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Everything posted by crazysue

  1. I'll stick to my usual begger, begger, oops and then if it is any different, the celebration is even better!
  2. Is there anyone going to this meeting who would be able to text updates to the Updates site? If so, could you please send me a private message including your mobile number. Thanks
  3. Nope...keep the whole blooming lot of them, from both sides, safe!
  4. Quite a lot of which I removed last night...great fun doing that via a mobile phone, the recent forum upgrade makes it so much more eek to do anything via a mobile. I do get annoyed when people get on a young rider's back, we all have good and bad days or go through bad patches and sometimes I think we need to be more supportive and patient, it tends to get more out of a person than when we are constantly on their backs and being nasty about them. Ok, it is not nice when your team is losing but sometimes that patience can have its rewards.
  5. That was not the information I received from the texters....one was at a wedding and the other did provide the updates although initially he wasn't sure if he was going to be able to make it to the meeting!
  6. Is there anyone going to this meeting who would be able to text updates to the Updates site? If so, could you please send me a private message including your mobile number. Thanks
  7. Is there anyone going to this meeting who would be able to text updates to the Updates site? If so, could you please send me a private message including your mobile number. Thanks
  8. I've seen Ipswich in 1st and 2nd tier speedway over the years home and away (first starting going to Ipswich in 1989 until 1994 and then 2003 to present -my first speedway meeting was actually at Exeter in 1988 and returned via Poole in 2002!) and to be honest, I don't really see a great deal of difference between the two...apart from the names being on the telly more. You can get good and bad races in either of those leagues, good or boring meetings in either of those leagues etc etc etc. I actually love watching NL and junior meetings, not only do you get to see the riders progress from being rather nervous and just starting out to becoming more confident and moving up the leagues but the racing is pretty good too. Alas, finances, childcare and illness have put a temporary stop on me being able to attend anything other than the Ipswich home meetings for the last year or so (and Cardiff for the last 3!) but I hope in future as the boys get older, to be able to take in more Ipswich away or Mildenhall meetings.
  9. Jackal - I don't go in for hype, I just like to support our young riders. BTW - I am not a CL idolizer, although I attend Ipswich, I am more of a speedway fan than just an Ipswich one.
  10. Still need a texter for this...anyone?
  11. Jackal - Please give Adam a chance. He is a relative new comer to the sport and he is young, very young. We need to support our riders not denigrate them when they score less than we personally expect of them (not that I expect more than 3 or 4 points anyway bbecause of his tender years and experience). I seem to remember a similar vendetta against another young rider in recent seasons and it was as distateful then as it is now.
  12. Is there anyone going to this meeting who would be able to text updates to the Updates site? If so, could you please send me a private message including your mobile number. Thanks
  13. As he said... Still looking for a texter for this meeting...anyone?
  14. I (and middle son) was missing tonight but it was nothing to do with who was there but because my youngest son is having a bad asthma flare up at the moment....
  15. That is absolutely brilliant, had me giggling all the way through....nice job.
  16. Is there anyone going to this meeting who would be able to text updates to the Updates site? If so, could you please send me a private message including your mobile number. Thanks Edit - Texter now found.
  17. Is there anyone going to this meeting who would be able to text updates to the Updates site? If so, could you please send me a private message including your mobile number. Thanks
  18. Is there anyone going to this meeting who would be able to text updates to the Updates site? If so, could you please send me a private message including your mobile number. Thanks Edit - Texter now found.
  19. Keep an eye on Facebook though, there could be some results on there from the visiting Dudley fans.
  20. Is there anyone going this meeting who would be able to text updates to the updates site? If so, could you please send me a private message including your mobile number. Thanks
  21. Couldn't see a thread started... Updates on this meeting will be available on the following link http://speedwayupdates.proboards.com/thread/12308/mildenhall-buxton-nt-13-30pm N.B We have been upgraded to V5 which asks you to log in again. Please use your usual log in details, it will ask you to repeat the details to link it, do so and you should then be logged in. You do not need to re register.
  22. Updates on this meeting available on the following link http://speedwayupdat...timonial-13-4pm N.B We have been upgraded to V5 which asks you to log in again. Please use your usual log in details, it will ask you to repeat the details to link it, do so and you should then be logged in. You do not need to re register.
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