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Everything posted by crazysue

  1. It's really not my night..... Our texter for this is stuck in traffic and is extremely doubtful that he is going to make it, so if anyone is able to help with texting, please please (with a very nice cherry on top) get in touch via private message. Thanks
  2. Desperately urgent! Our texter has had to pull out of texting tonight due to unforeseen circumstances. Is there anyone who would be able to text updates to the Updates site, if so, could you please send me a private message which includes your mobile number. Thanks
  3. I still went despite being full of cold and having what was probably my loneliest night at speedway I have ever had...some of the missing were those who normally sit nearby and who I can chat to from time to time.
  4. Picking up a bit more where I am...maybe lots of late decisions. But yes, crowd is down.
  5. I have got a sneaky feeling that I am going to be Billy no mates if the meeting doesn't get hit with the rain....so if any kind soul would like to talk to the very lonely me and maybe bring me a cup of tea (I'll pay for it) at some point after the meeting starts, it would be very much appreciated!
  6. I used to be known as the innuendo queen many many years ago....
  7. Nah, I was too busy celebrating my birthday! I think the alcohol made me forget about the cold and ergo, your fingers..... Thanks for doing it though, I had a brilliant night.
  8. About a 9 mile drive for me, can be done in about 15 minutes (although once did it in a lot less on my motorbike) depending on who is driving and what the traffic is doing.
  9. I'm hoping it is going to warm up by Thursday otherwise my poor little texting fingers might fall off!
  10. Love mushrooms! To be honest, I am partial to a pot noodle from time to time, not very often mind but occasionally it fills a hole.
  11. For me it is the taste, I just don't like the taste of black pudding, nothing to do with the content...can hardly talk about content and blood as I like my steaks rare. Also betraying my Scottish roots (I'm half Scottish), I am not very partial to haggis either... Macca - I am most certainly going to try to shoe horn references in to wobbly bits, virtual frying pans and Wotsits on Thursday, let's see what the newer members think of them (if they make it to the update at all - ah it's Fozzie as my updater, they will! I stopped confuzzling him years ago so he puts my weird and wonderful stuff up)
  12. I do try but even my brolly counts were attacked!
  13. Hehe, leave the tomato out, hate the things, oh and def no black pudding. The frying pan remark is a throwback to the early days of Updates when I would threaten the ones not behaving with a virtual frying pan to keep them in line. It seemed to work quite well too as it usually dispersed the tension. Ah, they were the good old days when the meeting threads were full of talk about virtual frying pans, wobbly bits and wotsits. Unfortunately, not everyone liked it and thought it should just be a reporting service (even made noises about that was what we were paid to do....paid? Yeah right, would be nice) rather than the community we had. I always feel like we are missing an element nowadays, we have lost the fun.
  14. My frying pan may have to make a reappearance if you carry on with comments like that!
  15. Hate the taste of flask tea, never tastes quite right. My issue is that I can't get up to the diner and go to the loo in time during the interval, time and able to walk it at play.
  16. Compared to some on here, I am a relative newcomer to speedway! First meeting was in 1988 at Exeter, a friend dragged us along for a meeting while we were on holiday, on our return, I started going to Foxhall. Was ever present until the first meeting of 1994 as I had had eldest son at the end of the 1993 season and pennies were extremely tight. I was then lost to speedway until the summer of 2002 when once more whilst on holiday, the same friend who had dragged us to Exeter, used his charm and we (me and eldest) accompanied him to Poole...2 weeks in a row! I could only do a handful of meetings in 2003 at home due to my work schedule (amazingly, every meeting I went to we won in that very poor season) but after a bit of a mess around with my hours and an agreement at work to do the hours another time, I and eldest son started going every week in the 2004 season. Within a short space of time, it went from just me and eldest son to me, my 3 boys and a friend (who used to come with me back in the original days) and then back again to just me and this time middle son...now it is becoming predominately just me sitting on my lonesome on the home straight terracing frantically asking on Updates for someone to go and fetch a cup of tea for me
  17. Still desperately seeking a texter for this meeting..can anyone help please? Thanks
  18. Still looking for a texter for this meeting, is anyone able to help please? Thanks
  19. It is because of the big jump in price at age 16 that 2 out of my 3 children no longer go. That sort of increase was just too unaffordable for children who were still doing GCSEs (the 2 older ones were amongst the oldest in their year group, so hit 16 pretty much as soon as they started the second year of GCSEs). James has been to a handful of meetings since and he is 23 this year, Josh has not been back since his 16th birthday and he is 20 this year. Both had been ever present before then.
  20. Is there anyone going to this meeting who would be able to text updates to the Updates site? If so, could you please send me a private message which includes your mobile number. Many thanks
  21. And we were getting on so well.....
  22. Knowing me, I will probably still go next year even if we finish bottom of the league. At the moment, it is my health that is a bigger risk to my speedway going rather than our league capabilities. I still get some of the buzz of years gone by and until that goes, I will continue to go if health allows. Can't say I get much of the socialising now though, too many old faces no longer go and my own little group has shrunk from 5 of us less than 5 years ago to most of the time, just me on my own. Probably won't be there Saturday though, my birthday celebrations and at the moment, I am having trouble trying to convince a friend to do a speedway/gig double. He doesn't want to do the rushing about, I am willing but I need the lift to be able to do both!
  23. Maybe that is why I enjoyed it more, I don't view from high up anyway as it feels too far away from the action and odds on someone taller than me will stand in front. I sit (yes sit because I can't stand for the length of the meeting) on the bottom step of the terracing at Foxhall. I get more confused by what is going on the higher I go!
  24. I loved my visits to the centre green, alas I have not been invited to do it again these past few years and even if I was, I doubt I would be able to do the walk there and back and the standing anyway. You really get a feel for the speed of the bikes, the noise at the start line and feel a real part of the race, much more than being stuck behind a blooming great fence across a stock car track. I miss the Shane Parker's and the David Norris's of years gone by, real characters who added to the fun of the night and gave fans something to talk about when the action was lacking.
  25. Still looking for a texter for this meeting, can anyone help please? Thanks
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