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Everything posted by crazysue

  1. We always stop at Reading services...but then we are coming from a different part of the country.
  2. Looking forward to popping in and having a look around after the last few years of not arriving in Cardiff in time to do it. £1? It's nothing, you can't even get a half pint for that!
  3. I meant a different area of the stadium rather than different tier...been top tier for the last 4 years. It's ok but doesn't help with my wanting to escape quickly when there are a multitude of steps to go down first before I can get outside. Lower tier was out of the question as it was just too damned expensive (same really for middle tier which is where I had always been before the prices started rising).
  4. U13...thought we would try a different bit this year!
  5. Got my tickets now......through official channels and top tier but hey ho, we can always move around a bit. On reflection, don't think I am brave enough for the hang it out until the last minute on ebay!
  6. Lol.....first is the posh hotel, next is the posh tickets. Got to work your way up you know....or is that just me? Maybe next year..if I can get James to give up more of his money each week to put in the savings (we started saving the week after Cardiff last year so we could have a decent hotel within staggering distance of the stadium).
  7. True......I've had too much sun today and am waffling.
  8. I might be tempted along to the NL meeting on the Friday night......just a little unsure as I won't have my car and have never been to Newport speedway! Oh and I will probably be on my own.... To answer the question Snyper, after many hours of travelling from here to Cardiff (via Bury St Edmunds) the last thing I want to do is do battle on the roads to get to Somerset (even though that is another track I've not been to) plus no car to get there anyway. The Open is a no go due to travelling home.
  9. Ahhh now they look gorgeous...unfortunately, too many pennies for my pocket. I keep promising myself...one day I will go for the posh tickets like that!
  10. Is there anyone going to this meeting who would be able to text updates to the updates site? If so, could you please either leave a message here or send me an email or pm. Thanks
  11. Lol....don't blame me with the Shandy Nevs, James got around Firestorm on that one! I get back from the loo and there is he, all pleased as punch with himself, holding a pint of lager shandy.. He is still classed as child price for another few months yet, next year it will def be an adult ticket needed. I am still looking on ebay but it never hurts to keep an eye everywhere (plus of course also just thinking of pressing the button and getting them off the official site). Top tier is ok...I just need to be able to move if I am too hemmed in, mind you, last year I rarely got to sit in my seat and spent more time walking to the medical room with James than watching the blooming GP!
  12. Looking for two tickets here, pref in the middle tier although top tier is ok as long as it is close to an exit/not hemmed in. Need to have easy access to the outside as I tend to have panic attacks and need to get outside quickly. Can be an adult and child tickets.....but not oodles of pennies!
  13. Lol...my kids think I have become alcohol boring now as I drink so rarely. It's not that I have given up alcohol through some health reason but just that I don't get the chance to drink that often...I am intending to have a drink or two over the Cardiff weekend.
  14. Unless you do decide to go to Mildenhall on the 12th, I will probably catch up with you at Cardiff....I too am arriving on the Friday and with eldest deciding to go out to the cinema, will be at a loose end and looking for a drinking partner! *Not that I actually drink anymore.....
  15. Well at the Swindon meeting, they were saying the 18th but in the Evening star the other night, they said the 25th! I'm as confuzzled as you right now....
  16. Sandie, do you mind (when you get them typed up), if I borrowed them to put on Speedway Updates? I will of course say where they are coming from...
  17. I would if someone paid for it and looked after the kids whilst I was away!
  18. I can't find them anywhere! Sorry I couldn't be much more help.
  19. We don't have coverage of this meeting on Speedway Updates, we were hoping for one of the other sites to be carrying them. The meeting where the results are being copied illegally is the Eastbourne one.
  20. Yep def being copied from Speedway Updates...I just threw in a deliberate mistake which has now been put on that site. Naughty naughty people and they have been warned before.
  21. Hmm, which may well be being copied illegally from Speedway Updates....now on the case to find out.
  22. Is there going to be any updates of the meeting anywhere.....would be nice to put a link on the Updates site to them.
  23. Is there anyone going to this meeting who would be able to text updates to the updates site? If so, could you please either leave a message here or send me an email or pm. Thanks
  24. Is there anyone going to this meeting who would be able to text updates to the updates site? If so, could you please either leave a message here or send me an email or pm. Thanks
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