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Everything posted by crazysue

  1. There is always the possibility though that some nutter will carry out the threat....may not have been the breeze block one, but maybe something else....all threats HAVE to be taken seriously, How was he to know that they MAY have only been posted as a joke.
  2. Oh yes I made a bit of money, I hedged my bets a little a put money on Team GB coming first or second.......so I still came out with something
  3. Well my hubby certainly won't let me go off to anything, it takes months of discussion,threats etc etc. think he is worried what I may get upto without him there Sorry about Saturday Tabby, we were in a mad rush to get to the fitst corner and when I did come back you was sooooo busy I thought it best to leave you alone, we did try and find you afterwards though but with no luck. I would love to be at Poole for the ELRC but will have to see what the money does as we are going to Scotland just under 2 weeks later for Frede Schott's testimonial, and boy is that going to be an expensive weekend.
  4. Oh b****r, I used my time saved up for the Danish GP.....maybe I can try the promise he can go to a few West Ham matches this season then.
  5. Chris did say when he came back that he didn't want to get involved in international events, yes he is going well at the moment, and yes I was disappointed he didn't ride in the WTC but I believe Middlo made the right choice in the end with the riders he had available.....and even if Chris did harbour hopes of being picked for the GB team, maybe he wanted to avoid the reaction to his selection for the wildcard at Cardiff.
  6. If you do get a weekend pass, let me know how you managed it and then I can try it on my hubby......would love to go to Eastbourne on the Saturday and then onto Poole on the Sunday for the ELRC...but hubby is saying no go at the moment.
  7. Basically it says that he feels his life is threatened by the threats made by English fans. It goes on to describe what the situation was for heat 25 and what the fans are blaming him for. He says he has been put at the top of the list for hate mail and the situation has frustrated/angered English fans so much and that the quote is an example of the threats being made that he denies a put up job and that changed to settings were made to his bike but the bike was not working too well and made the performance fluctuate and the threats made to Hans has made him have to miss a league meeting in GB...... At least I think that is the gist of it anyway,not got that far in my Danish to be correct but maybe one of our Danish posters will be able to confirm what it says.
  8. Since starting to do live updates, the quality of my programme filling in has gone downhill....I usually have scribbles everywhere noting who won toss, what gates they chose, the times are roughly scribbled down as i am usually composing the text message at the same time.
  9. I'm afraid I agree with Flying Ryan. Threatening bodily harm IS crossing the boundary of decent human behaviour, by all means be angry but the threat of physical violence is way off being civilised........so should I go as well FT.
  10. Must say if was nice to meet you Fastgater...how on earth did you work out who I was from my son wearing an Ipswich Town football shirt?
  11. Pictures of our WTC experience now on my webshots....just remind me next time not to let hubby go mad with the camera, have lots of shots of the back of peoples heads and of the ground (not added I hasten to add)
  12. Yep, definatly the most sensible post and exactly the way I feel too .
  13. Would just like to add to all the comments, Middlo. You and the boys made my family feel proud to be British, before the final there were some who thought we would be doing well to get on the podium but to be dominating the meeting all the way through exceeded a lot of expectations (not mine, I always knew you and the boys would do well), yes I am gutted that we missed out on the gold by 1 point but boy am I proud of you lot.....thanks for a great nights entertainment, and next year,with you in charge we will get the gold.. WELL DONE MIDDLO AND THE BOYS
  14. That was what I had when I got back to the hotel.....I couldn't work it out either, think I am getting the general idea now though.
  15. I think you have mixed up England with the Brits, even though the team was called Team GB, the commentators, riders, management and supporters constantly refered to them as England. Myself and loads of others around us never referred to the team as England, only as Team GB or Great Britain, so please don't tar us all with the same brush.
  16. Untill I got back from the meeting last night and came on the internet, I hadn't realised that anything untoward had happened it heat 25...and I was watching it closely, I also had someone else say to me that when they saw it first time around it looked ok, but on the replay it looked a bit dodgy,from what we say, Scotty was 3rd out of the gate and didn't look to have the same speed. On the form PK was in last night, I don't think anything Hans did would have made any difference, and I am not saying this as an Ippo fan, just from what we could see at the track and by the performances we saw (and please don't have a go, I'm tired,hot and aching and in no mood for it) and to suggest we boycott meetings at Ippo is just laughable, why punish the rest of the team for the alledged crimes of one other person. I will be there on Thursday as usual shouting on my team and woe betide anyone who tries telling me I can't or shouldn't.
  17. I did see you and Tabby as I came in, Shazzy......unfortunately I was in a rush to get to the 1st corner to get a spot so didn't stop to talk...and later when I went back, you was rushed off your feet, so thought it best to leave you alone.
  18. Blimey richtea, you must have been in the same bit of queue as me...we started queuing at 2pm and we were also annoyed that they let people in the other way.....we did get a small spot on the first bend but youngest son found it very difficult to cope with the people coming and going into the temp stands so we moved and found our patch in front of the grandstand on the home straight Also since getting home (a mere 30 mins ago) I have been told several times I was on TV....drinking and before anyone says that it's not unusual, it was a plain cup of tea, all I had all day alcoholic was one bottle of beer while we were waiting to get into the stadium, the rest was shared cups of tea with hubby and lots and lots of water. We were also made a little famous at the stadium, my youngest son had got through to the final of the limbo dancing and myself and my 3 sons had trekked all the way round to the pits area for him to go on the centre green to take part,only for some confusion with the limbo dancers telling him to come with them and the lady judge, or whoever she was, saying no his name is not on the list, result, no son on centre green but an apology from the woman and the offer of a prize anyway (a free T shirt). On the way back, eldest and middle sons took off at a run while I followed on in a more leisurely manner with youngest son, we arrive back at our spot, eldest son is there but middle son is nowhere to be seen. Quick trek around the stadium in the hope of spotting him, no luck, so a now very concerned and getting extremely stressed me had to inform a steward of said missing middle son. Well the stadium management and police were informed and an announcement was arranged to be put out in the stadium when all of a sudden, middle son comes tearing round the corner in tears.........resulting in a very relieved mum and son..........about 5 minutes after he had been found, the announcement went out in the stadium that a little boy had gone missing :oops: Eldest son also solved the problem of seating, he managed to grab a spot on one of the concrete walls at the front of the granstand and spent half of the meeting looking very relaxed and comfortable, while we were getting dusty,dirty and very very tired......all in all, a brillliant weekend.
  19. How can you be calling for Middlo to go......he has done a great job, we had a grwat team this year and we proved it.
  20. Must admit I would have to agee with Steve Shovlar (for once), on our various walks around the stadium there didn't seem to be any spaces left....the place was heaving.....and I mean with people not with anything else.
  21. I will be watching the recording with great interest, not only to try to spot us in the the crowd, but also to see what happened in heat 25.
  22. I must say I saw very few flags from the other countries....and the ones I did usually belonged to people who were from that country.........although I did have to tell my middle son off for cheering when Sweden won it.
  23. Now back at the hotel, what an awesome day,brilliant meeting,brilliant atmosphere.....truly amazing. We set off early for this and arrived in Poole at just before midday,checked into our rooms and decided to go and look around the town and find something to eat. We also thought it would be a good idea to see how long it took us to get to the stadium from our hotel.....and discovered people queueing already (this was at 2pm) so joined at the end.We were kept entertained by the various riders and others (well the girls in my husbands case) and time passed quickly. We were finally let into the stadium (while hubby was having the British flag painted onto his bald head) and made a mad dash to the 1st corner....unfortunately it was already occupied,so we moved and ended up on the home straight in front of the grandstand where we had great views all through the meeting. The meeting itself was simply amazing,the noise,the crowd,the atmosphere......a night I won't forget. Oh and WELL DONE TEAM GB
  24. We'll try and meet up if anything is arranged, not sure what time we will get to Poole (we are hoping by 11 in the morning, but it depends on traffic). We are at the Express by Holiday inn....anyone else there?
  25. The website is now saying that all standing tickets are sold out and only seated tickets are available.
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