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Everything posted by crazysue

  1. Still need an updater for this meeting..can anyone help please? Thanks
  2. Is there anyone going to this meeting who would be able to text updates to the Updates site? If so, could you please send me a private message which includes your mobile number. Thanks
  3. Is there anyone going to this meeting who would be able to text updates to the Updates site? If so, could you please send me a private message, which includes your mobile number. Many thanks
  4. Ah it is all about perception, for you it is a way to hide, for me, I think it makes look like there is a great big arrow pointed at me loudly proclaiming "Here I am" and that is something I actively shy away from. The balloon thing? Not exactly fancy dress or a theme (it was the Thursday before too, buffet week) and it took a lot for me to actually do that after it was plonked on my head, it was well outside my comfort zone but thought why the hell not, let's give it a try and challenge my fears/anxiety. I forgot I was wearing it after a while and my niece loved it when I gave it to her (albeit a little battered by the time she got it). The themes have worked well, I just thought it might be best to let everyone know that it is unlikely I will be participating when it is a dress up week due to my own silly issues that I have with attention being directed to me in real life and away from a PC screen. I'm not a killjoy, I love seeing everyone else dressed up, I'm just not able to easily or without a lot of anxiety/panic.
  5. My heart sinks when people suggest fancy dress or themes. I'm not good at them and will actively try to avoid them...I am more of a slide into the background type of person instead of a look at me fancy dress one. As long as I can still be accepted with the understanding that I probably won't dress up, that is ok, it's enough of a faff trying to get everything organised without worrying about a costume too!
  6. I got caught up in the excitement around me and shouted purely for the Witches!
  7. It's the frying pan they are scared of, I'm a cuddly bunny really......
  8. Normal service has been resumed and the page cleaned up now. Edit - Just to be clear, I have nothing to do with the page apart from being a member of it....it's not one of my projects.
  9. Personally I think it needs to be cleaned up and the eek comments removed as it reflects badly on all of us who are members on that page. Public pages for organisations (even those as unofficial as ours), need to retain a professional air and any infighting needs to be done away from the public eye. And before anyone suggests it, nope I don't want control of it, I've enough on my plate with my own websites.
  10. For once, not guilty! Re the introductions, I tend to miss things like that when there is background noise. I blame years of going to rock gigs damaging the old hearing. Plus of course, I am generally trying to set things up for the Updates and on Thursday, that included not only my normal stuff but also trying to source an updater for another meeting where we had a late offer of a texter whilst also trying to eat my battered sausage and chips, drink my tea, try to hear the rider introductions and get my cow bell set up and ready to bash. Not that I would remember the name anyway, hopeless with names.
  11. I must have missed the introductions! Mind you, I was probably too busy trying to juggle a phone, a programme and a cup of tea....
  12. Is there anyone going to this meeting who would be able to text updates to the Updates site? If so, could you please send me a private message which includes your mobile number. Thanks
  13. Is there anyone going to this meeting who would be able to text updates to the Updates site? If so, could you please send me a private message which includes your mobile number. Thanks
  14. For me it is between Ben, Morten and Danny.....and for me to say Ben is a turnaround to say the least! It's fair to say he has won me over this season.
  15. Is there anyone going to the meeting tomorrow who would be able to text updates to the Updates site? If so, could you please send me a private message which includes your mobile number Thanks
  16. Is there anyone going to this meeting who would be able to text updates from either one or both of the meetings to the Updates site? If so, could you please send me a private message which includes your mobile number. Thanks
  17. Caramel by any chance? Seriously, it was a gorgeous cake and the jam took it to another dimension. In a way, I am pleased I didn't know about it, made it all the nicer for not knowing/hearing/paying attention.
  18. I didn't hear jam, I just heard cake...brain didn't go any further than that.
  19. Puts me in a very difficult position next week though, I'll not know who to shout for! *For history - Edinburgh were my Premier team and Ipswich my Elite team way back when we were in different leagues. Edinburgh because of my parentage (although I later found out dad was being a little vague when he initially told me where he was born and it was closer to Glasgow by a tiny tad, too blooming late by then!)
  20. I did point out that I am female and it was cake....should have been obvious I would do it! Very nice cake it was too, particularly liked the surprise jam inside, was not expecting that at all.
  21. Still looking for a texter for this meeting, is anyone able to help please? Thanks
  22. Up to a tenner for me I would think for a one off but obviously would prefer cheaper.
  23. Still think that is a pretty good deal bearing in mind the convenience. Would they be up for a one off deal do you think? Bearing in mind the noise we make and how we have livened things up..... Not that I am offering to negotiate, I'm crap at negotiation.
  24. Is there anyone going to this meeting who would be able to text updates to the Updates site? If so, could you please send me a private message which includes your mobile number. Thanks
  25. Probably... Maybe we would be better off on the flat in front of the loos? Hehe, think it may be a tad cooler than the 30 degrees C it was in my house last night, so lollies shouldn't be needed.
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