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Everything posted by crazysue

  1. Is there anyone going to this meeting who would be able to text updates to the Updates site? If so, could you please send me a private message including your mobile number. Thanks
  2. Is there anyone going to this meeting who would be able to text updates to the Updates site? If so, could you please send me a private message including your mobile number. Thanks
  3. Is there anyone going to this meeting who would be able to text updates to the Updates site? If so, could you please send me a private message. Thanks
  4. Is there anyone going to this meeting who would be able to text updates to the Updates site? If so,could you please send me a private message. Thanks
  5. Is there anyone going to this meeting who would be able to text updates to the Updates site? If so,could you please send me a private message. Thanks
  6. Is there anyone going to this meeting who would be able to text updates to the Updates site? If so, can you please send me a private message. Thanks
  7. It would be the same with us, youngest son (complex autistic and a myriad of other disabilities) would not look like he needs a carer but he cannot go anywhere on his own and receives disability benefits which match those needs. On the other hand, I have to use a wheelchair for anything longer than the shortest of walks and a crutch at all other times, so would appear to need a carer pretty all the time whereas, I only need one when I have the wheelchair as I cannot self propell. I have yet to go to Foxhall in my wheelchair, I struggle along with my crutch to my spot and then don't move for the rest of the night! Like Spin King's son, youngest is also not a lover of going to speedway (he liked the idea as wheels are involved but couldn't cope with the people/noise etc), I did try to take him for quite a while but the only place he felt 'safe' was at Peterborough with the big open space behind the back straight and in the end, I gave up as it was reaching nightmare proportions trying to watch and keep him calm.
  8. I was another one who hid my depression and then breakdown from pretty much everyone in the speedway world. I was still trying to carry on as if nothing was wrong and in the end, made myself so much worse. So Lewis has done one better than me in being able to publicly talk about it and for that, kudos to the man, it is a tough thing to admit to. For me, the thing that quite literally saved my life was a select few (all speedway related friends) who worked out something was wrong and insisted on talking to me and making me talk every night via MSN. If it hadn't been for them, I wouldn't be here now...they stopped me taking that final step even though they never realised I was actually thinking about doing it, just them talking about normal things made me stop and think. Recovery was a long road (5 years+) but I have been free of treatment now for approx 3 years and doing well.
  9. Is there anyone going to this meeting who would be able to text updates to the Updates site? If so, could you please send me a private message including your mobile number. Thanks
  10. Is there anyone going to this meeting who would be able to text updates to the Updates site? If so, could you please send me a private message including your mobile number. Thanks
  11. Remember to come and say hi...and to collect at least one of those cups of tea I owe you!
  12. Is there anyone who is going to the Lakeside leg of the meetings who would be able to text updates to the Updates site? If so, could you please send me a private message including your mobile number. Thanks
  13. Is there anyone going to the Poole leg of the meetings who would be able to text updates to the Updates site? If so, could you please send me a private message including your mobile number. Thanks
  14. Is there anyone going to this meeting who would be able to text updates to the Updates site? If so, could you send me a private message including your mobile number. Thanks
  15. Is there anyone going to this meeting who would be able to text updates to the Updates site? If so, could you send me a private message including your mobile number. Thanks
  16. Is there anyone going to this meeting who would be able to text updates to the Updates site? If so, could you please send me a private message including your mobile phone number. Thanks
  17. Words fail me... Handbags at dawn, clouting each other whilst both are standing up....ok (ish). Kicking another rider whilst they are laying injured on the track...not ok. There is absolutely no excuse for that kind of behaviour, regardless of what has gone on before (and I say that as a neutral to both riders involved). I agree, I can never really understand the thought processes that says it is ok to harm another rider because they may have done it to you in the past. Motorbikes are dangerous items, especially at speed and the potential for injuries just far too high to ever justify twit for tat behaviour. Ok, maybe I am a bit soft but to be honest, there are far too many injuries in speedway as it is (and which I have to report on/pass news on via Updates) without the potential for more due to the silly notion of getting someone back for past transgressions.
  18. Is there anyone going to this meeting who would be able to text updates to the Update site? If so, could you please send me a private message including your mobile phone number. Thanks
  19. Is there anyone who would be able to text updates to the Updates site? If so, could you please send me a private message including your phone number. Thanks
  20. Is there anyone going to this meeting who would be able to text updates to the Updates site? If you can, can you please get in touch with either myself or Fozzie. Thanks
  21. Is there anyone going to this meeting who would be able to text updates to the Updates site? If so, could you please send me a private message including your mobile number. Thanks
  22. Not in my experience.....I may be middle class (in values) but I am a very long way from being well off! Everyone in this country has access to education, they just need to want to take up the offer and work hard. That goes for those who are from the most deprived areas or those who have everything. My boys have grown up in social housing, in a single parent household since late 2005, so we are walking in the other shoes you speak about....eldest is at university, middle son is in 6th form doing A levels and youngest is about to take his GCSEs. Not that special really apart from the fact that eldest son has been a young carer since he was at primary school, has dyslexia and received a diagnosis of a lifelong debilitating condition just before he sat his GCSEs. Middle son has Aspergers, was chucked out of his primary school, labelled unteachable at age 8, spent over 2 years outside of mainstream school but is known as a gentleman and a hard worker at high school, he is in the process of choosing which universities he would like to go to. Youngest didn't even go full time at school until part way through year 6, has complex autism plus a myriad of other disabilities which has involved various hospital stays but is doing the full compliment of GCSEs (all the schools have been excellent in our common aim to get the best from him) and is also planning on university. They may not go on all the big trips or go on holidays abroad but education is provided free of charge (essentially) up to the age of 18 ish, it is just up to the particular student to take it up regardless of their parent's income, housing or social standing.
  23. Surprisingly, apart from very few, I am unknown.....and I like it that way! Ok, a load of people know the name but actually what I look like (and I don't mean my posh look as per my avatar here) on a week to week speedway basis, not many. Handy really, means I can move around various tracks incognito and not be moaned at if an offence is taken at any of the comments on the site. It was ok in the end, my lift changed his mind and came, so no Billy no mates!
  24. Arrgghh, in a quandry! My lift is not able to come and now none of my children go anymore, if I drive myself, I will be Billy no mates! So do I go and be Billy no mates, struggling to get myself drinks (texting and being on crutches does not make getting drinks easy, especially now the garden bar is shut), or do I stay home and try to get an alternative texter? As much as I like going to speedway, I don't like being a Billy no mates......
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