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Everything posted by crazysue

  1. My purchased tickets arrived today!! Hotel - Sorted and checked to make sure. Tickets - Arrived Kids arrangements - All sorted. Travel arrangements - All sorted and maps/sat nav organised T Shirt - Printed and arrived Money - Well will never have enough! Sleeps left - 2 Packed - Er Nope. Am I getting excited? You bet!!
  2. Afraid I can't as I have never taken a car into Cardiff city....last year we parked in the hotel car park and the previous years, we have taken the coach.
  3. Well I won't need to introduce myself.... I have a T shirt that has my name on! (Plus of course my Speedway Updates fleece in case it does rain)
  4. Yeah but at least it wasn't race results this week! We tricked Iffoid good and proper though, she thought I had gone to the meeting when I passed on your message!
  5. I can never remember the names of the people I meet so next time I meet them it's really awkward. They can remember my name while I am stood there thinking "I know you from somewhere, now where is it?" Then I listen to them for a while, nodding my head at what I think are the correct times until they mention something which triggers the memory...sure people think I am a little weird (ok I am weird ) as I seem a little off when they start talking and all of a sudden halfway through I am talking to them like a normal person!
  6. Know that feeling Shazzybird. I will still have my eldest with me but as he is nearly 15 now and an excellent tea/sandwich getter and bag carrier it's not too bad. I still have work right up until Friday afternoon...pah!
  7. Probably why I do that too (dad is Scottish!) ....as I said, last year I didn't buy one (way too expensive) so used the Speedway Star instead. I did the same in Prague and Lonigo. Jacques....agreed
  8. Or do what I do and buy the Speedway Star and fill in their programme. *I do usually buy the programme as well (apart from last year) but don't like to ruin the programme by writing in it.
  9. Yep it is cutting it fine but this time we cannot blame the Royal Mail....when I rang the ticket office yesterday (after I had kept checking the online tracking) they were not aware that the tickets were out of stock! Message had changed about an hour or so later on the tracking to say they were being sent by recorded delivery. They did tell me that if they did not arrive in time that duplicates are easily picked up from the stadium so not really worrying now.
  10. Still looking for a texter....anyone? Edit - Now sorted
  11. Nevs you are not far from me.....and the seats I am sitting in are the ones I purchased! We can have a good old chin wag as we are not too far apart. We are U24 row 6 seats 1-3 Edit - Received my tickets that I won today in the post (still waiting for the ones I purchased though) and they are U18 Row 2 so better than the ones I purchased!
  12. Is there anyone going to this meeting who would be able to text updates to the updates site? If so, could you please either leave a message here or send me an email or pm. Thanks
  13. If I found a purse I would hand it in. If I found a handbag I would turn it in. If I found someone had left a camera I would turn it in. I didn't find tickets...... All I am asking for is a little bit of beer/food money to make the day slightly cheaper, not just for me but also for anyone still looking to get tickets. Edit....tickets now gone.
  14. I also have 2 spare tickets up for sale.....I won them from the local paper but as yet have not received them (should be tomorrow fingers crossed) and would assume they would be top tier. I haven't set a minimum or maximum, anything extra is extra beer money! Pm if interested.
  15. Hope everyone has a good day today.... I am so so jealous of you all at being able to go but I have a big exam coming up on Tuesday that I have to revise for! (It's not easy going back to feeling like you are at school with revision etc but also having to work,do school runs and play mum!) Mind you the pennies saved will ensure an extra good weekend in Cardiff!
  16. Mine kept crashing too but I found a way around it... I clicked on news, then clicked on the link again...no more crashing but a whole lot more hassle! Thanks for the other link Ghostwalker, now using both.
  17. And get this..... I have now won 2 tickets to Cardiff from the local paper!
  18. I will start asking now.... Is there anyone going to this meeting who would be able to text updates to the updates site? If so, could you please either leave a message here or send me an email or pm. Thanks
  19. Made my mind up eventually...... We are sitting in U24 so top tier, I did think about the bottom tier but couldn't get the idea of it being claustrophobic out of my head especially as seats nearer to the front have now gone. Mind you, we have been lucky on the top tier, our seats are near to the bottom of the tier instead of the top so not as many steps to climb up and down and of course with it being the top tier, it stops me smoking during the meeting so is better healthwise. Thanks for all your help earlier.
  20. Thanks Bobbin... we have sat middle tier twice and top tier 3 times and much prefered the middle tier, then they got expensive. So far, I haven't been too bad on the top tier in terms of vertigo but the getting up there is a bit of hassle but at least it stops me smoking as by the time I get down to the bottom, it's time to get back up again so I tend not to bother. Another question on the lower tier....every time I have looked at it, it seems quite closed in and claustrophobic, is that just an illusion?
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