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Everything posted by crazysue

  1. KOPIOWANIE TYLKO ZA ZGODĀ„ ADMINISTRATORA Please remember that these updates cost the texter and updater money, please don't ruin it for others by posting the score up before the updater has had a chance to update this screen All Updates will appear in this window, please feel free to post any comments below. Texter: Sir Lunchalot Updater: Sue Line Up 1. Troy Batchelor 2,3,3,1,3 = 12 2. Tom Hedley 1,3,0,3,2 = 9 3. Richard Wallace 0,0,1,1,0 = 2 4. Chris Holder 3,3,3,3,2 = 14 5. Hugh Skidmore 1,0,1,1,2 = 5 6.. Robert Ksiezak 3,2,2,3,3 = 13 7. Josh Grajczonek . 0,3,1,0,1 = 5 8. Sam Dore............2,0 = 2 9. Aaron Summers 3,1,3,2,3 = 12 10. Dakota North 1,1,0,2 = 4 11. Jake Anderson 0,1,2,1,0 = 4 12. Tyron Proctor 2,2,3,3,3 = 13 13. Sam Masters 2,0,2,2,1 = 7 14. Ryan Sedgmen 3,2,2,2,1 = 10 15. Kozza Smith .....0,2,1,0,2 = 5 16. Ashley Cathcart 1,1,0,0,0 = 2 Res Evans ...............0,0,1 = 1 Res Toby Proctor .....0,0 = 0 Heat Results Heat 01: Holder,Batchelor,Hedley,Wallace Sponsored by Music 24/7 at http://www.virtualvibesradio.co.uk/ Heat 02: Ksiezak,Dore,Skidmore,Evans Grajczonek excluded for tapes and Evans replaced. Sponsored by Steve Dixon http://community.webshots.com/user/steavyd Heat 03: Summers,Proctor,North,Anderson Sponsored by Boxer123 Stamps Brought and Sold Heat 04: Sedgmen,Masters,Cathcart,Smith(F/Ex) Sponsored by Friends of Edinburgh Speedway http://www.foes.info/ Heat 05: Batchelor,Ksiezak,Summers,Masters Sponsored by Richard and Anne Hollingsworth www.scunthorpespeedway.com Heat 06: Re-run Hedley,Sedgmen,North Skidmore fell and is excluded. Sponsored by Ian (BSF Member) Heat 07: Grajczonek,Smith,Anderson,Wallace Sponsored by http://merlin-merlinsworld.blogspot.com/ and http://users.boardnation.com/~merlinmagic/index.php Heat 08: Re-run Holder,Proctor,Cathcart Dore fell and is excluded. Sponsored by Heat 09: Batchelor,Anderson,Skidmore,Cathcart Sponsored by Heat 10: Proctor,Ksiezak,Smith,Hedley Sponsored by KanDysoft Speedway spreadsheets www.kandysoft.com Heat 11: Summers,Sedgmen,Wallace,Toby Proctor Dore DNS, Toby Proctor replaced. Sponsored by Peter Hopkins www.myspace.com/peterhopkins Heat 12: Holder,Masters,Grajczonek,North Sponsored by Heat 13: Proctor,Sedgmen,Batchelor,Grajczonek Sponsored by www.rpm.org.uk Heat 14: Hedley,Masters,Anderson,Evans Evans in for Dore Sponsored by www.digitalmint.co.uk Heat 15: Ksiezak,North,Wallace,Cathcart(F/Rem) Sponsored by www.msj.edu.pl www.msjspeedway.com Heat 16: Holder,Summers,Skidmore,Smith(Ex) Smith was excluded for unfair riding. Heat 17: Batchelor,Smith,Evans,Toby Proctor North excluded for a tapes infringement. Toby Proctor in for Dore Heat 18: Summers,Hedley,Grajczonek,Cathcart Heat 19: Proctor,Skidmore,Masters,Wallace Heat 20: Ksiezak,Holder,Sedgmen,Anderson Final Line up and Comments: Batchelor(Yellow),Holder(Red),Ksiezak(White),Proctor(Blue) - Batchelor won the run off between him and Summers to take the final spot in the final Final Result: Re-run Holder,Proctor,Ksiezak(Ret) Batchelor fell and is excluded (arrggghhh, ooppss sorry updater bias) ************************* Comments: The track is really tricky. Lunchy has said it will be interesting to hear the riders comments about the track, the first heat time was 59.7 and heat 8 was 66.7! Looks like they are announcing a run off for final place in the final between Batchelor and Summers.
  2. Have had a text from Lunchy asking if we want updates, have sent one back saying might as well as I have woken up now but so far no reply. If I get anything, I will post here that they are coming in and then post the results on Speedway Updates. Edit Took the plunge and rang Lunchy, results will be shown on Updates but the meeting start is still approx 45 minutes away as they have not had the presentation of riders or national anthem yet. Link to the thread is http://speedwayupdates.proboards103.com/in...read=1201425537 Results are now coming in....
  3. This may be of help http://www.tptours.co.uk/CardiffHotels/
  4. The poor thing would be a bundle of nerves at the end though......don't think I would subject my kids on my worst enemy (well maybe one or two....now where is the evil smiley)
  5. Yeah but to find him I would have to travel halfway round the world! Unfortunately I think my kids may notice that I have not been around for a few days.....
  6. Talking of texting...... You all know what I am going to put next so I won't bother typing it all out!
  7. Do you think you will have room in the suitcase for a not so little one Bryn? I so want to be there!
  8. A final result Holder,Batchelor,Doyle,Woodward Sounded an excellent heat, with the presenters on the radio going mental!
  9. Harding won 2 heats, James just the one.
  10. A final line up appears to be Batchelor,Holder,Doyle Woodward Haven't been able to catch the B Final one and too lazy to work it out!
  11. I managed to hear (sort of) one of his races and he had just made an awesome pass into second and then the link went!
  12. Aussigal, are you able to hear any results from the 350's, interested in how Todd Kurtz gets on.
  13. Think you just nicked my spot ! Had good reception and was listening to the music and now it's gone again! Ahhh back again
  14. Also at http://speedwayupdates.proboards103.com/in...00002686&page=1 , if the radio fails completely, we are getting results every 4 heats from the track.
  15. Arrggghhhh Was relying on you for some heats! I have got some coverage here but it is very very patchy. Never mind, we can always annoy Lunchy by text!
  16. Shazzy, can you pm me your number please. Not sure I have the correct number
  17. Yeah, think because the size/ardous nature of the track....the ref however has refused their request and it has to be done over 4 laps a heat.
  18. I've only just finished my first cup! Apparently riders are asking to do 3 laps instead of the normal 4 for today.
  19. Going to be fun working out who goes into the A final with all those riders on 12 points.
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