), he really seemed to get the measure of the track. Roynon,Frampton and T allen also impressed and say what you like about Kennett and Bridger on Brighton day but I think they add to the 'different' kind of speedway on offer .....pantomime dames anyone!
  11. Got in a short while ago, suitably knackered and in pain. Bit of a different Brighton for me this year with not so much of a social side to it but it didn't seem to lessen the enjoyment much....next year though, remind me NOT to take 3 kids, have an arm in a splint and try to text, way way too stressful! Full results from this afternoon and evening are..... -KOPIOWANIE TYLKO ZA ZGOD¥ ADMINISTRATORA Please remember that these updates cost the texter and updater money, please don't ruin it for others by posting the score up before the updater has had a chance to update this screen All Updates will appear in this window, please feel free to post any comments below. Texter: Sue (complete with splint!) Updater: Fozzie (I think!) Line Up Team A 12 EDWARD KENNETT 3, 1, 3, 3 = 10 SEBASTIAN BRUCHEISER R, 2, 0, 0 = 2 Team B 16 WINNERS SHAWN McCONNELL 3, 2, 2, 2 = 9 TOMMY ALLEN 2, 3, 1 , 1 = 7 Team C 10 HENKA GUSTAFSSON 2, 1, 3, 0 = 6 DAN GIFFARD 1, 0, 1, 2 = 4 Team D 8 MARTIN DUGARD 1, 3, 3, 1 = 8 EMIL IDZIOREK 0, F, 0, 0 = 0 Team E 11 LEWIS BRIDGER 3, Fx, 1, 3 = 7 MARCIN LIBERSKI 1, 1, 2, 0 = 4 Team F 12 OLLI ALLEN 2, 3, 3, 1 = 9 SIMON GUSTAFSON 0, 1, 0, 2 = 3 Team G 8 (13) JASON LYONS N = 0 Withdrawn RICKY WELLS 1, 2, 2, 3 = 8 Team H 14 Runners Up DANIEL KING 0, 2, 2, 3 = 7 ADAM ROYNON 2, 3, 1, 1 = 7 Reserves JORDAN FRAMPTON 0, 2 = 2 JASON KING 3, 0 = 3 Heat 01: Kennett, Henka, Giffard Sponsored by Music 24/7 at http://www.virtualvibesradio.co.uk/ Heat 02: Re-run Mcconnell, T Allen, Duagrd*, Idziorek Sponsored by Steve Dixon http://community.webshots.com/user/steavyd Heat 03: Re-run Bridger, O Allen, Liberski, Simon Sponsored by Boxer123 Stamps Brought and Sold Heat 04: Re-run J King, Roynon, Wells, D King Sponsored by Friends of Edinburgh Speedway http://www.foes.info/ Heat 05: Re-run Dugard, Brucheiser, Kennett, Idziorek fell Sponsored by Richard and Anne Hollingsworth www.scunthorpespeedway.com Heat 06: T Allen, Mcconnell, Henka, Giffard Sponsored by Ian (BSF Member) Heat 07: Roynon, D King, Liberski Sponsored by Heat 08: O Allen, Wells, Simon, Frampton Sponsored by Interval Heat 09: Re-run Kennett, Liberski, Briger, Brucheiser Sponsored by Heat 10: O Allen, Mcconnell, T Allen, Simon Sponsored by KanDysoft Speedway spreadsheets www.kandysoft.com Heat 11: Henka, Wells, Giffard, J King Sponsored by Peter Hopkins www.myspace.com/peterhopkins Heat 12: Dugard, D King, Roynon, Idziorek Sponsored by Heat 13: Kennett, Simon, O Allen, Brucheiser Sponsored by www.rpm.org.uk Heat 14: Re-run Bridger, Mcconnell, T Allen, Liberski Sponsored by www.digitalmint.co.uk Heat 15: D King, Giffard, Roynon, Henka Sponsored by www.msj.edu.pl www.msjspeedway.com Heat 16: Wells, Frampton, Dugard, Idziorek GRAND FINAL: T Allen, Mcconnell, Roynon, D King ************************* Comments: Teams and format confirmed Please also note that the texter is texting with all children in tow (including 2 autistic ones) and her arm in a splint so please allow extra time for those occasions when one of the kids need the toilet! Scoring is 3-2-1-0 Score in Brackets is Score if Reserves Points Count. Heat 1: Brucheiser spun on 1st bend and pulled off track. Heat 2: Stopped. Dugard touched Tapes. Goes of 10metres in re-run, Idziorek fell got off the track waited a lap then ran along getting his bike started again and finished the race!! Heat 3: Bridger off all4back. Heat 4: Big crash Lyons gone high side. However he is up and ok. Lyons getting some Tlc. J King in as replacement. Danny was Scary Heat 5: Stopped Idziorek came a cropper, Re-run with all 4. Kennett was a bad boy and crowd say back 10 metres. Idizorek fell and pulled off. Heat 7: Stopped Bridger ex. Bike got stuck in fence. Lyons Withdrawn from meeting. Heat 8: Frampton in for Lyons. Bit messy on the line. Interval time. Heat 9: Liberski into fence but in re-run 10metres back. Bridger caused Brucheiser to stop on 1st lap then Bridger spun his bike 3rd lap allowing Liberski through. Heat 11: J King for Lyons. Heat 14: Liberski fell. Race stopped. To be re-run with all 4. Liberski spun stopped restarted buggered up Mcconnell who was a lap ahead but still finished. Think Liberski wants to have his 4 laps. Heat 16: Frampton for Lyons Scoring for Final is 4-3-2-0 Grand Final Line-up: Mcconnell, T Allen, D King, Roynon D King rode the concrete Thanks for watching. Well Shawn and Tommy. See you at 6 please Join me. And KOPIOWANIE TYLKO ZA ZGOD¥ ADMINISTRATORA Please remember that these updates cost the texter and updater money, please don't ruin it for others by posting the score up before the updater has had a chance to update this screen WINNER: EDWARD KENNETT 2ND: Shawn Mcconnell 3RD: Adam Roynon All Updates will appear in this window, please feel free to post any comments below. Texter: A completely stressed and in all probability in pain Sue! /R/R James Updater: Fozzie (again I think, poor sod is being made to work for his supper today!) Line Up 1 SIMON GUSTAFSON 1, 1, Fx, N = 2 Withdrawn 2 EMIL IDZIOREK 3, 0, 0, 1, 2 = 6 3 JORDAN FRAMPTON 2, 1, 3, 1, 3 = 10 4 OLLI ALLEN 0, 3, X = 3 Withdrawn 5 EDWARD KENNETT 3, 3, 3, X, 3 = 12 6 DANIEL KING 1, 1, 2, 3, 1 = 8 7 TOMMY ALLEN 0, 3, 1, 3, X = 7 8 MARCIN LIBERSKI 2, 0, 2, 0, 2 = 6 9 SEBASTIAN BRUCHEISER 0, 0, 1, 1, Fx = 2 10 LEWIS BRIDGER 3, 3, 2, 2, 3 = 13 11 DAN GIFFARD 1, 2, 1, 2, 2 = 8 12 ADAM ROYNON 2, 1, 2, 2, 2 = 9 13 HENKA GUSTAFSSON 3, 2, 3, 3, 0 = 11 14 JASON KING 0, 2, 0, 1, 1 = 4 15 RICKY WELLS 2, 0, 1, 2, 1 = 6 16 SHAWN McCONNELL 1, 2, 3, 3, 3 = 12 Heat Results Heat 01: Idziorek, Frampton, Simon, O Allen Sponsored by Music 24/7 at http://www.virtualvibesradio.co.uk/ Heat 02: Kennett, Liberski, D King, T Allen Sponsored by Steve Dixon http://community.webshots.com/user/steavyd Heat 03: Bridger, Roynon, Giffard, Brucheiser Sponsored by Boxer123 Stamps Brought and Sold Heat 04: Henka, Wells, Mcconnell, J King Sponsored by Friends of Edinburgh Speedway http://www.foes.info/ Heat 05: Re-run Kennett, Henka, Simon, Burcheiser Sponsored by Richard and Anne Hollingsworth www.scunthorpespeedway.com Heat 06: Bridger, J King, D King, Idziorek Sponsored by Ian (BSF Member) Heat 07: T Allen, Giffard, Frampton, Wells Sponsored by Heat 08: O Allen, Mcconnell, Roynon, Liberski Sponsored by Heat 09: Re-run Mcconnell, D King, Giffard Sponsored by Heat 10: Kennett, Roynon, Wells, Idziorek Sponsored by KanDysoft Speedway spreadsheets www.kandysoft.com Heat 11: Frampton, Liberski, Brucheiser, J King Sponsored by Peter Hopkins www.myspace.com/peterhopkins Heat 12: Re-runx2 Henka, Bridger, T Allen Sponsored by Interval Taken Now Heat 13: T Allen, Roynon, J King Sponsored by www.rpm.org.uk Heat 14: Henka, Giffard, Idziorek, Liberski Sponsored by www.digitalmint.co.uk Heat 15: Re-runx5 Mcconnell, Bridger, Frampton Sponsored by www.msj.edu.pl www.msjspeedway.com Heat 16: D King, Wells, Brucheiser Heat 17: Bridger, Liberski, Wells Heat 18: Mcconnell, Idziorek, Brucheiser fx, T Allen Ex Heat 19: Frampton, Roynon, D King, Henka Heat 20: Kennett, Giffard, J King Last Chance final Re-run Kennett, Roynon, Frampton Final: Kennett, Mcconnell, Roynon, Bridger ************************* Comments: Line, format etc confirmed. Dugard limping and has withdrawn. Lyons injured earlier also withdrawn. As for the pairs meeting, please be aware that I have my 3 children with me, 2 of whom are autistic, so there may be delays at times. Also my wrist and hand is all splinted up so texting is taking longer plus it is also very painful...if it gets too painful, then I will run RR or a guest replacement (which ever is allowed under the rules). The likely guest replacement would be my eldest son James, who will come in on a 3 average as a raw beginner although he has trained at conference level in my car as my secretary. Heat 1: Allen lost dirt defector Heat 5: Bad crash involing Kennett and Brucheiser..Luckily both up and seemingly ok all4back. Another bad crash. Brucheiser into fence ref excluded him but the crowd have saved him. Heat 9: Simon fell to be re-run with 3 only. Heat 12: Bad crah O Allen and Henka on one corner and T Allen on another. Re-run with all4. Stopped again T Allen hit fence. Olly excluded for causing little bro to fall. Heat 13: Simon didnt ride having some TLC. Heat 15: Stopped Kennett Slipped off. Stopped again Bridger helped Kennett to fall. Stopped AGAIN Frampton fell AND AGAIN. Kennett fell again and has been excluded by Public vote. We may get this race done tonight but get ur pipe and slippers ready. Simon withdrawn from meeting. LCQ: KENNETT, HENKA, FRAMPTON, ROYNON. Henka getting some TLC. Henka non-starter in re-run. Stopped again Frampton fell all 3 back for re-run. Final: Over 6 laps: Bridger, Mcconnell, Roynon, Kennett. Thanks for watching and goodnight. See you at Newport for the New Year Classic
  12. Ahhh but the saving I make from not texting thousands of messages a month covers it! Anyway, I am not footing the bill for my escapade to Brighton tomorrow (Er, today now, best get to bed!)
  13. Updates on these meetings will be available Here (Evening meeting) and Here (Afternoon meeting)
  14. Aww Forgot to say, I also have my right wrist and hand splinted up.....we will make quite a pair!
  15. Look out for me sjl , not hard to miss as I will be wearing my speedway Updates fleece with my name emblazoned on it!
  16. Well if anyone fancies texting from these or any other Australian meetings (and of course I realise it is expensive from Australia), then I am more than willing to receive them and update on Speedway Updates. If anyone does fancy that, get in touch via pm or email and we can sort something out.
  17. Just in case it got lost in the postings.... Ok with a week to go I will do my usual and start asking around for texters from this meeting. I usually go but cost (with it looking like I had to take all 3 kids) and childcare issues have got in the way this year, so we are looking for one or two people (or even a team of people) to text results of this meeting to information hungry people on the Updates site. If you can help, could you please either leave a message here or send me an email or pm. Thanks
  18. Ok with a week to go I will do my usual and start asking around for texters from this meeting. I usually go but cost (with it looking like I had to take all 3 kids) and childcare issues have got in the way this year, so we are looking for one or two people (or even a team of people) to text results of this meeting to information hungry people on the Updates site. If you can help, could you please either leave a message here or send me an email or pm. Thanks
  19. Not that kind of experience or strength!! And awww Lunchy, would have been nice to hear your lovely voice again......but 2am!!
  20. I am getting way too old for that!! Plus Ex hubby is down for the weekend and I need all my strength for the experience.
  21. Ouch, don't think that one I will look for a texter for... I would have to get up at 3 or 4 am to update!
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