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Everything posted by crazysue

  1. Could use it to keep the seats down on the stand and then use it as a low but standard buffet table .....trying my out of the box thinking again! Depending on when he finishes, I may have eldest son with me. He used to be ever present but now only gets to speedway once in a blue moon because of Uni and his holiday job.
  2. Oh yes....these were part of a pack, they liked all the others in the pack but declared these ones 'horrible', 'yucky', when they tried the flavour. These would have ended up in the bin eventually which would have been a complete waste and completely illogical, so to find a good use for them was brilliant (and of course, moneysaving) N.B. They successfully cooled me down, I stopped feeling as if I was going to pass out and I had a comfortable night so win win!
  3. Hehe, we think alike...they were indeed more of the ice pop variety than expensive good ones. Even better, they were ones left over from the children as they didn't like the flavours, so were not needed for human consumption anyway.
  4. But what is weird? What is weird for some, others would think is completely normal. To two of my son's, what everyone else is doing is weird because it is illogical. You thought what I did was eeky weird, personally I find the fact that people can drink coffee without throwing up and actually like it pretty weird too. My weirdness last night was because of desperation, I was overheating and had tried a cold shower, opening windows etc so was going for more out of the box thinking in a bid to cool down before I passed out from the heat. In reality, there was little difference to what I did to what they do in hospital to cool people down who are overheating with ice packs (they had to do it to me after an operation), except I used lollies as I had no ice packs. I'm not offended though Dandelion, it's all good fun and we are all entitled to have our own thoughts on things and I knew it would make some go euuwwwww.
  5. Believe me, if I could sit in the freezer right now I would! The lolly is making it slightly more comfortable but it won't last.
  6. It certainly is working....although I have moved the lolly to under my chin and around the back of my neck at times now.
  7. It's my claim to fame......normal is so boring. I def belong in the weird category, currently sitting here with an ice lolly in my bra in an effort to cool down!
  8. Could get messy, might be best to remember plastic bowls and spoons. Cake, fingers and phones do not mix....
  9. Still need someone to do sausage rolls....or the prawn vollies....or (dare I say it), cucumber sandwiches. Second thoughts, add some tuna to the cucumber otherwise they may be a tad boring. That would be great, less for me to walk and we may possibly get to hear what is being said too.
  10. Well I am taking some cocktail sausages with me...
  11. Eh? This non singing fat lady is confuzzled. There have been messages of support, yes there has also been a few less than positive posts but on the whole, I think a fair few are very supportive of what has been going on with our (I use the term loosely as I have only been part of it for a short while) and your efforts. Waste of time? I changed my mind and continued going to Foxhall where before I was on the cusp of walking away, some might not thankyou for that because they have to continue to put up with my drivel but it has made a difference to me. Mind you, I may also be guilty of having an extra thick skin after doing the Updates site for the last 12 seasons and that has made me more immune to taking criticism to heart....I just threaten to bash them over the head with an imaginary frying pan to keep them in line now!
  12. I'm the fat lady although I am not sure you will like my singing!
  13. Is there anyone going to this meeting who would be able to text updates to the Updates site? If so, could you please send me a private message which includes your mobile number. Thanks
  14. I do a lot of thread stalking but very little thread posting...
  15. I tend to just text nonsense.....and no I am not being sarcastic this time, I really do text a whole load of silly stuff amongst the more serious, normal stuff, keeps me awake when things are slow or more cheerful when we are losing
  16. Well without the 'wally', there would have been no updates on the site.....ok we are all guilty of going on at times (me most def included) but please do remember that us 'wallies' give up our time willingly and with no recompense to bring our 'nonsense' to others so that they can be kept informed if not able to make it to a meeting.
  17. The basis of the 'Massif' (I have to grit my teeth every time I type that, gets my OCD going), is to have a feel good factor at speedway, to make noise, to make the riders feel appreciated etc....pretty much to have fun. For me personally, it has made a difference. Before I joined them on the back straight I was one meeting away from never going again as the ones who used to attend with me have sadly all drifted away from the sport leaving me a Billy no mates at the track. After one particularly lonely meeting when I said never again, it was suggested to me that I join them the following week, so I did. I haven't had so much fun at speedway for years! We all have some kind of instrument that makes a noise, there are balloons, big cut out faces of the riders, we do Witches war cries and there are cakes, sweets and goodness knows what other nice things being passed around but more importantly for me, I feel like I belong again and I no longer look like a mad woman talking to myself. I know that is a serious answer to what was probably a jokey question but there you go, I can do serious too at times
  18. We could all try playing nicely, much prefer people getting on than people trying to score points. We all have differing opinions, differing pasts but this thread would be so much better if it was a little lighter in feeling....which is pretty much what the intended purpose of the 'Massif' is at the track!
  19. Is there anyone going to this meeting who would be able to text updates to the Updates site? If so, could you please send me a private message which includes your mobile number. Thanks
  20. Is there anyone going to this meeting who would be able to text updates to the Updates site? If so, could you please send me a private message which includes your mobile number. Thanks
  21. Still looking for a texter for this meeting..is anyone able to help please? Thanks
  22. Is there anyone going to this meeting who would be able to text updates to the Updates site? If so, could you please send me a private message which includes your mobile number Thanks
  23. Is there anyone going to this meeting who would be able to text updates to the Updates site? If so, could you please send me a private message which includes your mobile number. Thanks
  24. Is there anyone going to this meeting who would be able to text updates to the Updates site? If so, could you please send me a private message which includes your mobile number. Thanks
  25. Is there anyone going to this meeting who would be able to text updates to the Updates Site? If so, could you please send me a private message which includes your mobile number. Thanks
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