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Everything posted by crazysue

  1. Have you tried doing a search Fastgater on the internet, I have just had a quick look and came up with a few in Bournemouth, try http://www.hotelclub.net/ http://www.bed-n-breakfast.co.uk/poole.html
  2. Make sure you say Hi then! I will be the maniac selling programmes in the new stand! And I will be the crazy woman with 3 kids,and a grumpy husband in tow, and depending on whether I have had a drink will be either very stressed or beyond caring what they are up to and happily drunk........
  3. great idea hope u get away wiv it Well as long as you lot keep quiet, I will (I hope) otherwise I think a divorce may be on it's way. , I just couldn't resist it, I am proud to be British and I want to support the boys in their own country, just hope the kids don't mind having no treats in the house(under the excuse mum is on a diet) for the next few months
  4. I am so glad that I had the forward thinking of booking my accomodation months ago when the dates were released, can look forward to easy parking and only a few minutes walk to the stadium....and the bonus is that there is high speed internet access as well, and now I have finally arranged my tickets, I can sit back and look forward to it.
  5. Well I gave in and ordered my tickets today for the final, even though I still think they are bloody expensive. Had to do some jiggery pokery with the finances to be able to afford them, just don't tell hubby, as he point blank refused to pay the amount,I've told him we won them!!!!
  6. At the risk of inciting abuse from others.....I agree with everthing you have put 21st century heathen
  7. I would love to go but don't think hubby will let me out to play again for another year.......he's under the impression that I enjoyed myself too much without him in Denmark (he could be right)
  8. Piccies from my Danish GP experience are now on my webshots.....although no exciting pics from the pits this time.
  9. I've just got back in and I am absolutely shattered. Since Friday, I have spent over 8 hours on a train, 5 hours in a car and 45 mins in a bus...plus the flight. Must say I have never visited such a friendly country, everyone was helpful and would talk no problems at all (even if it was to a mad englishwoman). I agree with Jess, you didn't get any atmosphere untill you was near to Parken not like Cardiff at all, but in the stadium was a different matter. I had excellent seats at the start/finish line in the midst of a very strong Danish contingent and amongst the band members from the pre gp entertainment,,,,by the end of the night we were clinking plastic beer glasses together. I only arrived in Copenhagen at 5pm on Saturday, so a quick dash to the hotel, drop the bags off and get into a taxi for the stadium, then had a search for any Brits (didn't see any outside). The Danes were excellent with me and commiserated when Scotty went out...then encouraged me to help support the Danes (didn't take much persausion after several Carlsberg). Getting back to the hotel was a bit of a nightmare but was a blessing in dusguise as I started talking to loads of people on the walk back (while we were all trying to get taxi's). Got talking to a load of them and ended up having a great meal out and finally arriving back at the hotel at 2am. Journeying back today was tiring, as I set off at 3pm and finally reached my door about 20 mins ago, and I must admit I was proud of myself with being able to work out the danish rail system and get on the right train!!! All in all a great experience.....would I do it again....YES, would I go on my own again....not sure.
  10. Hi, arrived last night into Aarhus airport and was met by a driver holding a card with my name on it (just like the movies), was driven to the local train station, where I got on a train to Fredericia (that was an adventure in itself) where I was met by my friend, I am now in Vejen and will be making the trip to Copenhagen in a little while (need to have some breakfast first to soak up the beers from last night). At least I can say I got to see quite a bit of Denmark in my whirlwind visit here.
  11. Oh well that takes the decision out of my hands then (the one of whether to pay the rent or buy the tickets, although I was thinking of extending the overdraft to give me more money if I wanted to go), thank god I have saved myself £300, can have a nice 2 week holiday now for that (yes £300, 2 weeks in Great Yarmouth for a family of 5) rather than 1 evening of speedway........couldn't afford to buy them right away anyway, not so soon after Cardiff and just before Denmark.
  12. My flight is from Stansted tomorrow at 7.15pm so still in the early stages of getting packed ready for it. I'm staying at the Park Hotel in Copenhagen.
  13. Well we have reached a compromise, we are still going to Poole that weekend but we are not going to speedway....anyone know of a good place to watch sky?
  14. I still have my booking for a hotel in Poole.....booked it as soon as the dates and venues were released and I haven't cancelled the booking yet, even though it is looking unlikely we will make it to the speedway.
  15. One of the things that annoy me is that they are advertising this as a wonderful, festival, FAMILY event. Not very family orientated when quite a few families can't afford to go and no family tickets are being offered. I would love to go and I don't really want to miss it, but I just cannot afford paying those prices for my FAMILY to go, just me wouldn't be too bad but to pay out £45 for the 3 children with no guarantee they will be able to cope with the noise and crowd is just too much, also my youngest son would not be able to stand for all the meeting as he has joint problems but there is certainly no way we can afford a seated ticket for 5 of us. The ticket that allows access to all the meetings does work out at quite good value....for one person and if you are fairly local. Worked out over a family of 5 who live 250 miles away and who have to have 2 rooms at a hotel for a week works out very expensive (we could go to Disneyland for the same price). It is now looking very unlikely we will make this meeting which is a great disappointment for me as I love the Dorset area after spending from age 12 to 32 going on holiday there every year and I was looking forward to going back for a short break.
  16. Thanks for the link....and well done Floppy!!!
  17. I'm still waiting to win the lottery so I can afford to take the family with me....still we might still keep our booking at the hotel and have a lovely weekend in Dorset and visit a few old haunts.
  18. OK nevs.....although I have already put the link on the GP experience thread, I'll start off.......Cardiff GP These include piccies from the pits as well.
  19. Afraid I would have to disagree with that, spoke to several Poole fans (in the queue for the loo etc) and they were all very nice, we even walked back to our coach with a bunch of them and they were just as happy as we were with the GP experience.
  20. Pictures of my GP experience have now been added to my webshots thingy...link below
  21. Agree with you 100%, I shouted myself hoarse willing on David last night and was great to see him do so well, was well chuffed for him.
  22. Well it was our view (including some Newcastle fans sitting behind us) that Rune had been doing exactly the same thing to Hans right from the begininning of the heat and it was more to do with Hans skill on the bike that he stayed on and that Rune could have stayed on....if he really wanted. We also thought the race had been awarded and was amazed when it had to be rerun again (was quite funny watching Scott taking his helmet off,putting it on,taking it off,putting it on). Hard rider yes, dirty, no.
  23. Right just got back after an incredible day, didn't get to Cardiff untill nearly 4pm and went straight away to Sams bar to meet up with people. When people finally decided to move on to the Prince of Wales we were sort of left behind waiting for Full Throttle to get his bum into gear, after waiting for about 10 minutes on the side of the street (and seeing Mikael Max ad Scotty Nicholls go by) we decided not to wait any longer and to carry on to the pub. Well we got there, saw Norbold outside and thought, nah can't be bothered, lets just go to the stadium and get something to eat and get our flag set up on the barrier. When we were about to go through the turnstile, a lady came up, microphone on and access all areas pass all displayed and said " we will give you anything for that flag (a GP flag from last year), a signed cap,T shirt, anything, we haven't got enough flags for the riders when they win" So my husband jokily said..."pit passes", she said ok and that she would be back in 5 minutes. Well we stood there wondering if we had been taken for a ride or if it was actually true, when she came back......pit passes in hand. We then spent the next hour in the pits, walking up the ramp and taking in the atmosphere. The meeting itself was awesome and I now don't have a voice left after all the screaming I did...and better still, I had Leigh Adams in a sweepstake (got money for 1sr 2nd 3rd) and won a little bit of dosh. I am in the process of adding pictures to my webshots...
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