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Everything posted by crazysue

  1. I've got a 9ft x 6ft British flag (with all the brit riders names on), my hubby has got a english flag, my son a Scott Nicholls Flag and between us we have a 6ft x 3ft British flag.
  2. Mines pretty simple... Friday night....work Saturday morning..drop 2 kids off with mother in law and drive to Ipswich. Get on the coach and arrive in Cardiff for about 3pm. Saturday night...watch the gp, get back on the coach and arrive back in Ipswich at about 3am..drive back to Felixstowe. Sunday...cook sunday roast, pick up the kids and probably do an update on the update forum.
  3. Having a look at the GP website, it is now saying buy tickets directly from the Millenium stadium and gives the phone no 08705 582 582
  4. Well I booked my flight at the end of April, not going the usual way (I do have to be awkward) Flying out from Stansted Friday evening into Aarhus, driving down on Saturday (thanks Angel), then coming home late on Sunday night. Best thing is I have no kids and no hubby with me, so I am looking forward to a bit of partying.
  5. I suppose I'm a bit like Woody, I shout for the Brits first and club members second (but only if they are not in direct competition with the Brits).....mind you it helps that all the Brits involved this year are among my favourite riders ( and most have ridden for Ippo as well)
  6. Yep, I'm going too, not sure how much I will remember of it though
  7. I did have a few quid on Hampel on an each way bet.....well chuffed now
  8. I agree with everything Shazzy has just said plus would also like to add what a wonderful fast service...I placed my order on the website on Tuesday afternoon and had received the first two editions in the post on Wednesday morning...absolutely excellent.
  9. Link to details used last year. Will update them nearer the time. http://www.speedwaymanager.co.uk/gp/ Thanks for that Phil.....now watch me still get lost
  10. Fantastic seats CS don't forget your banner to drape over the wall!!!! Already designing them Shazzybird.......was determined to get these seats this year, so was on the hotline as soon as they went on sale and had booked them within 10 minutes of them going on sale (and that was after confusing the poor bloke at the other end of the phone)
  11. Well where ever we go, can someone please tell me how to get to these pubs........my knowledge of Cardiff is almost zero (even if I did go a rather scenic route to the stadium last year)
  12. We're not too far away then as we will be in N3, row 9, along with some other forum members. Here's hoping for another sunny day like last year as we will be out and about all day tiring Pawprint out so she can rest her weary paws in the hotel room while we're at the G.P. Shouldn't think there will be many others around with a Black/White Collie so if anyone spots us please say hello. And we are not that far away either......N4 row 1
  13. We're not staying anywhere, unless you count falling asleep on the coach on the way home....yep, we are going there and back the same day.....maybe in a few years when the kids are older, we can get someone to look after them the whole weekend so we can stay overnight.
  14. As a teenager I used to go around with a group of friends from varying backgrounds and intellect and I can remember a solitary defining moment. We had all gone to an older persons house and he offered drugs round to us youngsters, all around me, my friends were accepting (to make themselves look big), I was the only one to refuse, saying I was quite happy to stick to my (normal) cigarette. From that moment on it started to seem that everything fell apart. From this large circle of friends, two have now died from heroin abuse, 1 has spent time in drug rehab (heroin and alcohol), 3 have been to prison because of theft to fund their habit, 1 spent time in a mental rehabilitation unit because of hallucinations due to acid drugs and alcohol abuse and 1 although went further and started injecting (at which point I threw my hands up in despair as we had been friends since we were 6 and she said she would never inject) she soon realised that there were people out there to help her, and she took it. She is now a happily married mum of 3. Me, yes I experimented, didn't see the attraction and went back to my normal cigarettes. As the years went on, I tried to talk to these people but one by one they were lost to their various addictions and for the ones left from this original group, we feel like survivors and feel lucky that we were able to overcome the demons and reach our thirties (which some of the group didn't). It's no fun seeing a person that would always have a ready smile and a quick intellect transform into a mumbling,sad and very lonely person living on the streets, as people gave up on him.....the really sad thing is that he no longer recognises those old friends anymore. I think no matter what the upbringing or education of a person, if they are not strong minded enough to resist, they are too easily caught up (I was never one for peer pressure, I was too bloody minded). From the above list of friends I would say there was a fairly even split of classes (if we can say that anymore) and supportive families, but they counted for nothing against a hopeless addiction.......as DD said, you can lead a horse to water.
  15. you forgot .. Crazy, Mad, Insane, and "runitsthatbloodywomanagain" poor crazysusan, having a bit of a identity crisis !! Less of the Susan please Sean.......... only people allowed to call me Susan are my parents........plus crazysusan doesn't quite have the same ring to it.
  16. Well my correct name is Susan but over the years have been Suzanne,Suzie, Suzannah,Sue and Sheila!!. Now, much to the annoyance of my parents I go by the name of Sue (although they still call me Susan).
  17. Hey, what, er.......don't know........ask me in the morning when I am sober and finished my masterpiece
  18. Nice one Sue! The Holiday Inn is right in the middle of town, about a 5 min walk from the stadium. There's a swimming pool next door and Poole Park and quay are both within 5 mins as well. So I'd suggest you sent the kids and hubby that-a-way and you head the other direction to the Dolphin Centre for some retail therapy! What a great idea rabbit!! We are already planning on an early journey, so should get to Poole with loads of time for Mark to take the kids swimming and me to go to the shops....wonder if it will work out that way? On second thoughts it will most probably be me taking the kids swimming,running after them etc and the hubby having a strop and staying behind......
  19. Just leave him on the beach with his binoculars, laptop and knotted hankie And preferably one or two of the kids as well
  20. Well, after a morning spent on the 'phone, I have finally managed to find a place to stay for my large family (well done to Poole tourist office, who I must have driven crazy by the time I finished). We are staying at the Express by Holiday Inn, where it is only costing £69 for all of us including a continental breakfast....a lot better than the £200 pounds I was getting quoted elsewhere. Now all I have to do is persuade hubby that he will enjoy it.
  21. Crazysue, what about this place? http://www.hoseasons.co.uk/holidays/uklodges/parks/rock.html Would be perfect for a family. Have been trying to persuade my husband to go there in August but so far I've been unsuccessful Looks good thanks Joanne, but we are only able to go for the one night, so we will travel down on the saturday during the day and coming home sunday (can't make the Thursday one due to work commitments) and they only do a full weeks booking at that time of year.....anybody else have any suggestions?
  22. Does anyone have suggestions for a place to stay in Poole for this for a family of 5 (including 2 special needs kids) that is not too expensive.
  23. Blimey CH you're as bad as me when people say Mark Lorams' name wrong! Just for the record Kelvin Tatum is amongst the only people to pronounce it right when he thinks about it! Know how you feel there shazzybird, everytime they mention his name on tv, I sit there shouting out the correct way to say it.....it really winds me up. Reminder to self......must get out more
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